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Surprised by the fast delivery, I didn't expect it. I ordered only tirzepaptide and started feeling the effects the next day. I don't feel hungry and have to force myself to eat, which is perfect for cutting. Highly recommend.

Think twice about jumping on and off. It's not a diet pill, and you may very well find it, and any other GLP based therapy is weaker next time, and even weaker after another "cycle".

There are lots of great health reasons to stay on a low maintainance dose that doesn't induce weight loss, including reversing fatty liver (which most people, esp aas users have) and reversing the heart remodeling (induced by aas as well).
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Think twice about jumping on and off. It's not a diet pill, and you may very well find it, and any other GLP based therapy is weaker next time, and even weaker after another "cycle".

There are lots of great health reasons to stay on a low maintainance dose that doesn't induce weight loss, including reversing fatty liver (which most people, esp aas users have) and reversing the heart remodeling induced by aas as well).

Imagine Elon Musk (or all those Hollywood actors) using it just to drop a few pounds for the red carpet (which they do). No anabolics induced fatty liver, heart issues, food noise and so on.
They can't just use it for a month and that's it, subsequently trying to maintain the fat loss.
Now that they have taken it, they should keep doing so for life, even if they don't care about the other health related improvements it brings, because if they use it again to lose weight in a year's time, it will have lost is efficacy.
That's how I am understanding this. Is it wrong?
BTW, Sharon Osbourne, after taking this stuff... what a shocker.
She now says she's done with it. Too late, obvs
Think twice about jumping on and off. It's not a diet pill, and you may very well find it, and any other GLP based therapy is weaker next time, and even weaker after another "cycle".

There are lots of great health reasons to stay on a low maintainance dose that doesn't induce weight loss, including reversing fatty liver (which most people, esp aas users have) and reversing the heart remodeling (induced by aas as well).
Everything is fine; I've done extensive research, and my doctor has given me the go-ahead. While I don't have obesity, I do have insulin resistance, unfortunately due to genetics. But I appreciate your concern.
Everything is fine; I've done extensive research, and my doctor has given me the go-ahead. While I don't have obesity, I do have insulin resistance, unfortunately due to genetics. But I appreciate your concern.

So, you will be taking this on a continuous basis, like Ghoul is saying, because of your insulin resistance?
This was the main reason for you, I imagine, or was it primarily about incorporating it into the cut your are doing?
Everything is fine; I've done extensive research, and my doctor has given me the go-ahead. While I don't have obesity, I do have insulin resistance, unfortunately due to genetics. But I appreciate your concern.

It has nothing to do with concern.

Nor did I suggest it's unhealthy.

I said using it the way you are may, based on my extensive observational experience over a number of years, cause it to no longer work well for you, perhaps ever.

Those who used an early GLP class medicine, liraglutide, for even just a few months nearly ten years ago, were coincidentally observed by researchers conducting a study as having little to no response to other GLPs like Tirz now.

I've experienced the severe drop off in response after using Sema several years ago for several months, stopping, and starting again later.

Others I know personally have experienced the same, many of us thinking the second round was "bunk" or their existing supply went bad.

Doctors are increasing noticing patients who "take a break", regain weight, in many cases no longer respond to either sema or tirz nearly as well when they restart,

So that's all I was pointing out, that a niche use, going on and off as you're planning to do, may cause a type of permanent harm regardless of what your doctor approves of.

Not going to lie. I don't really give a shit what happens to the health of some internet rando, just putting the info out there for someone who decides to exersize caution in this unexplored area of GLP use.
It has nothing to do with concern.

Nor did I suggest it's unhealthy.

I said using it the way you are may, based on my extensive observational experience over a number of years, cause it to no longer work well for you, perhaps ever.

Those who used an early GLP class medicine, liraglutide, for even just a few months nearly ten years ago, were coincidentally observed by researchers conducting a study as having little to no response to other GLPs like Tirz now.

I've experienced the severe drop off in response after using Sema several years ago for several months, stopping, and starting again later.

Others I know personally have experienced the same, many of us thinking the second round was "bunk" or their existing supply went bad.

Doctors are increasing noticing patients who "take a break", regain weight, in many cases no longer respond to either sema or tirz nearly as well when they restart,

So that's all I was pointing out, that a niche use, going on and off as you're planning to do, may cause a type of permanent harm regardless of what your doctor approves of.

Not going to lie. I don't really give a shit what happens to the health of some internet rando, just putting the info out there for someone who decides to exersize caution in this unexplored area of GLP use.
Thank you for the information and for sharing your experience; I'll take it into account. This is my first time using it, and I'm not sure how long the cycle of tirzepatide will last; it will depend on my blood work and doctor. I'm taking it not for cutting, but for insulin resistance and to improve my cholesterol. The cutting phase just coincided with starting tirzepatide, and I must say that a low-calorie diet is much easier than previous attempts.