First time tren A


New Member
Hello, i want try tren A first time, i am blast-cruise 2 years but never ran tren and orals( 1 time tried 50mg anadrol for 1 month), i want ask what dose should i start with? My plan is 300-350 test, 420 eq, 280mast, +want start at 140 tren a? if all will be okay maybe i will do more?And how long should i do tren? i wanted 5-6 weeks if all will be okay maybe more..

Next question is what should i keep eye on? i read that hormones on tren in the "paper" (doing bloods) is not the good indicator..? what all should i check? thank you for your advices, experiences..
My sides from 300 mg Tren A:

a lot of sweating
more impulsivity & aggression
asshole attitude / emotional detachment
very very bad cardio
random muscle cramps
some heartburn

I look more defined than ever but i don't get any strength from it. I'm not fully sure if it's worth the sides yet.
First of all what are your reasons for wanting to try Tren?

What are your current stats? Have you had any recent bloodwork??

What brought you to your final dosage?
Stats are 5,9, 205lbs now dieting 1 month so maybe 10% fat, bloodwork on 300 test 420 eq 2 weeks ago was all OK only little higher Hct, hmg, and bad cholesterol was little higher, total chol was OK, e2, prolaktin in range..
Why tren? i just want to try it after 2 years on gear.. i know that tren should be used only before competition or show but i want try it.. 140 isn t final dose if all will be Ok i will add to 210-280 maybe..