Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I’m not smart enough to do this but does anyone purchase raw sema or triz and bottle themselves? Just curious how that would work. I couldn’t find any videos. Like I said I won’t do this as I’m too lazy but I’m just curious how to do it.
Am I the only one who's currently not seeing any benefit yet from sema?

Both .25 and .50 didn't yield any result in terms of curbing hunger and/or cravings, should I bump it up to .75 or go straight to 1?
What I have read, a lot of people don’t yield results until 1.0. I also had no side effects on any dose yet I’m still losing. It takes time to work and if you don’t have much weight to lose it’s slow. My mom lost 4 pounds in 2 months but doesn’t have much weight to lose.
Am I the only one who's currently not seeing any benefit yet from sema?

Both .25 and .50 didn't yield any result in terms of curbing hunger and/or cravings, should I bump it up to .75 or go straight to 1?
I think you are focusing on the side effects, read into how it helps fatloss not just by appetite suppression. The mechanism is explained in detail somewhere in this massive thread.
lol must be a troll but certainly would work.. its orally available so likely a nasal spray would work even better... but ripping lines is crazyness impossible to dose.

would be interesting to see if perhaps a nasal spray would last longer than oral but less than sub-q... perhaps perfect way to use far less dosage than oral aswell but also have benefit of less side effects as serum levels wouldn't be pinned for 4-5 days like sub-q. also would be interesting how the rat thyroid cancer shows up with oral semaglutide vs injection...

anyone been seeing the anxiety relief they have been talking about in the media? (dang they REALLY have a great PR department, folks talk about cancer, then they say eh lets talk about how it will treat your mental illness AND obesity).

what I am curious about is mechanism of anxiety relief, perhaps the ever growing anxiety depression is much more linked to blood sugar/diet than most of us have been led to believe... that being said, when I was little I went to a phyciatrist and he put me on a special diet which basically made u eat less sugar and processed foods. no red food dye and a few other things I cant remember along with balanced breakfast being what I remember being stressed. he also would give folks vitamin IV WAAAY back in the 90s and got the gov to pay for it for mental illness.. which just now looking back on it was pretty amazing for a guy who also did drug trials for big pharma aswell. all this to say, blood glucose is becoming ever more clear as the key to longevity/health of heart kidneys etc and likely mental health. obv other connections with IGF etc but those happy skinny little old ladies who seem could eat anything and stay small seem to live longest.
lol must be a troll but certainly would work.. its orally available so likely a nasal spray would work even better... but ripping lines is crazyness impossible to dose.

would be interesting to see if perhaps a nasal spray would last longer than oral but less than sub-q... perhaps perfect way to use far less dosage than oral aswell but also have benefit of less side effects as serum levels wouldn't be pinned for 4-5 days like sub-q. also would be interesting how the rat thyroid cancer shows up with oral semaglutide vs injection...

anyone been seeing the anxiety relief they have been talking about in the media? (dang they REALLY have a great PR department, folks talk about cancer, then they say eh lets talk about how it will treat your mental illness AND obesity).

what I am curious about is mechanism of anxiety relief, perhaps the ever growing anxiety depression is much more linked to blood sugar/diet than most of us have been led to believe... that being said, when I was little I went to a phyciatrist and he put me on a special diet which basically made u eat less sugar and processed foods. no red food dye and a few other things I cant remember along with balanced breakfast being what I remember being stressed. he also would give folks vitamin IV WAAAY back in the 90s and got the gov to pay for it for mental illness.. which just now looking back on it was pretty amazing for a guy who also did drug trials for big pharma aswell. all this to say, blood glucose is becoming ever more clear as the key to longevity/health of heart kidneys etc and likely mental health. obv other connections with IGF etc but those happy skinny little old ladies who seem could eat anything and stay small seem to live longest.
Maybe people are just not as depressed and anxious because they see they dont have to drowned those feelings in food? Or that the fat they put on in 5 years actually looks like its reversing?

Or is there actual chemicals in brain released?
yup, would be interesting to talk to some folks who noticed it... imagine they will be all over researching it so can get a new on label and imagine would be able to expand the patent for longer time which they have been trying already... only 4-5 years left lol and shits JUST got popping last couple years, and didn't have production to really take advantage.
I’m not smart enough to do this but does anyone purchase raw sema or triz and bottle themselves? Just curious how that would work. I couldn’t find any videos. Like I said I won’t do this as I’m too lazy but I’m just curious how to do it.
That wont work buddy. Raw semaglutide or tirzepatide powder is not freeze dried and there's manitol missing as well. If you inject it it will most likely have no effect or wont dissolve in water because it's not in the actual peptide form. Be smart and dont buy a gram of something that you can not use.
Ok, after 72h I can say that semaglutide dont work sniffing it.

ïve done like 1mg. 1mg sub-q would have me vomiting and sniffing it, after 72h does not even interfere with my food noise.

So dont burn your peptide and just sub-q it. Most of the peptides work by the lungs but sema is probably too big for this route
Ok, after 72h I can say that semaglutide dont work sniffing it.

ïve done like 1mg. 1mg sub-q would have me vomiting and sniffing it, after 72h does not even interfere with my food noise.

So dont burn your peptide and just sub-q it. Most of the peptides work by the lungs but sema is probably too big for this route
I thought it was a joke...
Ok, after 72h I can say that semaglutide dont work sniffing it.

ïve done like 1mg. 1mg sub-q would have me vomiting and sniffing it, after 72h does not even interfere with my food noise.

So dont burn your peptide and just sub-q it. Most of the peptides work by the lungs but sema is probably too big for this route
Try rectal administration while you are at it. Maybe it is a viable way lol
lol must be a troll but certainly would work.. its orally available so likely a nasal spray would work even better... but ripping lines is crazyness impossible to dose.

would be interesting to see if perhaps a nasal spray would last longer than oral but less than sub-q... perhaps perfect way to use far less dosage than oral aswell but also have benefit of less side effects as serum levels wouldn't be pinned for 4-5 days like sub-q. also would be interesting how the rat thyroid cancer shows up with oral semaglutide vs injection...

anyone been seeing the anxiety relief they have been talking about in the media? (dang they REALLY have a great PR department, folks talk about cancer, then they say eh lets talk about how it will treat your mental illness AND obesity).

what I am curious about is mechanism of anxiety relief, perhaps the ever growing anxiety depression is much more linked to blood sugar/diet than most of us have been led to believe... that being said, when I was little I went to a phyciatrist and he put me on a special diet which basically made u eat less sugar and processed foods. no red food dye and a few other things I cant remember along with balanced breakfast being what I remember being stressed. he also would give folks vitamin IV WAAAY back in the 90s and got the gov to pay for it for mental illness.. which just now looking back on it was pretty amazing for a guy who also did drug trials for big pharma aswell. all this to say, blood glucose is becoming ever more clear as the key to longevity/health of heart kidneys etc and likely mental health. obv other connections with IGF etc but those happy skinny little old ladies who seem could eat anything and stay small seem to live longest.
Found a reference to incretins/GLP-1 agonists (liraglutide, specifically) for improving symptoms of HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa) as well as psoriasis. Was not expecting that at all. So makes me wonder how many autoimmune and chronic diseases are actually caused by chronic inflammation and insulin resistance? Our Western diet really is killing us and costing billions in healthcare dollars not to mention crappy quality of life. You'd think insurance companies would PAY their clients to take it! Instead they will just keep paying for blood pressure medications, cardiac drugs, interventional cardiology procedures, dialysis, insulin, strokes, surgical removal of limbs, rehab, and durable medical equipment. And perhaps needless mental health problems with all the inherent social needs and problems that may also be related.
interesting forsure... there is some connection between psoriasis and liver/bile. I brought this up to my hemachromatosis doc, she was like u mean cyrosis of the liver... lol I was like no on my scalp... anyway wasn't going to argue, thought it was common knowledge and not some voodoo eastern med thing.
That wont work buddy. Raw semaglutide or tirzepatide powder is not freeze dried and there's manitol missing as well. If you inject it it will most likely have no effect or wont dissolve in water because it's not in the actual peptide form. Be smart and dont buy a gram of something that you can not use.
I wouldn’t do it. I just saw someone selling it so I was just interested to see how it works.
What sources are you guys currently using to get your stuff? Anyone have a USA domestic source?
I switched to Supertropin a month ago, local fast delivery, after using QSC for a while, I saw their hplc Jano test, is overdosed to 0.70 mg extra the 2mg vial, I can tell is way more potent, of course has to b cuz vials are overdosed, rather get this faster than waiting weeks and worry about customs
I’ve been checking Jano hplc test, most sources have a high purity over 99% and doses are usually little under, haven’t seen many over