Including orals? What about clen or t3 or winstrol?
Typically pharma manufacturers will verify potency under household room temp and humidity conditions out to 1 or 2 years. Not because they don't last longer, but because there's no commercial benefit in certifying longer lives. They're happy if unsold meds are discarded and must be repurchased.
Most tablets remain sufficiently potent out to 10 years, some to 20 or even longer.
The degradation usually follows a gentle slope. So in 5 years perhaps it's lost 10%. Obviously every drug is different.
Follow the lead of preppers. Store your longer term supply in the cheap aluminum "retort" bags for sale everywhere, include "oxygen eater" and desiccant packets. A vacuum sealer (the ones that can handle these types of bags, rather that the textured "food saver" bags are about $125 on Temu), is even better but not required since you can get zip lock versions of the bags. You'll know the vacuum sealer is the correct type because they have a little snorkel on them.
Then don't freeze, but store in the refrigerator,
Now you've protected the pills from light, air, moisture; and high temps. The refrigerator will slow chemical degradation. These conditions will keep the pills in even better condition than the room temps that already allow them to remain potent for years.
There are some exceptions. A small number of drugs degrade into toxic substances, like tetracycline antibiotics. The FDA extended the life of government stored tetracyclines 4 years beyond their expiration dates during the pandemic by testing a sample every year, finally advising they be destroyed 6 years after manufacture because the toxins had risen to a problematic level. So do your homework. No drug used in BB, other than the tetracyclines degrades into toxins or is highly unstable with a super short shelf life that I'm aware of. As always, do your homework.
So by storing them in ideal conditions, even in some apocalypse circumstance, many years down the road (if you have some insanely long term supply), at worst, they'll be somewhat weaker than they were originally.