First Tren cycle (Advice please? :D )

Isn't that the truth?

There's a group of guys at my gym who are constantly bragging about their tren cycles who look like absolute dog shit.
Almost every dude who is crazy about tren especially over social media looks like dog shit... for me it took 10 years of natural training to start first test cycle and today I see guys 1-2 years of training and already blasting tren...
Lots of good feedback here, IMO tren is a contest drug, if you even need it, plenty of other things you can use. 400mg of Tren ace would burn me up ! If you are relying on Tren as your main compound besides test you are spinning your wheels.
I will try a low dose of 200mg tren e in my next bulk. Even though it has the worst side effect profile it also has some unique properties like the effects on nutrient absorption, lowering cortisol, a strong igf - 1 increase.. and i want to try them. Maybe i will tolerate it well and like the compound a lot

I don't want to judge if someone really needs to use tren. At least i personally want to stay away from high dosages. Especially for the first cycle. When you have no idea how you tolerate the compound which is known for its bad side effects then i wouldn't challenge it. At least start lower for some time

My plan is 250 test e, 400 mast e and 200 tren e for a bulk over some months
I don't want to judge if someone really needs to use tren.

I agree in theory, but OP is 180 pounds and 13% body fat. He does not need tren by any means.

If you're 280 pounds and 10% and you're trying to get down to to 7%, sure, you may need to use it to retain muscle mass during a deficit. But 13% isn't exceptionally lean, and 180 lbs at 13% means that you don't have a ton of muscle mass to support during the cut. What is the point of using harsh drugs to do what you could easily do on just some test, or test and mast?
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I agree in theory, but OP is 180 pounds and 13% body fat. He does not need tren by any means.

If you're 280 pounds and 10% and you're trying to get down to to 7%, sure, you may need to use it to retain muscle mass during a deficit. But 13% isn't exceptionally lean, and 180 lbs at 13% means that you don't have a ton of muscle mass to support during the cut. What is the point of using harsh drugs to do what you could easily do on just some test, or test and mast?
He has around 150lbs lean muscle so use tren is really just overkill,makes no sense.... for him just test with good diet and training can do a lot!
Just on a note, bulking on tren can be very well done and it's probably one of the best bulk IF one is able to eat properly.

I don't remember who, but someone was saying that tren is not made for bulking. I have to disagree on that.

400mg tren A is too much for first time teen user and for your weight. Just go 200mg + test + mast and be happy with it :)
Just on a note, bulking on tren can be very well done and it's probably one of the best bulk IF one is able to eat properly.

I don't remember who, but someone was saying that tren is not made for bulking. I have to disagree on that.

400mg tren A is too much for first time teen user and for your weight. Just go 200mg + test + mast and be happy with it :)

I agree. I don’t use tren anymore because I’ve discovered it’s not necessary but the most successful bulk I’ve done was just 900mg test e and 200 mg tren e.
I realize that’s a high test dosage but I fucking love testosterone lmao
Test is king only if you are not prone to E2. If you are test is a nightmare.
Test is king only if you are not prone to E2. If you are test is a nightmare.

That’s true. I’m lucky as hell. I don’t use AI at all. Sometimes on my high test blasts I take half an aromasin every few weeks but that’s it. Ive gone up to a gram and a half with very little estrogen control
The cycle looks good, mast is a favourite of mine. When combined with winstrol and test prop you look freaky.

The only thing I’d change is probably either run the test an extra week or two, coming off tren and going right into pct the next week can be a hard hit mentally and physically depending on your training style and goals.