Getting off prescribed TRT and need help with conversion

Hi everyone,

I am on prescribed TRT, getting 5ml vials @ 200mg/mL.

I am looking at a seller offering "Test cyp 200mg." for $35 each, in 10mL vials filled to 11.5mL. (You all probably know the seller.)

But, I am confused because there is no indication of the concentration.

Does this mean it is 200mg/mL? Or is it 200mg for the whole vial?

Thanks in advance!
Why don't you ask who you bought it from?
As I may have mentioned, I didn’t plan to do this for decades and was prescribed it by a doctor who didn’t give me a lot of information about what the doses meant. But I appreciate your perspective anyway. I’ll try to do better next time.
I understand man I’m just saying a unit of measure that common is easily understood usually (plus if u are unsure just search google n you get your answer) but hey maybe I’m assuming too much stuff n to some it might be unintuitive
I'll have to disagree strongly with you and @SkankHunt on this. It isn't just the reddit crowd. I've fielded this question on multiple forums and it isn't an issue unique to reddit.

Many people suck at unit conversions and understandably so. Hence, informed people and people making drugs should simply not think its cool and sufficient to use units of mass (mg) in place of the correct units for concentration (mg/ml). Period.

This isn't high school / let's see how cool we can be for acting like a dumbass. People are injecting these drugs and the least that could be done by the people who profit from this stuff is to use correct units. But maybe some people like their drug manufacturer/dealer to be "cool" instead of correct. Different strokes.

Clean up the product listings.
I ain’t agreeing with the Reddit part (although now that u mention it) I just think it’s basic ass knowledge to understand what concentration you’re taking it’s not like it varies n everyone ever assumed it’s mg per ml, what else would it be? Mg per liter? 200mg per vial? Cmon now.

I don’t think it’s the srcs trying to be cool they’re just writing it how anyone else would look for it, idk there’s not knowing n then there’s actively not doing shit to find out something important that is super easy to figure out, this is the 2nd
I'll have to disagree strongly with you and @SkankHunt on this. It isn't just the reddit crowd. I've fielded this question on multiple forums and it isn't an issue unique to reddit.

Many people suck at unit conversions and understandably so. Hence, informed people and people making drugs should simply not think its cool and sufficient to use units of mass (mg) in place of the correct units for concentration (mg/ml). Period.

This isn't high school / let's see how cool we can be for acting like a dumbass. People are injecting these drugs and the least that could be done by the people who profit from this stuff is to use correct units. But maybe some people like their drug manufacturer/dealer to be "cool" instead of correct. Different strokes.

Clean up the product listings.
Oh n btw most of the srcs actually do list it as per ml so idk why you’re saying they don’t, usually I tend to agree with you but this is basic shit right here dude
I don’t think it’s the srcs trying to be cool they’re just writing it how anyone else would look for it, idk there’s not knowing n then there’s actively not doing shit to find out something important that is super easy to figure out, this is the 2nd

I actually did a lot of checking before posting, including using online conversion calculators, researching the common vial sizes, looking through the sellers' other posts for clues, and comparing the dosages to my existing prescription vials.

However given I am injecting these compounds into my body, I felt it wise to double check my research.

After all, isn't this the point of a forum?

We were all newbies once, and I hope the next time you are new at something that people would give you the courtesy of helping a fellow human so you don't make a dumb (potentially life altering) mistake.
Oh n btw most of the srcs actually do list it as per ml so idk why you’re saying they don’t, usually I tend to agree with you but this is basic shit right here dude
Sounds like it's time to review each and every source here on Meso to check this claim LoL. Most? I'll have to check. Last time I looked there were quite a few who did not. Thanks for your thoughts.
I actually did a lot of checking before posting, including using online conversion calculators, researching the common vial sizes, looking through the sellers' other posts for clues, and comparing the dosages to my existing prescription vials.

However given I am injecting these compounds into my body, I felt it wise to double check my research.

After all, isn't this the point of a forum?

We were all newbies once, and I hope the next time you are new at something that people would give you the courtesy of helping a fellow human so you don't make a dumb (potentially life altering) mistake.
I think the 200 mg (instead of 200 mg/ml) listing would be even more confusing for someone who double checks the numbers. I applaud you checking this math with your thread here.
Let's start shall we? Hopefully @ActualRemy won't mind us using this thread? Just let me know if not.

Gonna start straight at the top of the Meso sponsor list and work my way down. Will start with US domestic:
Oh n btw most of the srcs actually do list it as per ml

1% BA
15% to 18% BB depending on product

10 ml vials: all vials
Filled to aprx 11.5ml

Test prop 100mg. $15
Test e 250mg. $25
Test cyp 200mg. $25
Sustanon 250mg $25
Npp 100mg. $25
EQ 250mg $30
Deca 250mg. $30
Tren e 200mg. $40
Tren a 100mg. $30
Mast e 200mg. $50
Mast p 100mg $30
Primo e 150mg. $50

Nope, concentrations are erroneously listed in mass units here.

Test E 250mg 10mL/20mL MCT/GSO $25/$50
Test E 500mg 10mL MCT $50.00
Test Cyp 200mg 10mL/20mL MCT/GSO $25/$50
Test Cyp 300mg 10mL MCT $30.00
Test Prop 100mg 10mL/20mL MCT/GSO $20/$40
Test Prop 200mg 10mL MCT $35.00
Test U 250mg 10mL GSO $35.00
Test No Ester 100mg 10mL MCT $30.00
Sustanon 250mg 10mL MCT/GSO $40.00
Tren Ace 100mg 10mL/20mL MCT/GSO $40/$75
Tren Ace 200mg 10mL MCT $75.00

Let's start shall we? Hopefully @ActualRemy won't mind us using this thread? Just let me know if not.

No problem. This is actually the seller I was asking about; my confusion was whether it was 200mg for the entire 10ml bottle, or 200mg/ml.

As written, it's hard to tell, so I potentially could have given myself 10x the dose by accident. (Though, I would have thought it CRAZY to inject a whole 10ml vial of liquid at one time, and of course this is what led me to ask for clarification.)
Continuing on

No units at all (actually the LadyVar has units). Hint: measurements should always contain units with the numbers.


Pretty colors? Yes. Correct units? NOPE.

Not looking good so far @ChevChelios

Will continue on as I have more time. This is entertaining.
Continuing on

No units at all (actually the LadyVar has units). Hint: measurements should always contain units with the numbers.
You have way too much fuckin free time on your hands bud.
I actually did a lot of checking before posting, including using online conversion calculators, researching the common vial sizes, looking through the sellers' other posts for clues, and comparing the dosages to my existing prescription vials.

However given I am injecting these compounds into my body, I felt it wise to double check my research.

After all, isn't this the point of a forum?

We were all newbies once, and I hope the next time you are new at something that people would give you the courtesy of helping a fellow human so you don't make a dumb (potentially life altering) mistake.
Fair enough bro I’m not picking on u I hope u know that, it’s just inconceivable to me cos I just took that shit for granted (but yes it’s best to ask when not sure about stuff one injects into themselves ahah) so good point regardless if people were doin what measurements they felt like half of us would have fked up by now so have faith in the fact the src don’t want dead custos n yeah keep that inquisitive nature I guess