Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
2.5 of qsc semaglutide feels like 1mg of ozempic.

Wish I had seen this comment sooner. I've been on either Mounjaro 10mg or compounded semaglutide 1.7mg from the local pharmacy for 6 months. Just got a kit from qsc for 2mg semaglutide. Injected the whole vial on Monday since i saw the janoshik test for the 2mg vial only said 1.8mg. it's Wednesday and today hasn't felt anything like the last 6 months. This is the first time I've felt this hungry. I'm missing the sulfer burps too. Very frustrating. I may try injecting another whole vial tomorrow. If I still don't feel anything by the weekend Ill know this stuff is garbage. I was really hoping it would match the janoshik test posted
Wish I had seen this comment sooner. I've been on either Mounjaro 10mg or compounded semaglutide 1.7mg from the local pharmacy for 6 months. Just got a kit from qsc for 2mg semaglutide. Injected the whole vial on Monday since i saw the janoshik test for the 2mg vial only said 1.8mg. it's Wednesday and today hasn't felt anything like the last 6 months. This is the first time I've felt this hungry. I'm missing the sulfer burps too. Very frustrating. I may try injecting another whole vial tomorrow. If I still don't feel anything by the weekend Ill know this stuff is garbage. I was really hoping it would match the janoshik test posted
It's not that it's garbage. There is something unique about the pharma delivery system.

It works regardless. And it's much cheaper than pharma.

I am a big pusher of QSC semaglutide
When I started taking QSC, I made sure to check my blood glucose response since it’s an (easy) objective metric of the dose response effect. Even though I’m mostly interested in the appetite suppression, you can’t really measure that.

I found QSC to be right at 85% as ‘strong’ as pharma. Same side effect profile. So if you were running 1 mg pharma, instead run 1.17 mg of the thing that costs about 1/30th of the price.
I started yesterday QSC sema. 0.25mgs. at 18PM. I went to dinner at 22PM with less appetite and some kind of mental high, still figuring out if its my imagination of the sema has some subtle high type effects

Deffo having a hard time digesting and feeling full and bloated and super slow digestion. I still wating for the sulphurous farts. I love hardcore sulphur farting but its not coming that easy... I should try whey and eggs, right?

What about metformin? Any place where I can deep read about the semaglutide/metformin combo?. Normally Metformin put me hipoglucemic and ravenously hungry about carbs, so I try to only take it before carb binges, which happens almost never

Also, the second .25 dose should be 3.5EOD or 1 week?

Thanks and pray for my farts to come soon enought
The card itself says it covers a one month or three month prescription. I assumed that meant one or three months at a time, depending on how the prescriber writes it, for one year, just what you said. Two pharmacists told me that was not the case. I have not drilled down because for some reason I believed—and shame on me here—that the people at CVS knew what they were talking about. I should not have assumed the pharmacy manager would know more than I did, but again, shame on me. This was maybe the first time in years that I trusted someone who has an important job title and I have never been more validated in my mistrust of people.
CVS is the worst I switched to smiths in Las Vegas (Kroger) nationally and have never had a problem with any of my scripts they even tell me if there out of my Ritalin and there not suppose to
Just received 4mg semaglutide off QSC. pinned .25mg worth yesterday morning. haven't felt anything over 24 hours in. I’m only 150lbs to add to this^. should I pin a bit more since I've been reading it may be slightly underdosed?
It's not a magic bullet. Food noise would be there just less.

It needs willpower to work, it's not dnp.
Yeah Ofc, I was comparing it to cutting without the drug. have cut to single digit bodyfat% once before but oh was it a battle everyday mentally. experimenting to see if it makes the mental easier
I injected another half vial. So that's 3mg total of qsc sema. 2mg on Monday, 1mg Thursday. Still just not sure. Doesn't feel anything like the last 6 months on pharmacy compounded semaglutide at 1.7mg. Every week felt the same, I knew exactly what to expect for side effects. Always consistent. Not feeling any of that. I always got constipation the first two days. None of that either. Normal movement this morning. We'll see today about the hunger bc I was feeling hungry the last two days which is also not normal. All I feel is a slight headache. I have felt that before on mounjaro but I don't recall that on semaglutide. Package says 10107597 qdsigmasm1. Is that what y'all's said?
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I injected another half vial. So that's 3mg total of qsc sema. 2mg on Monday, 1mg Thursday. Still just not sure. Doesn't feel anything like the last 6 months on pharmacy compounded semaglutide at 1.7mg. Every week felt the same, I knew exactly what to expect for side effects. Always consistent. Not feeling any of that. I always got constipation the first two days. None of that either. Normal movement this morning. We'll see today about the hunger bc I was feeling hungry the last two days which is also not normal. All I feel is a slight headache. I have felt that before on mounjaro but I don't recall that on semaglutide. Package says 10107597 qdsigmasm1. Is that what y'all's said?
how long were you running pharma sema before switching to QSC?
There is the diminishing returns on sema as the body becomes "adjusted" to it, so IDK how much that is factoring in.
QSC's sema is definitely legitimate as a score of us have lost a lot of weight using it.
I hope it kicks in for you as your experience would be frustrating for any of us.
(Side note; when I get headaches while on sema its because I've started to dehydrate myself, so I usually chug some sugar free sports Pedialyte. YMMV.)
Yeah Ofc, I was comparing it to cutting without the drug. have cut to single digit bodyfat% once before but oh was it a battle everyday mentally. experimenting to see if it makes the mental easier
There’s not a lot of data of people starting at 15% body fat so throw out most of the anecdotal experiences. Also, if you have a choice, experiment with tirzepatide instead of sema, it’s superior in terms of weight loss with less sides.
how long were you running pharma sema before switching to QSC?
There is the diminishing returns on sema as the body becomes "adjusted" to it, so IDK how much that is factoring in.
QSC's sema is definitely legitimate as a score of us have lost a lot of weight using it.
I hope it kicks in for you as your experience would be frustrating for any of us.
(Side note; when I get headaches while on sema its because I've started to dehydrate myself, so I usually chug some sugar free sports Pedialyte. YMMV.)

Thanks yeah I'm definitely gonna try and get some extra water in. I don't have Pedialyte but after I workout I usually add a 1/4 teaspoon lite salt (it's half potassium, half sodium) in my water with creatine. I also take magnesium before bed. Helps with the constipation as well.

For the last 3 months I've been rotating every week between 10mg Mounjaro and 1.7mg compounded semaglutide. I lose my access to Mounjaro when the coupon expires next month so I've been trying to stretch my supply by rotating since the Mounjaro hits a little harder. I've got several boxes saved up from doing this but starting next week I'll go up to 12.5mg Mounjaro so I'll probably have to increase semaglutide to 2.0mg or 2.4mg to keep up. I may just try the compounded semaglutide instead next week at 1.7mg to see how I feel since I know it's legit. I got a sample ozempic pen from my doc and it felt identical to that
My friend has taken Sema with great results for two months exactly. She decided to take 3 weeks off so far and was wondering about when she should start up again at the lowest effective dose. I was thinking one more week for 4 total off. Thoughts?
Anyone know of a compounding pharmacy in San Diego area that does semaglutide? My dr will call in a prescription but I have called a 4 different compounding pharmacy’s and none of them do semaglutide. Maybe it’s a California thing.
Anyone know of a compounding pharmacy in San Diego area that does semaglutide? My dr will call in a prescription but I have called a 4 different compounding pharmacy’s and none of them do semaglutide. Maybe it’s a California thing.
some legal loophole.

Tell them to call into empower in houston. Or just be like the rest of us and buy from UGL. its honestly the same stuff.

NOVO Nordisk didnt sell shit to any of these pharmacies or release their patent.
My friend has taken Sema with great results for two months exactly. She decided to take 3 weeks off so far and was wondering about when she should start up again at the lowest effective dose. I was thinking one more week for 4 total off. Thoughts?
I've been following some who have attained goal or near goal weight and took a break from Tirz/Sema by stretching the time between injections as long as possible. Based on their reports I think the takeaway is to pay attention to growing food noise, cravings, hunger levels and let that be your guide.

