Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I’ve tried reading thru this thread. But it’s very back and forth.

What’s the typical dosage and ‘cycle’ here? Some seem to say 0.1mg a day. Some say 1mg once a week. The studies say 1.7-2.4mg once a week.

For someone starting out, what’s ‘best’?
The dose depends on your goal. When I decided to test Semaglutide, I didn't have goal. I just wanted to try it. Results? It removed any food cravings and it made my diet very easy to follow. People lose the weight because they are eating less.

Start at .25mg once or week and stay there for as long as you can. Gradually increase the dose, if you want. I really don't notice a difference in effectiveness between .25mg or 1mg (what I take now). I wish I had stuck with the lower dose for longer. Tolerance does increase when you increase the dose.

The dosages in the weight loss studies will make you feel seriously ill. I have no idea how a person can take 2.4mg Semaglutide and not feel like they want to die. You really have to gradually work your way up to that dose, over time.
I would like but it doesn’t allow me to

When I click on your name it says unfollow and ignore

I’m gusssing it is due to being downvoted to the point of having negative rep because of a question I asked
You asked a question and then proceeded to bash anyone that answered. I wasn't part of the thread, but I saw it. If you ask a question, at least be nice to the people answering. Have a civil discussion. A lot of them were well known members too, so they've been here a while. I even saw a comment where you also disrespected. You don't have to agree with anyone, but at least be respectful.

You asked a question and then proceeded to bash anyone that answered. I wasn't part of the thread, but I saw it. If you ask a question, at least be nice to the people answering. Have a civil discussion. A lot of them were well known members too, so they've been here a while. I even saw a comment where you also disrespected. You don't have to agree with anyone, but at least be respectful.

I can’t remember asking you for your thoughts
I would like but it doesn’t allow me to

When I click on your name it says unfollow and ignore

I’m gusssing it is due to being downvoted to the point of having negative rep because of a question I asked
When I click on your name, I also don't see the option to message you. I don't know how the system works but my guess is to keep posting and eventually the feature may come back to you.
Some of my experience with Tirzepatide so far:

Started at 2.5mg a week for 2 weeks and sides were non existent. Decent suppression of hunger. Bumped to 5mg a week for over 2 weeks now and hunger suppression is significant. The feeling is odd as I can feel my body wanting more calories but my desire to eat is about 40% of normal at best. Cutting naturally the body craving and mental craving run in parallel. It feels like my body wants to eat but my mind has no interest. It's kind of unnerving in a way but I'm getting used to it. The thought of eating is a bit nauseating at times and I have to make myself like it's a chore. 0 interest in the foods I normally crave. I am a bit concerned that the hunger suppression is to much as I had a couple days were I was very low energy/mentally alow and my body became so hungry I managed a big refeed meal with high carb. Felt so much better physically the days after. Weight has been dropping like a rock (down 4.6% total weight so far) but I'm sure part of that is glycogen depletion. This is fine for weeks but I don't think this is would be sustainable for say 2 months, the speed of weight loss feels to fast. Taxing my body a bit. I will stay at 5mg and hopefully the hunger suppression and speed of weight loss will stabilize to a more moderate level. If it doesn't I will drop the dose. Only side effect at 5mg is indigestion. It's bad enough that I am taking 10mg famotidine 2x a day and indigestion is gone. Also taking 650mg magnesium citrate nightly to keep bowels moving. I'll update in the future.

Thanks to all who have shared great info here! Very useful/helpful!
Really encouraging finding re: heart failure and semaglutide.

TLDR - it’s the best therapy for the most common version of a bad thing.

There’s a type of heart failure where you continue to pump blood more or less correctly, but the heart doesn’t fill up properly because of some structural changes in the cells making up the tissue. It’s correlated to obesity, high blood pressure, aging, and inactivity. Patients given semaglutide are better able to perform everyday activity without keeling over from shortness of breath. Some of this comes from the weight loss, but another portion appears to be a weight-independent cardioprotective effect.

There are some possible implications for the cardiac remodeling associated with anabolic use, but I haven’t looked at the specifics closely enough to convince myself. In either case, we’re talking tens of millions of people who now have a way to treat a condition that was only minimally treatable before.
Source-related discussion is prohibited outside the Steroid Underground subforum.
Can anyone point me do a decent sema source that doesn't heavily underdose? I paid out the ass for 5mg of water one too many times now.. pls help
Can anyone point me do a decent sema source that doesn't heavily underdose? I paid out the ass for 5mg of water one too many times now.. pls help
Start reading and make your own decision. There is an entire part of the forum dedicated to UGL sources. Maybe you get ripped off because you are to lazy to do your due diligence.
Start reading and make your own decision. There is an entire part of the forum dedicated to UGL sources. Maybe you get ripped off because you are to lazy to do your due diligence.
Is it normal to insult someone and call them lazy without knowing a single thing about them? Is it something you enjoy?

I've gotten several orders from places like Amino Asylum, an order from Arctic Peptides, and another from a Canadian place whose names escapes me right now. All of them have been very spotty in terms of quality or maybe purity.Some orders are great some are definitely bunk. The only other source I've seen is QCS but I was looking for other suggestions. There's also a rather large google sheet of some sources but almost every other forum doesn't allow source talk so I'm not seeing much in regards to their efficacy. On Reddit a lot of accounts vouching for these places have 1 comment with no upvotes.
Can anyone point me do a decent sema source that doesn't heavily underdose? I paid out the ass for 5mg of water one too many times now.. pls help

I've gotten several orders from places like Amino Asylum, an order from Arctic Peptides, and another from a Canadian place whose names escapes me right now. All of them have been very spotty in terms of quality or maybe purity.Some orders are great some are definitely bunk. The only other source I've seen is QCS but I was looking for other suggestions. There's also a rather large google sheet of some sources but almost every other forum doesn't allow source talk so I'm not seeing much in regards to their efficacy. On Reddit a lot of accounts vouching for these places have 1 comment with no upvotes.

Start reading and make your own decision.
UncleBuns is correct.. you need to start reading and make your own decision. You just joined this forum and this is your very first post.. which is asking for a source and is against the rules of this forum.

"MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost."

"If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use."

I suggest you read the new member post and start reading and researching like the rest of us. There is plenty of information in the thread and in this forum available to you.

Is it normal to insult someone and call them lazy without knowing a single thing about them? Is it something you enjoy?

I've gotten several orders from places like Amino Asylum, an order from Arctic Peptides, and another from a Canadian place whose names escapes me right now. All of them have been very spotty in terms of quality or maybe purity.Some orders are great some are definitely bunk. The only other source I've seen is QCS but I was looking for other suggestions. There's also a rather large google sheet of some sources but almost every other forum doesn't allow source talk so I'm not seeing much in regards to their efficacy. On Reddit a lot of accounts vouching for these places have 1 comment with no upvotes.
You obviously haven't been here very long. This ain't reddit. If you consider that an insult then you are WAY to fragile for this board. Asking for people to spoon feed you a source is FUCKING LAZY which is why I said you're lazy. Go do your DD. You obviously didn't look into how this board works or the culture here at all before posting which is also lazy. Good luck kid.
UncleBuns is correct.. you need to start reading and make your own decision. You just joined this forum and this is your very first post.. which is asking for a source and is against the rules of this forum.

"MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost."

"If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use."

I suggest you read the new member post and start reading and researching like the rest of us. There is plenty of information in the thread and in this forum available to you.

I didn't see that rule, I apologize. I've read from page one to 160, doesn't seem like the nugget of info is there but I'll keep looking If I can't ask I suppose. Thanks
Is it normal to insult someone and call them lazy without knowing a single thing about them?
Typically if you’ve posted something and then found yourself on the receiving end of an accusation of laziness the chances are very good that you did in fact let people know at least something about yourself from which they’ve made a judgment call.
I didn't see that rule, I apologize. I've read from page one to 160, doesn't seem like the nugget of info is there but I'll keep looking If I can't ask I suppose. Thanks
No worries. Expand your horizons though. Explorer outside of this thread. This just happens to be one thread on Semiglutide. There’s a whole forum out there. Go crazy and even use the search button. The information you seek is there.
Can anyone point me do a decent sema source that doesn't heavily underdose? I paid out the ass for 5mg of water one too many times now.. pls help
This is a perfect way to get scammed or trolled.

Again don't be lazy, your question in itself proves you are. Who in his right mind would not research and just wait for recommendations from random people on who to buy from?

Read, utilize the search function, make an informed decision and do not let someone dictate your choice. Be an adult, remember you're going to inject this shit, it could be motor oil, horse cum or properly dosed compound.
I'm half interested I'm giving semaglutide a run. I read about 50 pages but have some questions for those of us with less fat to lose.

I could just diet the 10 to 15 lbs max I have to lose but if Sema will aid I'll give it a go... dieting is never fun.

At a low dose seems it would be fine for lower weight loss as it would just be used to curb appetite during a cut. I saw it isn't as effective with lower bf but I'm not trying to lose 15 lbs in one month and a slow 3 or so month goal is fine if needed. This seem reasonable?

Are you all running a normal cutting cycle on top of this to aid in muscle retention? I haven't seen much talk about anything anabolic in this thread.

Or did I totally skip over the page that this stuff is basically only for those that cane from reddit with 20+ percent bf?