Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
semaglutide is a great tool, but idk wtf you are doing dude. Dangerous practice, then you make a post about DNP?
using blood concentration I determined that I had enough semaglutide in my system to warent roughly 5mg at once. I then let it all come out via half life, well up to about 1-0.5mg. then shot the 9, this is because I suspected it wasn't simply going to work, which it didn't.

The DNP would be dosed using blood concentrations with the halflife 36 hour calculations, I used them separate. And I feel the DNP, so I see no need to go above 500mg, currently sitting at 375, I don't even need to go above that, but if I do it's no more than 500. Which I would slowly titrate up, on the weekends, with AC, with people home, so I can never be caught out if something was to happen, similar to the GLP experiment.

I would use the DNP via raws to make my own "safe" capsules, which completely devoids the scary part of the middleman. If I could manufacture my own glp-1, and dose it accordingly, I would, as that would save any middleman issues as well. But I think I simply can't use them.

I also forgot to mention I did 9mg because there is research on tests up to 7.2mg, so it is safe at higher doses.
Still don't know if these GLP-1's don't work for me, or I just need therapy.

Pinned 9 whole mg's (after using lower doses prior) of a peptide companies sema, felt like my stomach got knotted for 1 single day, after that nothing. I don't get hungry, but I still get food noise and cravings (i don't really get hungrier anyways, just the other 2).

Pinned 10mg of Tirz, QSC, got some farting and 1 bowel movement, but nothing, same as Sema. Also used 2mg of QSC sema, same deal.

Tempted to buy a 10kit, and try 4mg-8mg, but we'll see. Or just wait for Retatrutide.

semaglutide is a great tool, but idk wtf you are doing dude. Dangerous practice, then you make a post about DNP?

I would opt for the therapy. I just read your other thread too. This sounds like a disaster about to happen. Go find someone to guide you so you don't hurt yourself.
I would opt for the therapy. I just read your other thread too. This sounds like a disaster about to happen. Go find someone to guide you so you don't hurt yourself.
Possibly, but I have yet to use a dose un-recorded in documents. for both sema, tirz, and DNP. And I am still deeply afraid to attempt to even bump up to 500mg, I have a 125mg pill sitting on my desk still since I didn't take it yet. (I got 125mgs, to dose upwards, incase 250 was to much)
Possibly, but I have yet to use a dose un-recorded in documents. for both sema, tirz, and DNP. And I am still deeply afraid to attempt to even bump up to 500mg, I have a 125mg pill sitting on my desk still since I didn't take it yet. (I got 125mgs, to dose upwards, incase 250 was to much)
I dont know what you expect to achieve and most of all. SUSTAIN.
Possibly, but I have yet to use a dose un-recorded in documents. for both sema, tirz, and DNP. And I am still deeply afraid to attempt to even bump up to 500mg, I have a 125mg pill sitting on my desk still since I didn't take it yet. (I got 125mgs, to dose upwards, incase 250 was to much)
We are afraid for you. Seriously, go get someone to guide you.
I dont know what you expect to achieve and most of all. SUSTAIN.
Well I just need to drop about 20ish to 40ish pounds. that will put me at a comfortable bodyfat to maintain for about 1.5 years, I can't lose weight for 1.5 years. But during that time I will have gained weight "intentionally", as in probably just lack of adherence, but I do need to add 5-10 more lbs of muscle, so I have a legitimate reason to. From there, cut whatever is needed to achieve 12% bodyfat, and stay there.

I have no problem maintaining my weight, relativley, I gained like 1 pound in 3-4 months. But I binge extremely badly during a diet, I've tried a 3k deficit, I've tried a 300 deficit, I binge the same either way. So as minimal time as possible to achieve the goal.

If you couldn't tell already, I was and used to be extremely obese. Think 350+
Well I just need to drop about 20ish to 40ish pounds. that will put me at a comfortable bodyfat to maintain for about 1.5 years, I can't lose weight for 1.5 years. But during that time I will have gained weight "intentionally", as in probably just lack of adherence, but I do need to add 5-10 more lbs of muscle, so I have a legitimate reason to. From there, cut whatever is needed to achieve 12% bodyfat, and stay there.

I have no problem maintaining my weight, relativley, I gained like 1 pound in 3-4 months. But I binge extremely badly during a diet, I've tried a 3k deficit, I've tried a 300 deficit, I binge the same either way. So as minimal time as possible to achieve the goal.

If you couldn't tell already, I was and used to be extremely obese. Think 350+
When you are obese you can get away with extreme calorie deficit, but when you are closer to normal fat % it is very unhealthy to do extreme cuts. The lower your body fat is it becomes much smarter and healthier to cut at a slower pace. Generally 1 - 1.5 lb per week depending on overall stature is a sustainable rate. I'm not surprised the drugs aren't working if you are literally starving yourself. You loose weight the same way you gained it, slowly. Using unreasonable drug doses to try and make up for a poor cutting protocol is dangerous and irresponsible for your health. What you need is consistency and patience over a longer period of time.
When you are obese you can get away with extreme calorie deficit, but when you are closer to normal fat % it is very unhealthy to do extreme cuts. The lower your body fat is it becomes much smarter and healthier to cut at a slower pace. Generally 1 - 1.5 lb per week depending on overall stature is a sustainable rate. I'm not surprised the drugs aren't working if you are literally starving yourself. You loose weight the same way you gained it, slowly. Using unreasonable drug doses to try and make up for a poor cutting protocol is dangerous and irresponsible for your health. What you need is consistency and patience over a longer period of time.
It took 2 years for the last 225 pounds, but the last 25-50 aren't coming off without the binges unfortunately.
Novo nordisk is currently in phase 3 clinical trials for 7.2mg Semaglutide for weight loss. So no, 9mg is not killing people.
I wrote "could", not will.

Try to give 9mgs to a non tolerant user and if its not lethal, it would have dead serious consecuences. My first take was 0.250 and was a bit too much for 3-4 days. I dont want to imagine what 9mgs could do in a naive user. This compounds are no joke
It took 2 years for the last 225 pounds, but the last 25-50 aren't coming off without the binges unfortunately.
That method will end up with poor results and rebound. If you are in a calorie deficit you will lose fat. Maybe you are used to loosing weight rapidly when obese? Once you are not obese fat just doesn't come off at the same pace. Stick to a steady reasonable deficit and track progress by weeks and months.
Novo nordisk is currently in phase 3 clinical trials for 7.2mg Semaglutide for weight loss. So no, 9mg is not killing people.
Interesting, I hadn't heard about that trial but just googled it, thanks! I wonder if as time progresses that all of these GLP-1's will ultimately require higher and higher doses as people's bodies adapt. I'm also curious if they've actually identified a "toxic" dose if that's even possible.
Hey, has anybody had any luck sourcing Cagrisema? Cagrilintide + semaglutide. It’s currently in trials. Or AMG133?

I would ask in the QSC thread but I don’t have sufficient privileges to comment there.
Looked through a few pages of threads but does anyone know if there’s any progress on sourcing oral semaglutide or similar now that it’s been shown to be equally effective in some ways?

I was doing fine with shots and then suddenly one day just couldn’t get myself to do it anymore (not a big fan of needles) so I’d love some pills any day now…
Bgpharmadrugs has the oral tablets. I've never used them though.
I’ve tried reading thru this thread. But it’s very back and forth.

What’s the typical dosage and ‘cycle’ here? Some seem to say 0.1mg a day. Some say 1mg once a week. The studies say 1.7-2.4mg once a week.

For someone starting out, what’s ‘best’?
I’ve tried reading thru this thread. But it’s very back and forth.

What’s the typical dosage and ‘cycle’ here? Some seem to say 0.1mg a day. Some say 1mg once a week. The studies say 1.7-2.4mg once a week.

For someone starting out, what’s ‘best’?
You need to slowly build up. I was directed by a doctor, but it's very similar to Cridi's post. I haven't gone over 1.5 yet though (his is 1.6) because I haven't needed to. At this point, I'll only increase if I stop feeling the effects at the dose I'm at.

Anyone taking sema and tirzepatide together ? If so, what’s the recommended dosages? Currently on 1mg of Ozempic and have some generic tirzepatide. Can’t get the Ozempic any higher dose and it’s just losing some effectiveness now.
Anyone taking sema and tirzepatide together ? If so, what’s the recommended dosages? Currently on 1mg of Ozempic and have some generic tirzepatide. Can’t get the Ozempic any higher dose and it’s just losing some effectiveness now.
I take 0.5 mg of Sema with 5mg of tirzepatide
Is enough for me, and is my maintenance dose after reaching my optimum weight
Add tirze to your Ozempic and you’ll get the curve appetite increase again