"Generic" GH ASSAYS


So from your response can I interpret that it was no done?

Then your obviously not familiar with the accuracy of an AAA!

Out of curiosity what form of "purity"
test are you looking for? Will a narrative such as "purity of 96" suffice
or is a graphic assay what you seek?

Are you going to post "your assay" NOPE!
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Then your obviously not familiar with the accuracy of an AAA!

Are you going to post "your assay" NOPE!
i will post it. but please educate me with your testing method. I am willing to learn.. Would it not be of interest to have numbers on purity too?
Iam not assuming it was conducted.But i think it is also a big concern other than MG in a vial.. So from your response can I interpret that it was no done?
Could you post some or even one of the testing you have that shows "purity"

I'm interested in what test you are doing and how you are "calculating purity %" from the test

If I'm not mistaken you may have used a SIMEC test result (Assay)

Related Proteins %
Related Substances %

To calculate "purity" for one sample

Any other testing data would really be helpful

I would like to see this data as well @tp2013

Can you post some of your testing? More than one would be nice as I'm sure you didn't stop with just one test.
Could you post some or even one of the testing you have that shows "purity"

I'm interested in what test you are doing and how you are "calculating purity %" from the test

If I'm not mistaken you may have used a SIMEC test result (Assay)

Related Proteins %
Related Substances %

To calculate "purity" for one sample

Any other testing data would really be helpful

i will post bro. I need to scan it and delete some sensitive information from it. And no the results are not from SIMEC. These tests done by us on HPLC independently. Give me some time to scan and post. I do not have scanner available for now.
I agree totally

I've done my own testing (lab analysis - blood work) to make my own conclusion about "Generic GH"

But....what JIM and MANDS are doing here is a step above

It's a very good thing for the community as a whole
I might not understand everything completely yet, but some other respected members have been helping via PM. I don't want to clog up this thread with my ignorance on GH, but it's definitely opened my eyes.
I would like to see this data as well @tp2013

Can you post some of your testing? More than one would be nice as I'm sure you didn't stop with just one test.
I will post multiple data. For a few batches of blacks. Just give me sometime as cannot get a scanner for now.
Do we have a thread on Meso that explains HOLC Testing along with the other testing available for GH?

@tp2013 So your testing wasn't done anonymously? If I'm reading your post right, you picked the sample to test? Sorry if I misread it wrong, just trying to wrap my tiny brain around this.
Do we have a thread on Meso that explains HOLC Testing along with the other testing available for GH?

@tp2013 So your testing wasn't done anonymously? If I'm reading your post right, you picked the sample to test? Sorry if I misread it wrong, just trying to wrap my tiny brain around this.
NO matter what supplier posts it will be questioned. It really doesn't matter if they pick a random or not, 99% of the community will think it's faked or they spiked the sample.

Jim is just wanting it posted to look at the data to determine if their are any flaws and the context of the testing.

NO matter what supplier post test it doesn't matter if they pick a random or not 99% of the community will think it's faked or they spiked the vial.

Jim is just wanting it posted to look at the data to determine if their are any flaws and the context of the testing.

I agree buddy, my question was just for my own knowledge. Your testing with @Dr JIM seems to be set up nice. It avoids DR Jim being accused of picking certain labs out and being bias. I do understand there will always be some who find fault. Thanks @mands !
I agree buddy, my question was just for my own knowledge. Your testing with @Dr JIM seems to be set up nice. It avoids DR Jim being accused of picking certain labs out and being bias. I do understand there will always be some who find fault. Thanks @mands !
Yes and no. Jim is well-versed enough in the generic GH game that he can look at the vial, especially things that're branded like Pharmacom and Kefis etc., and know which lab it is. However, Mands and Jim both know I have full faith in them to NOT skew the results. There will ALWAYS be a way to poke holes in these sorts of things, but as a community, we have nothing to gain by doing so in this particular case. Mands and Jim are "G2G" as we say.
Do we have a thread on Meso that explains HOLC Testing along with the other testing available for GH?

@tp2013 So your testing wasn't done anonymously? If I'm reading your post right, you picked the sample to test? Sorry if I misread it wrong, just trying to wrap my tiny brain around this.
Bro i do not expect for you to trust any of the information i will post later on. As i had mentioned whatever i post will be looked at under a microscope. And i do not expect it to be any different. I agree a sources data should be thrown away due to obvious reasons. I will post it since quite a few asked me to do so but please than do not question me about its validity.
i will post bro. I need to scan it and delete some sensitive information from it. And no the results are not from SIMEC. These tests done by us on HPLC independently. Give me some time to scan and post. I do not have scanner available for now.

I'll forwarn you in order for HPLC to be of utility it MUST meet the following criteria

- "excessive" amounts of Glycine shall be accounted for

- use a research grade GH standard for comparison

- be certified as "HPLC ready" using the GOLD STANDARD an AAA!

- Moreover an HPLC can NOT determine PURITY. At best HPLC evaluates the AVERAGE MW of those molecules sampled
and their QUANTITY compared to the KNOWN STANDARD.

Finally with a margin of error of around 0.1% it's considerably less sensitive and/or specific than an AAA!