Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Hey guys, bought tirzepatide from QSC.

Realised I won’t be using them till the end of the year or maybe early next year.

Is storing the powder (which is in the vial) in my cupboard fine?

Or do I have to freeze?

I know you have to put in fridge when you reconstitute with BAC water but I’m just talking about storing the powder here.
So does semaglutide really protect pancreas/insulin sensitivity on hgh if it causes more insulin to be produced and more insulin exposure to cells? It sounds to me like I'd be better off not taking anything than to take it for that
Hey guys, bought tirzepatide from QSC.

Realised I won’t be using them till the end of the year or maybe early next year.

Is storing the powder (which is in the vial) in my cupboard fine?

Or do I have to freeze?

I know you have to put in fridge when you reconstitute with BAC water but I’m just talking about storing the powder here.
I’m not sure anyone has actual data on this. You may be okay leaving them at room temp, but why risk it? If you do, hit me up in January and I’ll pay for the Jano test to see what degraded.
Ah fair enough.

Would you say to just put them in a ziplock bag then put it in the freezer?
Put them in a sealed Thermos that you cooled in the freezer for an hour or so with the lid off to cool it down and then put it in the freezer with some decadent. Those little bags of silicone you get with food and beef sticks and such. Try not avoid temperature variations.
Anyone have any luck having orders shipped to usa? I ordered from usa stock but they won’t have sema for the unknown time period. Wanting to try to order from international warehouse. Curious how it is lately.
Anyone have any luck having orders shipped to usa? I ordered from usa stock but they won’t have sema for the unknown time period. Wanting to try to order from international warehouse. Curious how it is lately.
Ordered from where? This thread isn’t about ordering is about Semaglutide, some people review different sources, but isn’t about sources
Put them in a sealed Thermos that you cooled in the freezer for an hour or so with the lid off to cool it down and then put it in the freezer with some decadent. Those little bags of silicone you get with food and beef sticks and such. Try not avoid temperature variations.
Ah rip put vials with powder in the thermos then into the freezer
I ended up jumping back on semaglutide a few weeks after stopping it. The food noise was impossible to ignore after I had stopped and I had gained 10lbs back - and not the good kind.

I've got a lot going on in my life including a 2 day old baby girl, so I may see if I can come off when things quiet down a bit.

But at the moment, semaglutide is the only thing that appears to help me with the food noise
I ended up jumping back on semaglutide a few weeks after stopping it. The food noise was impossible to ignore after I had stopped and I had gained 10lbs back - and not the good kind.

I've got a lot going on in my life including a 2 day old baby girl, so I may see if I can come off when things quiet down a bit.

But at the moment, semaglutide is the only thing that appears to help me with the food noise
Have you tried weaning off of it?
I ended up jumping back on semaglutide a few weeks after stopping it. The food noise was impossible to ignore after I had stopped and I had gained 10lbs back - and not the good kind.

I've got a lot going on in my life including a 2 day old baby girl, so I may see if I can come off when things quiet down a bit.

But at the moment, semaglutide is the only thing that appears to help me with the food noise
Lol dude I have a 13mo old and stopped and started my first ever real cycle at 350T 400Primo, you'd be amazed at the food noise and poundsge gain except a chunk is good weight at least. I'll need to tighten up here a bit tho soon and start back on semaglutide. The tirzepatide did literally Nothing for me.
I ended up jumping back on semaglutide a few weeks after stopping it. The food noise was impossible to ignore after I had stopped and I had gained 10lbs back - and not the good kind.

I've got a lot going on in my life including a 2 day old baby girl, so I may see if I can come off when things quiet down a bit.

But at the moment, semaglutide is the only thing that appears to help me with the food noise
Man, the rebound of jumping straight off is unreal, isn’t it?!
Have you tried weaning off of it?
Shit, you're right we talked about this when I was planning the NPP bulk cycle I abandoned.

I'm meticulous with drugs, I plan everything out in excel for the entire cycle and for the first time ever with everything I've had going on, I didn't stick to the plan and paid the price.

I'm back on 2mg per week and I'll stay here a couple weeks to stableize and then taper off.

Lol dude I have a 13mo old and stopped and started my first ever real cycle at 350T 400Primo, you'd be amazed at the food noise and poundsge gain except a chunk is good weight at least. I'll need to tighten up here a bit tho soon and start back on semaglutide. The tirzepatide did literally Nothing for me.

Yeah I had a good bulk cycle planned but situations changed and I didn't want to risk Nandrolone for the first time and have potential bad mental sides right as I'm started a few new contracts and a new relationship and having a kid. And no I normally don't have this much drama going on.

Man, the rebound of jumping straight off is unreal, isn’t it?!

I've never experienced anything like like it. Food noise has long been an issue for me but it was never as intense as it was stopping semaglutide cold turkey.
I did a 2 weeks QSC cycle and worked great, even too great, a bit in the nausea side. That was a month ago.

Now: time to do the next cycle. I have run out of bac water and Im experimenting opening one vial and sniffing fine lines of the powder. It use to work with most peptides.

The amount of powder are a bit too tiny, so I cant measure it precisely, but after 36h ramping the dose I would say that is working and the absortion via lungs must be quite decent, I would say 80% potency.

Deffo is working with some less potency. Le´ts see how it develops
I did a 2 weeks QSC cycle and worked great, even too great, a bit in the nausea side. That was a month ago.

Now: time to do the next cycle. I have run out of bac water and Im experimenting opening one vial and sniffing fine lines of the powder. It use to work with most peptides.

The amount of powder are a bit too tiny, so I cant measure it precisely, but after 36h ramping the dose I would say that is working and the absortion via lungs must be quite decent, I would say 80% potency.

Deffo is working with some less potency. Le´ts see how it develops
Am I the only one who's currently not seeing any benefit yet from sema?

Both .25 and .50 didn't yield any result in terms of curbing hunger and/or cravings, should I bump it up to .75 or go straight to 1?