First VAR cycle

Sorry my last thread I realized that I added women only and I would like to accept feedback from all members.

Stepping out of my comfort zone with this one but here goes and it will help keep me accountable and also allow for feedback to be received. I cannot guarantee I will update this log daily, but it will be updated at least weekly. I will answer any and all questions that I am able to answer as well to help anyone else out.

I started taking 2.5 mg x 2 on Anavar on April 24. The plan is to eventually after 10 days up the dose to 2.5 mg x 3, and eventually after 20 days 5 mg x 2. Max dose would be 10 mg dependent on sides of course. The plan is to run for 8 weeks. I have purchased my gear from a trusted Meso member so I am almost 100% the gear is real as it was tested by Jano.

2 days in and I feel great. Nothing out of the norm really. I will say today my libido is really elevated.

I am 5'7" 155 lb at the moment. I have calculated my body fat to be approximately 24%. I had liposuction performed around my abdomen and back exactly 1 year ago along with a breast aug. No, I do not have a BBL, that is my natural butt. :D I am comfortable where I am right now and the way I look honestly. I would really like to grow my glutes and legs more though. My calories are around 1800 give or take 100 calories. I understand my TDEE is around 2300, but I honestly cannot get to eating that amount of food. Macros are 50P, 30F, 20C. I understand this is low for carbs but it works for me in terms of not feeling weak or tired at the gym. I eat clean all week. I usually have no problem staying on a diet, on the contrary I have issues eating for whatever reason.

Supplements I take are currently Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3/K7, Vitamin B5 (for my skin), EAA, Fish oil, ZMA, Dandelion root, MyProtein whey, and Creatine.

Goals are to gain as much lean muscle as possible. I train 5 days a week lower body 3x and upper body 2x. I am trying to incorporate 15 minutes of stairmaster every day as well but that is not a guarantee.

My husband made this simple plan for me that I’ve followed for the past 6 months and it’s worked really well. I used to do a million different exercises but noticed the best gains were when I focused on a smaller group of exercises and form. I had meniscus repair surgery 12 months ago and the sumo squats, BSS, and reverse lunges really flare my knee unfortunately so I had to remove them for now.

Bench press
Chest fly
Bicep curl
Triceps extension
Shoulder press
Front raise
Lateral raise
Upright row
Bent over row

Hip thrust
Glute bridge
Hex bar deadlift
Good mornings
Frog pumps
Fire hydrants
Donkey kicks

I plan to slowly try and add the reverse lunges, sumos, and split squats.


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Decided to go through my pics and the change from January to now is pretty good. Funny how one never notices it even though people will comment. Cannot wait to continue to grow and shape my body. January pic is on the left .


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Good luck with your first cycle!

Time to put in the work and get the results! Looking forward to your fitness journey.

How did you hurt your knee originally? Don’t rush those exercises that bug it... they will come eventually.

Great work so far!
Good luck with your first cycle!

Time to put in the work and get the results! Looking forward to your fitness journey.

How did you hurt your knee originally? Don’t rush those exercises that bug it... they will come eventually.

Great work so far!
Hey! I actually hurt it originally squatting. It gave out on the way down, luckily my husband was nearby. I had what’s called a bucket handle tear, and I’m glad I fixed it but the lunges, split squats, and sumo really hurt still. They also provide some of the best glute activation for me at least.
Just an update: 5 days in today. No sides that I can comment on. Last couple nights I have been slightly more tired, and my libido is back to normal. No oily skin also. No noticeable difference at the gym either. Sticking to 2.5 x 2 for the remainder of the next 9 days.
I will continue to update as I notice any changes. Today I did notice a much better workout. I was able to go up in weight in everything except chest press. I am still concerned with my implants and doing chest press and flys, but I will look more into it. I am sweating more especially my underarms :rolleyes: which never sweat.
Good job on the hard work. from the photos, it's clear you have put in a lot of time and effort.

Agreed with @Canknucklehead that you need to back off on the exercises that aggravate your knee. Activation (i.e. rehab and PT) are essential to healing any tears, but putting undue stress on it will only make it worse. Either figure out new exercises for glute activation or put it on the back burner until you're healed. Otherwise you risk setting yourself back even further
Good job on the hard work. from the photos, it's clear you have put in a lot of time and effort.

Agreed with @Canknucklehead that you need to back off on the exercises that aggravate your knee. Activation (i.e. rehab and PT) are essential to healing any tears, but putting undue stress on it will only make it worse. Either figure out new exercises for glute activation or put it on the back burner until you're healed. Otherwise you risk setting yourself back even further
Thank you! I have worked harder than usual the 3-4 months and the results are showing. Eating better also with much more protein. I have found a few other exercises that I have been able to modify slightly to isolate my glutes more. I don’t want to tear this knee again, it would be a massive setback.
7 day update. My hair is definitely more oily the last couple days, which I’m taking the B5 for. I’m also feeling like my muscles are slightly harder and more cramped if that makes sense. Drinking a gallon to gallon and half a day of water also. Nipples are more sensitive too. Overall nothing crazy. I am also feeling more “amped” about an hour after taking my doses. Still on 2.5 mg x 2. Was going to take my two rest days yesterday and today but decided to do 30 minutes of stairmaster both days because I’m feeling very good. Excellent first week. 7 more to go!
Week 2:

I’m trying but I took a rest day today. Went up to 7.5mg divided into 2 doses on Monday to start week 2. Feeling much hungrier since upping the dose a bit yesterday. Tonight I do have some slight flushing of my face, but it may be unrelated as I’m 8 days out for my period. My boobs and nipples are sore as heck too. Slightly oilier hair which I’m using Nizoral for 3x a week. Small acne on back and chest which I use salicylic acid pads on nightly. I was able to add weight on all lower body exercises yesterday and repped to failure so it could explain why I’m extra tired today. Headaches have also been happening on and off for the past few days. All in all not too bad for the completion of the first week. I received some clenbuterol in the mail today, but I’m awaiting the albuterol to decide which I will try. I may try the Clen at 10 to start and see how I feel and cycle it for 2 weeks. If the sides are too rough I’ll stick with albuterol. I’m pretty tolerant of stimulants so the Clen may work.
Small update. Lifts are getting better, and going up in weight every other day or so. Muscles definitely feel harder and my quads have slight definition for sure. No negative sides at the moment that I can tell. I started taking Clenbuterol on Wednesday at 10mcg a day to start and have not felt the slightest of change. Upped the dose to 15mcg yesterday with no change. I was doing some research and noticed the Sopharma brand has a history of being underdosed. I’ll probably switch to Salbutamol/caffeine when it arrives. I also take 10mg of Adderall everyday which I stopped once I started the Clen, but this may also be why I am more tolerant of stims even though the mechanism of action is different.
I also take 10mg of Adderall everyday which I stopped once I started the Clen, but this may also be why I am more tolerant of stims even though the mechanism of action is different.
With the adderall your sensitivity to stimulants will be higher. I have used many different ones throughout my younger years and noticed when I took stronger ones the weaker ones had little to no effect. Now that I have been clean for 16 years more than one cup of coffee in the morning gets me spinning. I went from one end to the other on stimulant sensitivity.
Hey! I actually hurt it originally squatting. It gave out on the way down, luckily my husband was nearby. I had what’s called a bucket handle tear, and I’m glad I fixed it but the lunges, split squats, and sumo really hurt still. They also provide some of the best glute activation for me at least.
How does lunges, split squat etc feel with just body weight - as in, does it get aggravated when you load on the weight, or is it mostly the move itself?

How about leg press machine? Leg extension machine?

You could try RDL, Hip Trust, Leg Press, Leg Extension etc first, which will tire your muscles and allow very little weight on squats etc...? (Pre-exhaustion)

I have a partial shoulder tear myself, I always do dumbbell lat raises first to pre-exhaust my shoulders before I do shoulder press.
How does lunges, split squat etc feel with just body weight - as in, does it get aggravated when you load on the weight, or is it mostly the move itself?

How about leg press machine? Leg extension machine?

You could try RDL, Hip Trust, Leg Press, Leg Extension etc first, which will tire your muscles and allow very little weight on squats etc...? (Pre-exhaustion)

I have a partial shoulder tear myself, I always do dumbbell lat raises first to pre-exhaust my shoulders before I do shoulder press.
I have tried lunges with body weight and there is no knee pain. The split squats I have not tried again. Leg press machine I don’t have access too as I workout at home. I have a bench with barbell and a cable setup. I currently do RDL, hip thrust, glute bridge, hex bar deadlift, and good mornings. I also do rainbow kicks, frog pumps, and donkey kicks. Maybe I will try what you said and try the lunges and split squats after those exercises. I’m up for anything. Those exercises are great.
I have tried lunges with body weight and there is no knee pain. The split squats I have not tried again. Leg press machine I don’t have access too as I workout at home. I have a bench with barbell and a cable setup. I currently do RDL, hip thrust, glute bridge, hex bar deadlift, and good mornings. I also do rainbow kicks, frog pumps, and donkey kicks. Maybe I will try what you said and try the lunges and split squats after those exercises. I’m up for anything. Those exercises are great.
If the problem is your tendons etc but not the muscles, a strategy is then to pre-exhaust your muscle to allow minimum weight on the difficult exercise. That way you can still load the muscle (with less weight, since it's already tired) but with less stress on the tendons.
If the problem is your tendons etc but not the muscles, a strategy is then to pre-exhaust your muscle to allow minimum weight on the difficult exercise. That way you can still load the muscle (with less weight, since it's already tired) but with less stress on the tendons.
I think I get what you’re trying to say, but I am slightly confused. Sorry. In the most basic term it’s to leave the “painful” exercises for the end once the muscles and tendons are already stretched per say.
Ok I think I understand it better. Fatiguing the muscle by doing the other exercises then when I go to do the lunges and split squats my muscles and tendons are already fatigued so any body weight exercise will still be beneficial.
Ok I think I understand it better. Fatiguing the muscle by doing the other exercises then when I go to do the lunges and split squats my muscles and tendons are already fatigued so any body weight exercise will still be beneficial.
So, what is your opinion at this point, regarding anavar?
So, what is your opinion at this point, regarding anavar?
So far I am liking it, but this isn’t a miracle drug of course. You still have to put in the work. With that said I am only 2 weeks in and have added weight be it 2.5, 5, or 10 pounds to every exercise almost 2x a week. My strength is going up and I do feel like I have more definition in my quads. I will take some pics this week to compare with the originals. I can say I don’t feel anymore focused or energetic to be honest. I am a lot hungrier on 7.5mg a day. 10mg is going to be rough!