First time homebrewing

It’s not USP grade as I mentioned
Many people use food grade and believe that filtering it is enough. But they make USP grade for pharmacological use and for injections for a reason. The refinement process is different. For something so cheap it is silly not to use USP. 100ml of either Cottonseed or GSO is $14 or less
Yes but its not easy to find in EU out of AMZN...
Yes but its not easy to find in EU out of AMZN...
I use a medical supply company
I’m not in EU so I don’t know but do you have any online medical supply companies you know of?
Maybe someone in EU can help out if there is one
You can use food grade because you are filtering but if you can access USP grade I would consider it.
Also GSO is going to be thinner than CSO and will be smoother pinning.
Than MCT is slightly thinner than GSO and has solvent properties which be be a benefit in some cases
I prefer (and many others too) GSO and MCT over CSO for those reasons
Hope that helps
Alpha lab supply will ship to eu. I am myself going to start homebrewing but I can’t find any domestic that supply usp grade oil.
Yes but its not easy to find in EU out of AMZN...
Buy what you find at market or local.
I buy gso from market or mtc online from my country.
USP is fine,market is fine. You won't feel any difference. Rather than pay 50$ for shipping to get usp oil buy what you can get.
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I use a medical supply company
I’m not in EU so I don’t know but do you have any online medical supply companies you know of?
Maybe someone in EU can help out if there is one
You can use food grade because you are filtering but if you can access USP grade I would consider it.
Also GSO is going to be thinner than CSO and will be smoother pinning.
Than MCT is slightly thinner than GSO and has solvent properties which be be a benefit in some cases
I prefer (and many others too) GSO and MCT over CSO for those reasons
Hope that helps
Buy what you find at market or local.
I buy gso from market or mtc online from my country.
USP is fine,market is fine. You won't feel any difference. Rather than pay 50$ for shipping to get usp oil buy what you can get.
Are you sure of that? Doesn't matter if its buyed from a Supermarket?
Are you sure of that? Doesn't matter if its buyed from a Supermarket?
No I'm not sure. I just ramble around.
Man you are impossible to even teach you one thing. Besides you are clueless and didn't read or get informed on one thing now you think that I do pranks.

If you don't find usp oil or shipping cost is ridiculous buy what you can find locally. Buy gso from market buy mtc online from your country or if you find those in the market buy from there.

Look what mct oil many people use and it's fine. (Photos below) Or buy some gso from market and that's it


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Or if you are fixed on usp oil there is on ebay that ships from US and the shipping cost is 26$ plus VAT another 10$ and the oil itself cost 30$ for 500 ml. Total 66$ if it's ok for you buy that or do whatever you want
Or if you are fixed on usp oil there is on ebay that ships from US and the shipping cost is 26$ plus VAT another 10$ and the oil itself cost 30$ for 500 ml. Total 66$ if it's ok for you buy that or do whatever you want


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Order from ebay because your vat will be already pay and it's a less headache when it will arrive in EU.

God damn that VAT tax is such a pain in the ass. I remember when they first implemented that and a company I was working for started to itemize that on all our EU transactions. I spent god knows how many hours with angry ass European’s over that.
Lasts questions I've read are the perfect example of what I mean when I say "you should study before attempting homebrew"... Everybody started somewhere asking questions, but I think that someone should start from a solid base searching and learning by himself to be familiar with this topic
Or watch YouTube videos. These questions are insane .. too easy to get raws these days . What's ba n bb wtf .
I don't plan to homebrew frequently, but sounds interesting. I never gave attention to the precise steps of using bottle top vacuum for this reason, but may I ask you some more info about it? Like, time to get familiar with the procedure, cost of investment, time needed to filter this way, etc...
What filter paper do you use to get .22um
I've bought TE during winter, but brewed only now. I stored it in a cool and dark place, within several protecting foil/wraps, but it seems it has not been sufficient.
Have you ever brewed Test D?
If bought test e/deca/sust in Summer, they will melt on the way and become solid after you put them in fridge. And hard to split. Suggest to stock them in a cool season!
If bought test e/deca/sust in Summer, they will melt on the way and become solid after you put them in fridge. And hard to split. Suggest to stock them in a cool season!
Probably I've stored it the wrong way, newbie to homebrewing here
Another question I bought test cypionate and npp. Everything came out fine no crashing me and friend have been using both as a cycle and 4 weeks later not feel shit. Now I hear test is soo cheap its rarely faked. Can it be that I'm burning the powder or hormones in it? I keep it under 100 degrees celcius ( canadian)