First time homebrewing

Hello everyone,
I've studied and keep studying to attempt homebrew. Read the guides here on several threads and on other sources.
I'd like to brew a classic TE 250 mg/ml (hope not to regret because of the PIP rumors, but it's my favorite ester), using sesame oil, BA and BB.
Bought and gathered all the equipment (becher, glass rod, hot plate, sterile vials, sterile filters, different sizes syringes and needles, caulking gun, sterile gloves and cloth to manipulate everything during the filtration phase).
Since it's my first attempt, any particular suggestion for a newbie?
I wonder what's the best quantity to begin with, I mean not too little so that it's difficult to calibrate everything, not too much because of the risk of messing things up.
Moreover, how much time should I consider I will be engaged considering all the process? Need this to know to schedule the attempt and being able to do without disturbances.
Thanks everyone for the replies
What is BA & BB im super new ok homebrewing.
What is BA & BB im super new ok homebrewing.
They're Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate respectively.
Keep on reading and studying before attempting homebrew, you need to handle basics at least not to mess things up
They're Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate respectively.
Keep on reading and studying before attempting homebrew, you need to handle basics at least not to mess things up
Thanks i will do it!
What more i need?
Raw will be QSC T Cipionate.
I will spend arround 450€/500€ for a 10 years TRT incluiding utilities.
Testosterone Cream with DMSO and T Base are 50% cheap.


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Lasts questions I've read are the perfect example of what I mean when I say "you should study before attempting homebrew"... Everybody started somewhere asking questions, but I think that someone should start from a solid base searching and learning by himself to be familiar with this topic
You just filter the oil in that sterile vial and pin when you need it
Not need it to sterile the brew? So you cook until its clear, filter and straight to the vial? In some thread i read its needit to grow up the temp to +100º.
Ok so you heat the mix to +100ºc to sterile, then you cold a little bit maybe 50ºc?, filter and straight to the vial right?
You sterilise the solution by filtering it. Hitting something like deca or test e to 100 can damage it. You can filter at 50 because it will pass through faster
Not need it to sterile the brew? So you cook until its clear, filter and straight to the vial? In some thread i read its needit to grow up the temp to +100º.
No need. A 0.22 micron filter will remove any bacteria. Just be sure your syringe filter is sterile and everything that is attached to the other end
What's the problem with market oil?
It’s not USP grade as I mentioned
Many people use food grade and believe that filtering it is enough. But they make USP grade for pharmacological use and for injections for a reason. The refinement process is different. For something so cheap it is silly not to use USP. 100ml of either Cottonseed or GSO is $14 or less
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