MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

Placed an order.. paid and then asked to add to the order... I shall see how it goes. Either way I am kinda excited to try out this tb500 frag. The price for the bpc-157 kits is pretty good as well.
Placed an order.. paid and then asked to add to the order... I shall see how it goes. Either way I am kinda excited to try out this tb500 frag. The price for the bpc-157 kits is pretty good as well.
I been on the tb frag for about 10 days at 2 mg a day front loading it up for two weeks@2 mg d then I'll back off to 1 mg d , sometimes i feel great with 80% less pain but then idk if it is just like a placebo effect? Im hoping after a few weeks the full relief sets in
I been on the tb frag for about 10 days at 2 mg a day front loading it up for two weeks@2 mg d then I'll back off to 1 mg d , sometimes i feel great with 80% less pain but then idk if it is just like a placebo effect? Im hoping after a few weeks the full relief sets in
Are you taking it for a specific injury? I'm thinking about adding it in for my shoulder. Pulled something doing flys a long time ago, healed, then recently re-aggravated it. Currently using their bpc at 500mcg twice a day, and it seems to be helping. The pain and discomfort is nothing compared to the first time I hurt it with  no peptides.
I been on the tb frag for about 10 days at 2 mg a day front loading it up for two weeks@2 mg d then I'll back off to 1 mg d , sometimes i feel great with 80% less pain but then idk if it is just like a placebo effect? Im hoping after a few weeks the full relief sets in
Tbh I have been dosing tb4 at 4mg a day and bpc at 2mg a day. Running low so I have been dosing the tb4 at 1mg aday and can definantly tell a difference.
Why is anavar not listed? I sent an email asking if it was and you responded with 25mg is in stock. Just double checking before I make an order.
because that anavar 25mg/tab is genericasia branded and being sold in 10 tabs strip. w

anavar 50mg/tab 100 tablet bags will be instock the NO LABEL.

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml

appreciate all the support there have been lately great to see such an community that helps each other with questions and coming with different inputs for each other! That’s what we love seeing!

have an great weekend!!
So, why make blends at all? are you retard or what?
No I'm not retarded.. that was my whole point.. blends are useless. Not everyone wants to run the same mg/mg ratio on drugs. I mean I brought some blends one time the ratio dis not work for me so then I was drawing from a separate vial tring to dose correctly.. these guys are tring to make popular drugs that will sell.. then here you come wanting a certain blend that probly wouldn't sell well for them. If a person is going to stack compounds just separate vials that way if you need to change ratio it's simple. So that's my point my friend I personally think blends are retarded.. however I am still not going to call you a retard for wanting to use them. .. although I want to! Peace brother
how you guys doing?? seems like a lot of orders have been arrived lately welcome to post any pics or feedbacks !!
how you guys doing?? seems like a lot of orders have been arrived lately welcome to post any pics or feedbacks !!
My packs are being delivered after holiday… Took some time but I'll post TD photograph. Man, wish you had a US Warehouse with some gear. Especially having the TB-500 & BPC Kits.
My packs are being delivered after holiday… Took some time but I'll post TD photograph. Man, wish you had a US Warehouse with some gear. Especially having the TB-500 & BPC Kits.
yeah the holiday can cause a few delays but see our average deliveries mostly all orders delivered within 12 days some even gets their order within 8 days )