MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

My tracking app says it's now been 2 weeks since my package was sent and there has been no movement in 12 days. This leads me to believe it hasn't even reached the United States. USPS is still waiting to receive it. Not at all ideal.

Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this recently.
Same happened to me. I was eventually told that since I didn’t specify USA on my address that my package was returned. But I was then told it was reshipped so we will see
Wait what?? You have to specify your country?? Since when? What about the amazing customer service??!!!!!!
What’s interesting is I’ve done multiple orders with GA and I’ve never had to specify my country.

My original order had items missing and after proving to them I didn’t “steal” the missing kit by providing an unboxing video, the items were reportedly sent. Then that shipment apparently got sent back because I didn’t specify USA on my -original- order even though that one reached me fine.

So a little inconsistent and kinda sketchy.

So folks, be sure to document your unboxing process. and specify your country!
My tracking app says it's now been 2 weeks since my package was sent and there has been no movement in 12 days. This leads me to believe it hasn't even reached the United States. USPS is still waiting to receive it. Not at all ideal.

Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this recently.
give it this week mate, it will update don’t worry. always update once it’s in destination country.
Same happened to me. I was eventually told that since I didn’t specify USA on my address that my package was returned. But I was then told it was reshipped so we will see
we’re sorry about the incident mate, but in the end your in good hands and we make sure you get the order. sorry for the delay though
Wait what?? You have to specify your country?? Since when? What about the amazing customer service??!!!!!!
i dont know what you mean about this and why your acting like this, it’s not hard to provide full shipping details such as

full name
address apt number
zip code

if all these provided in first place our work would be a lot easier than having customers missing an full name, zip code or an country.

this is not only for US customers but for all.
What’s interesting is I’ve done multiple orders with GA and I’ve never had to specify my country.

My original order had items missing and after proving to them I didn’t “steal” the missing kit by providing an unboxing video, the items were reportedly sent. Then that shipment apparently got sent back because I didn’t specify USA on my -original- order even though that one reached me fine.

So a little inconsistent and kinda sketchy.

So folks, be sure to document your unboxing process. and specify your country!
some areas is needed when were sending for islands especially as it’s gonna go through special channels and important of full info.

about the missing item, we got it solved in an nice way with each other and very nice of you having documentation of the parcel already in advance..

unfortunately we have some who claims stuff is missing when its not as all orders is being packaged while being recorded, which gives us an proof.
I haven't received my order yet but it looks like you attached 30 amps to it. I'm wondering if that was a typo and it's actually 300. If it wasn't a typo and I end up only having 30 amps when my order finally arrives will you be willing to send me another 270?
He literally just said if you ordered two weeks ago you’re not part of the promo.
Great results, no doubt. Just pointing out that you might have had better results with a different dosing protocol.

I understand everyone's obsession with micro dosing but it doesn't make sense with every drug. They have different mechanisms of action.

If you're happy with your results, awesome. If you're curious why these drugs might work better with once weekly dosing, try the search bar -- it's been discussed here many times.
So am I not going to get my pack because I didn't specify that New York is in the US?
Well you are kinda retarded.
New York is a city in England as well but anyway who the fuck doesn't write the country the package should be shipped? Only an American could do that, like the world is USA and nothing else.

You will get your package because Marcus is a nice guy, but you deserve to get fucked in the ass, that's what you should get.
Well you are kinda retarded.
New York is a city in England as well but anyway who the fuck doesn't write the country the package should be shipped? Only an American could do that, like the world is USA and nothing else.

You will get your package because Marcus is a nice guy, but you deserve to get fucked in the ass, that's what you should get.
Was I asking you to give me attitude and a dumb ass response? Did I give you my money? Are you sending the package? If all the answers were no then kindly see yourself the fuck off.