Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Hello, I've been stalking this thread for a while now but haven't posted until now.

Up until now I was just messing around with Rybelsus (oral semaglutide) and it was working pretty well. But the highest dose is only equivalent to .5mg subq. I was taking 2x a day which is probably equivalent to 1mg. It's been about a month and I'm getting tolerant of this dose, so I'm switching to qsc tirz

The batch I got has green caps

The first email I sent was on 2023-06-16, they responded the next day and it was shipped 2023-07-01. Shipping took a bit over 2 weeks, and I live in the southern US.

Some observations:
- I took only a 1 day break between stopping sema and starting tirz. Yesterday 2023-07-18 I pinned 2.5mg and I could feel some appetite suppression, but not super strong. I woke up pretty hungry today so I pinned another 2.5mg for funsies, and now I'm writing this instead of raiding my refrigerator ;p

- The vials were under a pretty strong vacuum; I had to inject quite a bit of air in to draw anything out. Not sure if this is because I was storing it in the fridge in powder form.
Hello, I've been stalking this thread for a while now but haven't posted until now.

Up until now I was just messing around with Rybelsus (oral semaglutide) and it was working pretty well. But the highest dose is only equivalent to .5mg subq. I was taking 2x a day which is probably equivalent to 1mg. It's been about a month and I'm getting tolerant of this dose, so I'm switching to qsc tirz

The batch I got has green caps
e first email I sent was on 2023-06-16, they responded the next day and it was shipped 2023-07-01. Shipping took a bit over 2 weeks, and I live in the southern US.

Some observations:
- I took only a 1 day break between stopping sema and starting tirz. Yesterday 2023-07-18 I pinned 2.5mg and I could feel some appetite suppression, but not super strong. I woke up pretty hungry today so I pinned another 2.5mg for funsies, and now I'm writing this instead of raiding my refrigerator ;p

- The vials were under a pretty strong vacuum; I had to inject quite a bit of air in to draw anything out. Not sure if this is because I was storing it in the fridge in powder form.

I had a Doctor (Push) recommend starting at 5mg tirz if you already titrated to 1mg Semi, so the second injection might have been the right move.

For me personally, 2.5mg didn't do shit.
I've seen a few people in here referencing getting actual prescriptions for either Tirzepatide or Semaglutide. How did you all manage to do that? Did you end up going to a telehealth clinic and just paying out of pocket or did you get your doctor to prescribe and get insurance to cover? (If this question is off base or stupid pls don't eat my ass in the replies)

I did place an order from Stan, waiting on that delivery now-- but obviously pharma grade is preferable
I've seen a few people in here referencing getting actual prescriptions for either Tirzepatide or Semaglutide. How did you all manage to do that? Did you end up going to a telehealth clinic and just paying out of pocket or did you get your doctor to prescribe and get insurance to cover? (If this question is off base or stupid pls don't eat my ass in the replies)

I did place an order from Stan, waiting on that delivery now-- but obviously pharma grade is preferable
Telehealth and my insurance pays for it.
I've seen a few people in here referencing getting actual prescriptions for either Tirzepatide or Semaglutide. How did you all manage to do that? Did you end up going to a telehealth clinic and just paying out of pocket or did you get your doctor to prescribe and get insurance to cover? (If this question is off base or stupid pls don't eat my ass in the replies)

I did place an order from Stan, waiting on that delivery now-- but obviously pharma grade is preferable
Most insurance don’t cover unless you are actually diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I have a friend that actually works for united, his insurance is good and his doctor was able to prescribe it cause he prescribed Metformin in the past cuz he was borderline type 2 diabetic but not actually diabetic, all depends how good your insurance is and how much your doctor is willing to help you, he found a way to do it just cuz in the past he was taken metformin, other people don’t have this luck, is all about how liberal your doctor is with helping you, my mother in law has a horrible doctor in a rural area that doesn’t even want to prescribe metformin, she’s obese on top of that but only borderline diabetic, so I gave her my Semaglutide that only cost me $180 domestic 10 vials and that had changed her life at only 0.50 mg weekly
If you know your sources you can get this very cheap, research sources, ask for hplc report from Jano, Semaglutide is in fact a cheap drug that big pharma is charging over 1K for a pen that only cost em $10 bucks to make
I'm throwing in the towel after my 4th shot of 250mcg Sema. Stuff works great but I can't do the nausea and occasional puking.

Get a prescription for zofran 0.4mg ODT. they have generic available. Dissolves under the tongue and kicks in within 15-20 min. Best nausea drug I’ve ever taken

QSC sells the active ingredient raws as well (ONDANSETRON)
So far green caps tirz from QSC has been a bit underwhelming for me. I pinned another 5mg yesterday (that makes 10mg total for the week) and I haven't really felt much appetite suppression.

Could be tolerant from my rybelsus dose. I am tempted to try to pin 7.5mg next Monday. And then 7.5mg the Thursday after (15mg per week)
So far green caps tirz from QSC has been a bit underwhelming for me. I pinned another 5mg yesterday (that makes 10mg total for the week) and I haven't really felt much appetite suppression.

Could be tolerant from my rybelsus dose. I am tempted to try to pin 7.5mg next Monday. And then 7.5mg the Thursday after (15mg per week)
I stopped splitting doses because it wasnt working as well. For some reason my body responds better to one large dose, which sucks because I get more side effects.
So far green caps tirz from QSC has been a bit underwhelming for me. I pinned another 5mg yesterday (that makes 10mg total for the week) and I haven't really felt much appetite suppression.

Could be tolerant from my rybelsus dose. I am tempted to try to pin 7.5mg next Monday. And then 7.5mg the Thursday after (15mg per week)

Are you coming from Rybelsus and then onto tirz?

I my experience , with US domestic pharmacy compounded tirz , it takes a few days for suppression to fully kick in , regardless of the dose.

Also, did you experiment with different placement and depth of injections ? I’ve found it more potent when injecting just below the skin , an inch or two from belly button , as opposed to deeper into the fat , even if only 5/16th of an inch.
Are you coming from Rybelsus and then onto tirz?

I my experience , with US domestic pharmacy compounded tirz , it takes a few days for suppression to fully kick in , regardless of the dose.

Also, did you experiment with different placement and depth of injections ? I’ve found it more potent when injecting just below the skin , an inch or two from belly button , as opposed to deeper into the fat , even if only 5/16th of an inch.
I'm coming from Rybelsus directly into tirz, so there's probably still some semaglutide going out of my system.

The first pin I tried injecting with the needle fully inserted, and the second pin I did about 1/2 in. Both times around my bellybutton while pinching a fair amount of fat
The syringes I'm using:

Next Monday I'll try pinning 10mg at once and see if there's a difference. At that point I'll also be closer to steady state.
I'm coming from Rybelsus directly into tirz, so there's probably still some semaglutide going out of my system.

The first pin I tried injecting with the needle fully inserted, and the second pin I did about 1/2 in. Both times around my bellybutton while pinching a fair amount of fat
The syringes I'm using:

Next Monday I'll try pinning 10mg at once and see if there's a difference. At that point I'll also be closer to steady state.
Give 7.5 a try. I ran out like ten days ago and last week only had 2.5 left Got my Qsc shipment yest and was gonna try 5. But pinned an extra 2.5 later in the day. Was waiting all day for it to “kick in “ today (nausea ) but none came. Meanwhile I barely ate. Had I not been logging my food I’d have missed it.

i experimented before and found that it only lasts 5 days for me. Whether I do 5, 7.5 or 10 mg.

i haven’t yet tried to run 5 mg every 3 days maybe I want to push the throttle on this to cleave off the final 20 lbs and then I can tweak and try to optimize minimum required dose to maintain.

Side note: im a week into injectable winny 50mg per day and it’s got quite a nice appetite suppression. I would have not kept up w my calorie deficit this past week without tirz had I not been on win
I find it's like that now, not much nausea but if I don't actively think about or plan food I'll end up forgetting to eat and keep doing whatever I was doing. Suppression seems more of a subtle feeling rather than a constant rock in my stomach.
Should I start with .25mg QSC? It seems like some people feel nothing at this dose and like some dudes get broke off
I didn't use QSC but from my own personal experience I'd start with .25. Shit hit me like a truck. Lost about 15 pounds the first month at that dose and quit. Puked a few times. I do get a lot of sides from most medications though.