Getting off prescribed TRT and need help with conversion


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am on prescribed TRT, getting 5ml vials @ 200mg/mL.

I am looking at a seller offering "Test cyp 200mg." for $35 each, in 10mL vials filled to 11.5mL. (You all probably know the seller.)

But, I am confused because there is no indication of the concentration.

Does this mean it is 200mg/mL? Or is it 200mg for the whole vial?

Thanks in advance!

More info here for you.
And please clean up the product listings...

1. mg is not a unit for API concentration. Use mg/ml.

If I see 200 mg listed and later on a mention that it is a 10 ml vial I am going to assume your stuff is drastically underdosed. That should be clear to you to.

Best practice is listing the API concentration plus the total API per total vial volume.

Example: 300 mg/ml (3000 mg per 10 ml)

There you go.

@ActualRemy great question and the assumption is that when a source writes 200 mg for a injectable oil product that this actual denotes a concentration of 200 mg/ml. Very lazy and poor practice IMO.

Great that you asked about it.
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. If you’re that autistic that you can’t figure it out, don’t do steroids. Below is a UGL and a Pharma label. Both are the exact same. How some people can’t comprehend this is beyond me.

Good for you for patting yourself on the back and helping the Reddit special needs kids. This board has gone to shit.

Is your "seller" also pharmaceutical grade?

If you have a prescription for legit pharma gear don't switch to an underground lab to save a few bucks
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. If you’re that autistic that you can’t figure it out, don’t do steroids. Below is a UGL and a Pharma label. Both are the exact same. How some people can’t comprehend this is beyond me.

Good for you for patting yourself on the back and helping the Reddit special needs kids. This board has gone to shit.

View attachment 278342
View attachment 278343
I agree (although autistic is not the right descriptor in this context) and will defer to your considerable ugl experience. There probably aren't many ugl sources that don't mark concentration on their vials, correct? No serious vendor would use 200 mg instead of 200 mg/ml on their vial.

I think you would agree that would be deficient on their part. So why do it in their product listing. Do it right.

I think the main point of potential confusion for newbies is in the product listings swapping mg for the proper mg/ml unit of measure.
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@SkankHunt thanks for your feedback.

There is no label shown from the seller here on the forum (a well known one), just a short description that says “Test Cyp 200mg” and nothing else.

Hence my confusion, because of course if I saw a label that said “2000mg/10ml” I’m confident even my tiny pea brain could understand that math.
Is your "seller" also pharmaceutical grade?

If you have a prescription for legit pharma gear don't switch to an underground lab to save a few bucks

I do have a prescription, but I’m paying about $250/month for 400mg a week.

I think I could cut that down quite a bit… but perhaps you’re right, it would only save me $100 a month or so.
@SkankHunt thanks for your feedback.

There is no label shown from the seller here on the forum (a well known one), just a short description that says “Test Cyp 200mg” and nothing else.

Hence my confusion, because of course if I saw a label that said “2000mg/10ml” I’m confident even my tiny pea brain could understand that math.
Imagine if seller just put 200 mg on the label. Pretty silly for a 10 ml vial, right? So why do it in the product listing?
@SkankHunt thanks for your feedback.

There is no label shown from the seller here on the forum (a well known one), just a short description that says “Test Cyp 200mg” and nothing else.

Hence my confusion, because of course if I saw a label that said “2000mg/10ml” I’m confident even my tiny pea brain could understand that math.
I mean to be fair the 200mg/ml concentration should be inferred, but it's better to be safe than sorry and ask if you're in doubt.

But to see what the math on a true 200MG bottle would look like, would come out to be 20mg/ml, which would mean you would have to inject 8ML (or 8CCS)--basically the whole bottle, to achieve your 160mgs/week Test dosage. Not only is this not practical, but no source I've ever seen would ever sell test @20mg/ml, so again 200mg/ml, or 2000mg for a 10ML vial is inferred..

If you're new to gear I can see where the confusion would come from though. Again there's no harm in asking. Disregard any of the negative comments.

Also, welcome to the forum. There's a lot of good information here. Hope you stick around and learn a bit
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@Sector Thank you! So far, all I know I learned from a single doctor, so I am sure there is a ton I don't know yet. I'm excited to be on the journey with you all.