Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Ozempic(Semaglutide) dosing brochure. Click here

OZEMPIC DOSING INSTRUCTIONS: Place 1ML BAC in 2MG Vial or 2 ML in the 4mg vial
Weekly Total DoseDurationVolume on Syringe
0.25mg4 weeks13 units
0.5mg4 weeks25 units
1mg4 weeks/ maintenance50 units
1.5mg4 weeks75 units
2mg4 weeks100 units
2.4mg4 weeks120 units/1.2ml

Semaglutide: My preferred dosing is used with 0.5ML of BAC in a 2mg vial or 1 ml of BAC in 4mg Vial this is what I have used on other people
Weekly Total DoseDurationVolume on Syringe
0.6mg4 weeks15 units
1mg4 weeks25 units
1.4 mg4 weeks/maintenance35 units
1.8mg4 weeks45 units
2.2mg4 weeks55 units
2.4mgongoing60 units

http://xn--https-nw3b/ (Mounjaro(Tirzepatide) dosing brochure. Click here)
Tirzepatide. I would advise to stop when you hit 10mg a week and take a break for 3 months. Place 1ML of BAC in the vial
Weekly Total DoseDurationVolume on Syringe
2.5mg4 weeks25 units
5mg4 weeks*maintennace50 units
7.5mg4 weeks75 units
10mg4 weeks100 units
12.5mg4 weeks12.5 units
15mg4 weeks/ongoing150 units/1.2ml

When reading this dosing schedule, you are basically saying that QSC Semaglutide is less than 50% as potent. I remember seeing a purity test saying it’s somewhere very close to 100%. I know you can’t fully trust those numbers but is it really this weak? Can you elaborate on why the starting dose is more than double for QSC sema?
Apologies, disregard my last post. I didn’t realize you were just posting the official ozempic directions and comparing to what you prefer for dosing.

But since I’m on the topic, can anyone speak to their experience with brand name Ozempic/Wegovy and how it compared to underground suppliers like QSC? I just finished a box of Wegovy and moved to QSC and not feeling much, but I might just need to go up a dose anyway.
Apologies, disregard my last post. I didn’t realize you were just posting the official ozempic directions and comparing to what you prefer for dosing.

But since I’m on the topic, can anyone speak to their experience with brand name Ozempic/Wegovy and how it compared to underground suppliers like QSC? I just finished a box of Wegovy and moved to QSC and not feeling much, but I might just need to go up a dose anyway.
There is something weird with the delivery system. I think it may affect the absorption. It still works, just need a higher dose. And that higher dose is still a fraction of pharma
I’ve been checking HPLC test from Jano, most sources selling Semaglutide have a high purity but they are all under dosed, with the exception of Supertropin Semaglutide 2mg vial that scored 2.70 mg recently, so I decided to purchase one kit, since is domestic , been doing QSC Sema for months, only the 2 mg vials, I switched yesterday the new Super Sema and it really hit me hard, second day and I’ve been with mild nauseas, gas and little diarrhea at .5 mg, but the appetite suppression is real, I feel full all the time
I wonder if dosage is more like a factor when it comes to side effects cuz if a vial has .7 extra mg and I treat it like is 2mg vial, then my .5 mg was .67 mg approximately
I’ll b curious if Jano had actually tested Ozempic pens to see if the doses are accurate
Picked up a few 4mg Semaglutide vials for my wife from GL. She’s been asking for it for months. She’s not overweight, but anything that will allow her to become more confident and happy, and in turn get me more pussy, is a no-brainer.

First injection last night. We have zofran, so she took that immediately after. No nausea to speak of today. Started at a little over .25mg.
Took my first dose of .25mg yesterday and I have been on two low carb low carb days. Appetite suppression and satiation is apparent but I feel like I may be a bit watery. I’m around 6% BF currently so I feel like I have a decent eye for this. I woke up pretty tight but I may just be getting in my own head.

Anyone have any experience with water retention on semaglutide?
Took my first dose of .25mg yesterday and I have been on two low carb low carb days. Appetite suppression and satiation is apparent but I feel like I may be a bit watery. I’m around 6% BF currently so I feel like I have a decent eye for this. I woke up pretty tight but I may just be getting in my own head.

Anyone have any experience with water retention on semaglutide?
Bro if u are 6% bf why are u taking this haha. Share a pic of so I'm sure everyone would like to see 6% that's quite a feat to accomplish.
That's understandable it's helped me lean up quite easily, I'd bet at less than 8% your body tries to hold on to everything it can.
Yeah I for sure was watery last night when I made the post, but I had woken up tight yesterday, and I was tight again this morning so I just need to monitor especially with how different foods effect me now that I’m on sema
Day 4 update: on a mid calorie (2500 cals) day 6 weeks into a 12 week prep. First time I’ve ever had trouble hitting my macros. I’m at around 1800 and stuffed.

.25mg of pharma ozempic. Waiting for a shipment of sema
Interesting/useful info RE: switching compounds.
Now to find a way to rotate compounds and limit receptor down regulation.

"In conclusion, we have observed in clinical practice that switching from one GLP‐1RA to another may provide substantial benefits and should be considered as an alternative to intensifying treatment. These benefits include improved glycaemic control, greater weight loss, increased adherence and use of a drug with proven CV benefits."
For those that have ran both semaglutide and tirzepatide what were the biggest differences you experienced.
Tirzepatide worked and semaglutide didn’t. That was the main difference.

Semaglutide was fine in short bursts, but after maybe four weeks it was as if a switch was flipped and it no longer had any effect, irrespective of dose. It wasn’t a tolerance thing, it was just ‘nope, I’m done here’.

With tirzepatide on the market I cannot imagine a reason why anyone would try semaglutide first, aside from cost. I get zero side effects from either of these drugs, so maybe (almost certainly) that colors my bias here. But if you were going to spend money on a first attempt with this class of drugs then you’re better off using the one that works better by all clinical and anecdotal measurements. This is of course my opinion and will not reflect the beliefs of everyone else, so take it as merely one of many data points that are out there.
Tirzepatide worked and semaglutide didn’t. That was the main difference.

Semaglutide was fine in short bursts, but after maybe four weeks it was as if a switch was flipped and it no longer had any effect, irrespective of dose. It wasn’t a tolerance thing, it was just ‘nope, I’m done here’.

With tirzepatide on the market I cannot imagine a reason why anyone would try semaglutide first, aside from cost. I get zero side effects from either of these drugs, so maybe (almost certainly) that colors my bias here. But if you were going to spend money on a first attempt with this class of drugs then you’re better off using the one that works better by all clinical and anecdotal measurements. This is of course my opinion and will not reflect the beliefs of everyone else, so take it as merely one of many data points that are out there.
When you say semaglutide quit working after four weeks - did you start regaining the lost weight?
Or was it no longer working to suppress appetite/delay gastric emptying?

I'm curious because I've been on it for a little over 3 weeks at a 1.5mg dose. I was already in a little bit of a calorie deficit and had seen some progress. I initially held off on cutting any more calories, waiting to see what the sema would do so I could adjust from there.
I cannot believe how much fluff I've lost. Macros are still about the same as before sema but I'm really leaning out. It really has me wondering if I wasn't somewhat insulin resistant to start with, because dropping fat has always been an agonizingly slow process for me, and if anything my diet tends to be lower in carbohydrates than macros would dictate (I'm picky and hate a lot of carb-rich food, especially vegetables).
I've run both. I've run sema for two stints (three manufacturers) and tirz for one cycle.

My first run on semaglutide was pharma branded Ozempic, then Deus, then QSC. Effectively identical in terms of dose-response, and I got *all* of the side effects -- including once when I didn't shit for seven days. (I took a pic of the aftermath once I broke the log jam... that's a keepsake.) Insane appetite suppression.

I switched to tirz, had no side effects, but had no appreciably greater result re: appetite suppression or blood sugar regulation. (Those home testing meters are cool if you're a data junkie.)

Took a couple months off, restarted with QSC. I started low and titrated up, but this time I also had no side effects aside from mild heartburn. Went as high as 2.5 mg/week just to see what it felt like, and aside from an absolutely dead appetite, I felt great and still had no sides. But, I really had no interest in food at all and was force-feeding protein and struggling to get to 1000 kcal/day, so I went back down.

So my most noteworthy experiences: (1) tirz was identical to sema but never had strong side effects, and (2) after the first exposure to GLP1 agonists, I never experienced side effects.

I'm very curious about the experience of people who try tirzepatide first. A naive exposure to a GLP1 agonist may just be unpleasant for everyone, regardless of compound.
I've run both. I've run sema for two stints (three manufacturers) and tirz for one cycle.

My first run on semaglutide was pharma branded Ozempic, then Deus, then QSC. Effectively identical in terms of dose-response, and I got *all* of the side effects -- including once when I didn't shit for seven days. (I took a pic of the aftermath once I broke the log jam... that's a keepsake.) Insane appetite suppression.

I switched to tirz, had no side effects, but had no appreciably greater result re: appetite suppression or blood sugar regulation. (Those home testing meters are cool if you're a data junkie.)

Took a couple months off, restarted with QSC. I started low and titrated up, but this time I also had no side effects aside from mild heartburn. Went as high as 2.5 mg/week just to see what it felt like, and aside from an absolutely dead appetite, I felt great and still had no sides. But, I really had no interest in food at all and was force-feeding protein and struggling to get to 1000 kcal/day, so I went back down.

So my most noteworthy experiences: (1) tirz was identical to sema but never had strong side effects, and (2) after the first exposure to GLP1 agonists, I never experienced side effects.

I'm very curious about the experience of people who try tirzepatide first. A naive exposure to a GLP1 agonist may just be unpleasant for everyone, regardless of compound.
I had solid appetite suppression within 12 hours of .25mg sema, I have 3 months worth of .5mg/week. I’m only taking it for appetite suppression while in prep but I’m hoping it’ll help with rebound. If I continue to get the results I want I’ll stick with sema, but I may try low dose tirzepatide during a lean bulk to keep things in check.

I know people need/want to ramp dosing up from a relatively low dose (.25) all the way up to 2.5mg with sema. What type of protocol/dosing is typical of tirzepatide or what worked for you? Also asking 2dogsmom and anyone else
When you say semaglutide quit working after four weeks - did you start regaining the lost weight?
Or was it no longer working to suppress appetite/delay gastric emptying?
It wasn’t causing any appetite suppression. I was still losing weight because I was still in a deficit, but I went from being not hungry to normal levels of hungry and then to famished over the span of maybe three or four weeks.