For those of you who play the 200mg test game and then add tons of anabolics on top, which do you use? I can't tolerate masteron at any dose.

My ratios are
200 test
150-200 primo , depending on how sensitive you’re to primo AI effects.

Plus either
A) 400-600 deca
B) 350-500 NPP
C) 500-700 tren (for some reason I get more mental sides on lower doses of tren )

Alternative is 200 test and primo. If u run HCG you can crank up primo high because HCG helps
Make e2 in ur testes , and this isnt blocked by primo

My examples

200 test
250 HCG ED
800+ primo

Or if no HCG

200 test
300 primo.
On 200 test and 100 primo weekly + 300iu HCG e3.5D my E2 was far too low at 8. Now if I added 350-700 NPP per week I bet that could work. I may just try that.

Or I could just ditch the primo and run .25mg of adex M/w/f on daily test e injections of 30mg which is what I do now.
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175 test cyp and 100 mast eth every 4th day, seems to hit the spot for this old man. Gonna switch out the mast for primo next and see how that does, pretty tame.
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Presently on about 1200 test / 600 primo and feeling pretty good.

Threw in a little EQ a while back, got my e2 pretty low, so I suspect that when that's finally out of my system my e2 will probably jump up some.