Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Bgpharmadrugs has the oral tablets. I've never used them though.

I used oral sema (Rybelsus, got from my doc) before switching to injectable tirz. I wouldn’t waste time w oral. Way more effective to pin.

Not only that but the daily dosing is a pain in the arse. You need to take the pills as soon as you wake up , on an empty stomach with very little water. And you can’t eat or drink anything for 30 mins. So if you’re used to taking meds when you wake up those have to wait. Same for any pre workouts or even a full glass of water. Very annoying
Hi guys

Can anyone please chime in on dose equivalent for sema vs tirz ? Looking to lower my expenses if possible during the final push and same some tirz for when I’m in maintenance.

Reached a plateau on my tirz 7.5 mg dose , which I have to pin every 4-5 days max. So now I bumped it to 10 mgs , still every 5 days.

Running about a 800 cal deficit in my recomposition and looking at diversifying peptides to bring the cost down given the tirz vs sema prices

Got some questions if anyone can chime in pls. To the extent that you’ve tried Qsc products even better but even pharma vs pharma comparison would be fantastic to hear about

1. What’s a reasonable comparison for 10mg or 7.5 mg tirz if I were to replace it with sema ?

2. Do you find that your injection frequency is the same or does one seem to last you longer for symptom relief ? I can’t do more than 5 days between tirz pins, for example , no matter the dose.

3. What type of stacking strategies have you tried ?
A) cycle a month or few weeks at a time
B) take both at the same time at lowered dose, eg if I’m coming from 10mg tirz I take 5 mg tirz and Xmg sema
C) lower dose of both but staggered within the week. this didn’t Work for me with tirz only. I need minimum 7.5mg to get sufficient coverage and suppression and I tried 3mg EOD without any success. tried 5mg every 3 days and it wasn’t as good for me. Wondering if you found a seeet spot when staggering both peptides.

Thank you.
I take 3mg of tirz and .25mg of sema weekly. It working pretty good so far.
2.5 of tirz and .25mg of semaglutide week. I do the semaglutide 2 days after tirz just because that’s when I started it. Just over 4 weeks in haven’t increased dose (have done shots a day early sometimes if hunger starts creeping back up)
Been able to do 1300 calories a day without much difficulty and down 16 Lbs (first few was water weight from HGH)
2.5 of tirz and .25mg of semaglutide week. I do the semaglutide 2 days after tirz just because that’s when I started it. Just over 4 weeks in haven’t increased dose (have done shots a day early sometimes if hunger starts creeping back up)
Been able to do 1300 calories a day without much difficulty and down 16 Lbs (first few was water weight from HGH)
How is your strength affected?
Any experience using low dose semaglutide (like 0.25mg) solely for the purpose of improving glycemic control?

Not diabetic or pre-diabetic, but have noticed my blood sugar being a bit higher than I would like it to be at some points...
I have a question I think is interesting. Tirzepatide works in 1 way By making mitochondria more inefficient, thus increasing energy expenditure.

If you are supplementing NMN or NAD+ via IV or injections, this compound increases cell metabolism (among other things)

So are these actually working against each other?
mmm Tirzepatide is def not working in 1 way for one, and no NMN or NAD aren't going to change anything, maybe help loose weight if anything ie like super charged 5 hr energy b vitamin is the theory. think you got stuck on the word "mitochondria" or "cell power house" and its much more complicated than turning up or down MC. ie Tirzepatide being GLP targets pancreas and neurones
Hi guys

Can anyone please chime in on dose equivalent for sema vs tirz ? Looking to lower my expenses if possible during the final push and same some tirz for when I’m in maintenance.

Reached a plateau on my tirz 7.5 mg dose , which I have to pin every 4-5 days max. So now I bumped it to 10 mgs , still every 5 days.

Running about a 800 cal deficit in my recomposition and looking at diversifying peptides to bring the cost down given the tirz vs sema prices

Got some questions if anyone can chime in pls. To the extent that you’ve tried Qsc products even better but even pharma vs pharma comparison would be fantastic to hear about

1. What’s a reasonable comparison for 10mg or 7.5 mg tirz if I were to replace it with sema ?

2. Do you find that your injection frequency is the same or does one seem to last you longer for symptom relief ? I can’t do more than 5 days between tirz pins, for example , no matter the dose.

3. What type of stacking strategies have you tried ?
A) cycle a month or few weeks at a time
B) take both at the same time at lowered dose, eg if I’m coming from 10mg tirz I take 5 mg tirz and Xmg sema
C) lower dose of both but staggered within the week. this didn’t Work for me with tirz only. I need minimum 7.5mg to get sufficient coverage and suppression and I tried 3mg EOD without any success. tried 5mg every 3 days and it wasn’t as good for me. Wondering if you found a seeet spot when staggering both peptides.

Thank you.

I wonder how much cross tolerance would play a part if both targeting the same receptors. im some with experience could notice if one showed faster tolerance building, by dosing schedule perhaps sema? or could just be needing to start lower because of side effects.. I don't know.

is the idea basically to save money by taking both at the same time? and perhaps lower sides because of Tirzepatide vs higher dose of semaglutide?


Interesting watch. He is microdosing it ED in amounts way lower than what I see most of guys do here and having success with appetite suppression among his clients.

Lots of rambling in the video but the honesty of the conversation is kind of a relief.

I just watched the beginning but seems interesting. I'm going to listen to the rest tomorrow. Are you going to try it this way?
@DECLAN my fav is how "I was hated at my trt clinic cause I look out for patients $) "drs who take insurance are worse as are dumb and dont make as much money'... hmmm something doesn't add up)lol while what some of what he says is accurate those statements make it clear he was run off prob barely holding onto his license, clearly very defensive about how he is unable to pass the test to be insurance dr lol... while yes many awesome Drs dont take insurance, but just the way he talks you can tell there is "other" reasons and how needed to say for 2 min why he is so smart at math lol.. we get it ur smart ur a dr, let PHD speak for itself, great DRs dont need to explain why other DRs are dumb.... at any rate, decent resource im sure just wouldn't want him as my kids DR we can put it like that.. "what u dont want to be young take hgh dumb ass" lol

but the daily dose is def something to think about, it is possible other side effects show up or greater tolerance etc when don't have the day or 2 of a trough as sometimes there is a reason they dose other than convenience as diabetics already do a shot a day..I don't know, but something to consider...
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@DECLAN my fav is how "I was hated at my trt clinic cause I look out for patients $) "drs who take insurance are worse as are dumb and dont make as much money'... hmmm something doesn't add up)lol while what some of what he says is accurate those statements make it clear he was run off prob barely holding onto his license, clearly very defensive about how he is unable to pass the test to be insurance dr lol... while yes many awesome Drs dont take insurance, but just the way he talks you can tell there is "other" reasons and how needed to say for 2 min why he is so smart at math lol.. we get it ur smart ur a dr, let PHD speak for itself, great DRs dont need to explain why other DRs are dumb.... at any rate, decent resource im sure just wouldn't want him as my kids DR we can put it like that.. "what u dont want to be young take hgh dumb ass" lol

but the daily dose is def something to think about, it is possible other side effects show up or greater tolerance etc when don't have the day or 2 of a trough as sometimes there is a reason they dose other than convenience as diabetics already do a shot a day..I don't know, but something to consider...
He admits taking advantage of his low tier pro status to market his coaching business because he doesn't want to engage in traditional practice lol. He is definitely odd in his ways but lots of practicality and way more knowledgeable explaining medical terminologies us gym rats need to grasp in the grass root level.

However, listening to him is an acquired taste for sure, he can be off putting at times.
lol and a little bit in denial about what steroid abuse does to people even if they eat clean and sleep good, not many giant dudes on mega gear over 65, but I guess he has the secret... don't think its just elevated #s in bloods as he says with next to no risk... but then again goes on to say he would be happy to die and take whatever to get Olympia status... so a bit of a dichotomy... "hate pharma industry" "but I love me some pharma so I look cute" AAANYWAY just being a hater, carry on.
So I'm just curious. I've been taking semaglutide for 16 weeks and it works very well. So well that I don't feel the need to take over 1mg a week and will probably back down to 0.5. I know it hits everyone differently, but some people act like it does nothing and are wanting tirz and ret instead. I can't imagine needing stronger. Do you think it's actually not working or is it their lifestyle or maybe just the gotta have more, bigger better newest attitude?
So I'm just curious. I've been taking semaglutide for 16 weeks and it works very well. So well that I don't feel the need to take over 1mg a week and will probably back down to 0.5. I know it hits everyone differently, but some people act like it does nothing and are wanting tirz and ret instead. I can't imagine needing stronger. Do you think it's actually not working or is it their lifestyle or maybe just the gotta have more, bigger better newest attitude?
I might be wrong to say "stronger" as they work a little differently.