The relationship between EQ, E1, and E2 is still something that I've yet to find a thorough explanation of. My shallow understanding is that EQ has a very high binding affinity to aromatase, much more so than testosterone. By competing with testosterone for aromatase and "winning," EQ essentially prevents testosterone from binding to it and being converted into E2, while EQ itself will be converted into E1 via aromatase. Over time, this scenario would simultaneously raise E1 and lower E2, leading to a very high ratio of E1 : E2. This would seemingly cause some issues, but yet, as you said, the elevated E1 could also mask the usual symptoms of low E2, so it's difficult to know what is really going on under the hood without bloodwork. Adding further to the confusion, I've also read that if E1 levels are high enough, small amounts of E1 can actually be converted into E2. It's at this point that I just throw my hands up and shrug, lol.
It seems like such a crap shoot trying to juggle test and EQ dosages to find the proverbial golden ratio for an individual, and even then, that ratio could fluctuate over time within the same individual depending on various variables. And this is also assuming that test and EQ are the only compounds in the mix. So part of me gets concerned and preoccupied with all of this, but then another part of me reads the last lines of your post where you state how you feel amazing, and my mind is like, "Well, fuck it, if you're feeling great, making gains/progress, and libido is on point, who fucking cares what the bloodwork reads?" It's a delicate balance, lol, but I see your overall point on the individuality of it all.