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yes the product is very noticeable, I would have liked to see a test from jano, but EQ is EQ, if you have used it you will notice, also from blood tests, Estrone (e1) is very high, E2 has dropped a lot
Very nice very nice.
I got some from a source a couple months ago that they fell off the face of the earth since then so I’m questioning its legitimacy
Last test (July) is GA at 250 test cyp mon/thurs (500mg) test was taken Monday before shot. So 4 days since last shot other tests were taken next day after shot. Ran for 6 weeks. Running GAs tren also which put me up 11lbs in 3 weeks but can’t stop eating.


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Last test (July) is GA at 250 test cyp mon/thurs (500mg) test was taken Monday before shot. So 4 days since last shot other tests were taken next day after shot. Ran for 6 weeks. Running GAs tren also which put me up 11lbs in 3 weeks but can’t stop eating.
How much tren?

How are you feeling, considering the low SHBG and prolactin? That low of SHBG might be driving your hunger more than the tren.

Taking an AI and caber/prami?
How much tren?

How are you feeling, considering the low SHBG and prolactin? That low of SHBG might be driving your hunger more than the tren.

Taking an AI and caber/prami?
Hey brother, my last prep I was hungrier like never before, now as you mentioned that I remembered that I crashed my SHBG like never before. Can you explain the realation as I never heard that before? Much appreciated
How much tren?

How are you feeling, considering the low SHBG and prolactin? That low of SHBG might be driving your hunger more than the tren.

Taking an AI and caber/prami?
350-400mg tren a a week. Take aromasin and nolva when I feel needed.

I took caber as a proactive measure was a mistake. Turned out I was allergic. Nausea, bloat, hurt to pee, rash, constipation, tired, acid reflux, couldn’t eat. Finally on the mend back up after almost 2 weeks worse was the first 4 days. Still have a slight rash and libido is meh.

My shbg was crashed before I didn’t get it this test. Wasn’t more hungry until starting tren and it’s like a bottomless pit. Generally I fast until 6 pm. My blood sugar feels like it’s low and get hot flashes, shakes, and feel like I’m gonna pass out if I don’t get something in me by noon.
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