Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Has anyone tried to take half of their semaglutide dosage and then take the other half 3 or 4 days later so it doesn’t wear off? If so, how did it work out?
Yes I do this, it can work if you have a problem with overeating on the last couple of days before dosing, but the trade off is less of a peak so you might eat slightly more on other days.
Has anyone tried to take half of their semaglutide dosage and then take the other half 3 or 4 days later so it doesn’t wear off? If so, how did it work out?
Dr. Todd Lee is microdosing it at very low mgs everyday for his clients and it works well without the side effects he says.

I think since they are already doing hgh shots everyday they just mix it in, and the doses are way lower than what is being used by fat guys here lol.
Has anyone tried to take half of their semaglutide dosage and then take the other half 3 or 4 days later so it doesn’t wear off? If so, how did it work out?
I’ve tried this with tirz. Doesn’t work for me. You could try but it would only work if your half dose still puts you into the therapeutic window.

Think of drinking at the bar. If you want to have a buzz and be sociable. Maybe two drinks takes you there … it lasts X hours. Taking one drink instead and adding another one may not get you into the same mood /effect , if that makes sense.

or think of a time when you had unbelievable pain and had to take meds for it. One Motrin doesn’t do it. It takes two.


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Yes I do this, it can work if you have a problem with overeating on the last couple of days before dosing, but the trade off is less of a peak so you might eat slightly more on other days.

Dr. Todd Lee is microdosing it at very low mgs everyday for his clients and it works well without the side effects he says.

I think since they are already doing hgh shots everyday they just mix it in, and the doses are way lower than what is being used by fat guys here lol.
I started to watch that, but haven't gotten back to it. I'll listen to it in the car tomorrow.

I was at 1.5 Pharma before I bought UGL. I like the blood glucose control. It keeps me even all day. If I start to get hungry and feel nauseous, I just grab something really small until I get my food. No issues. When I bought the UGL I downgraded it to 1.0 to see if I would still stay even and I did, so I stayed there. My weight pretty much stayed even too, which was fine, because I wasn't taking it for weight. I may have lost a pound this past month. I'm not overeating either. Now, however, I decided I want to drop 10 lbs.

I also take Test/Ipa five days a week, for health, not for weight loss. But if it helps at all there too, it's an extra benefit.

I don't want side effects. I was thinking of upping the dosage to 1.5 or maybe splitting the dosage.. or..
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I’ve tried this with tirz. Doesn’t work for me. You could try but it would only work if your half dose still puts you into the therapeutic window.

Think of drinking at the bar. If you want to have a buzz and be sociable. Maybe two drinks takes you there … it lasts X hours. Taking one drink instead and adding another one may not get you into the same mood /effect , if that makes sense.

or think of a time when you had unbelievable pain and had to take meds for it. One Motrin doesn’t do it. It takes two.
Makes sense.
I started to watch that, but haven't gotten back to it. I'll listen to it in the car tomorrow.

I was at 1.5 Pharma before I bought UGL. I like the blood glucose control. It keeps me even all day. If I start to get hungry and feel nauseous, I just grab something really small until I get my food. No issues. When I bought the UGL I downgraded it to 1.0 to see if I would still stay even and I did, so I stayed there. My weight pretty much stayed even too, which was fine, because I wasn't taking it for weight. I may have lost a pound this past month. I'm not overeating either. Now, however, I decided I want to drop 10 lbs.

I also take Test/Ipa five days a week, for health, not for weight loss. But if it helps at all there too, it's an extra benefit.

I don't want side effects. I was thinking of upping the dosage to 1.5 or maybe splitting the dosage.. or..
Dropping weight all comes down to caloric intake. Just take the same amount of drugs and less food, it should be easier with the GLP-1. 10 lbs is nothing especially with higher body fat levels, it wouldn't take 10 weeks to do it.
Dropping weight all comes down to caloric intake. Just take the same amount of drugs and less food, it should be easier with the GLP-1. 10 lbs is nothing especially with higher body fat levels, it wouldn't take 10 weeks to do it.
True. I eat healthy. I'm going to track intake the next two weeks. I may have to toss on my running shoes. lol

I watched the video. Interesting that he says the max dose is .04/day. Mixed in with the hgh. I wonder what he would give them without the hgh. I'm eventually going to test how low I can go to just keep the blood glucose control. I just wonder if I changed to the every day pin if I could really go that low.
True. I eat healthy. I'm going to track intake the next two weeks. I may have to toss on my running shoes. lol

I watched the video. Interesting that he says the max dose is .04/day. Mixed in with the hgh. I wonder what he would give them without the hgh. I'm eventually going to test how low I can go to just keep the blood glucose control. I just wonder if I changed to the every day pin if I could really go that low.
Yeah makes sense to pin more like how it is with aas, I don't know personally when it comes to GH because I never used any, I don't think I need it yet.

I'm starting semaglutide again in 2 weeks but I will be dosing twice a week at .25mg each and titrate it up for 5 weeks to finish my cut. I got the old qsc batch.
Yeah makes sense to pin more like how it is with aas, I don't know personally when it comes to GH because I never used any, I don't think I need it yet.

I'm starting semaglutide again in 2 weeks but I will be dosing twice a week at .25mg each and titrate it up for 5 weeks to finish my cut. I got the old qsc batch.
I've never been on that either, but I have been on either Tess/Ipa or CJC (mod)/Ipa. Let's just say I've spent a small fortune at the Wellness Center. lol

Let us know how the 2x/wk goes with the Sema.
Has anyone tried to take half of their semaglutide dosage and then take the other half 3 or 4 days later so it doesn’t wear off? If so, how did it work out?
Right now I take tirz daily. Was taking it 2x a week before but I combine all my water based sub q in 1 vial for easy administration and the other compound is a daily. I notice no difference between 2x a week or ED, same total dose and same effects.
I just switched back to semaglutide after a couple of months on tirzepatide, as I'd had to increase the weekly dose of the tirzepatide to a point where it made more sense economically to go back to semaglutide. And for me anyway, I get better appetite suppression from semaglutide.

At this point I'm just maintaining and will probably attempt a bulk in a few months. Obviously I won't be holding on to the leanness I have now when I go into a bulk.

I would like to stay on one or the other while bulking, because it confirmed one thing I'd suspected for some time, which is that I have some degree or other of insulin resistance. Beyond the fat loss, I feel as though my body is now using its nutrition more efficiently, if that makes sense.

Thoughts? Anyone bulked successfully on GLP-1/GIP agonists?
I just switched back to semaglutide after a couple of months on tirzepatide, as I'd had to increase the weekly dose of the tirzepatide to a point where it made more sense economically to go back to semaglutide. And for me anyway, I get better appetite suppression from semaglutide.

At this point I'm just maintaining and will probably attempt a bulk in a few months. Obviously I won't be holding on to the leanness I have now when I go into a bulk.

I would like to stay on one or the other while bulking, because it confirmed one thing I'd suspected for some time, which is that I have some degree or other of insulin resistance. Beyond the fat loss, I feel as though my body is now using its nutrition more efficiently, if that makes sense.

Thoughts? Anyone bulked successfully on GLP-1/GIP agonists?
How could you maximize growth if your appetite is suppressed though? That sounds like spinning your wheels scenario.
How could you maximize growth if your appetite is suppressed though? That sounds like spinning your wheels scenario.
Oh, eating isn't a problem. If I need to I can add an extra meal/snack/whatever t get around the semaglutide causing me to feel full more quickly than usual.

One reason I suspect insulin resistance was a problem prior is that, even when I wasn't trying to cut, I was hungry all the fucking time. I'd have just finished a meal an hour earlier and here comes my stupid body screaming, "hey, I'M HUNGRY!!! FEED ME!!!"

I was able to ignore it through sheer self-control, knowing I wasn't really hungry. Aside from the obvious benefit of semaglutide/tirzepatide making a calorie deficit actually translate into fat loss, it's been great not having to fight phantom hunger for 3/4 of the waking day.
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I would like to stay on one or the other while bulking, because it confirmed one thing I'd suspected for some time, which is that I have some degree or other of insulin resistance. Beyond the fat loss, I feel as though my body is now using its nutrition more efficiently, if that makes sense.

Thoughts? Anyone bulked successfully on GLP-1/GIP agonists?

I have noticed this. After a fairly rapid drop of 25lbs I seemed to stabilize in weight but continued to get leaner and more vascular. Like improved nutrient partitioning. I'm coming off a medical procedure where I could not train very hard though. One very interesting thing I noticed was I used to get light headed after couple of hours post workout shake, like low blood sugar. That went away on sema (to the point that I forgot about it) and now that I've gone off it for approx 3.5 weeks, it's come back. Def must have had some insulin resistance/pre-T2D issues.

I went off for 2 reasons. 1 seemed to stall out on gains (of any kind) and 2 sides became too unpleasant (@1.5mg/wk). I'm going to start back again in a week or so at a lower dose after 4 weeks off and try to find a "cruise" dose for this if it exists.. Even if it is only the improved nutrient partitioning and no accelerated fat loss, it is worth it IMHO.
Has anyone tried to take half of their semaglutide dosage and then take the other half 3 or 4 days later so it doesn’t wear off? If so, how did it work out?
It doesn't wear off in less than a week, it only needs to be injected q.w. (once weekly). If you want to split your dose for some other reason like hitting a particular total weekly dose & this lines up with your injection schedule for other drugs like AAS, that would make sense.
Hi guys

Can anyone please chime in on dose equivalent for sema vs tirz ?
The only head-to-head trial that I am aware of between Mounjaro & Ozempic (SURPASS-2) measured ΔHbA1c, a relatively insensitive marker and unidimensional facet of the action of these drugs.

I don't even want to give you the suggested dose equivalency because I don't think it reflects appetite/hunger blunting, altering of food preferences, satiation, etc.
Looking to lower my expenses if possible during the final push and same some tirz for when I’m in maintenance.

Reached a plateau on my tirz 7.5 mg dose , which I have to pin every 4-5 days max. So now I bumped it to 10 mgs , still every 5 days.

Running about a 800 cal deficit in my recomposition and looking at diversifying peptides to bring the cost down given the tirz vs sema prices

Got some questions if anyone can chime in pls. To the extent that you’ve tried Qsc products even better but even pharma vs pharma comparison would be fantastic to hear about

1. What’s a reasonable comparison for 10mg or 7.5 mg tirz if I were to replace it with sema ?

2. Do you find that your injection frequency is the same or does one seem to last you longer for symptom relief ? I can’t do more than 5 days between tirz pins, for example , no matter the dose.
I don't think anyone's n=1 can help you because of time-related effects (e.g., someone that has been using tirzepatide at X dose for 40 weeks will have a distinct efficacy/tolerability profile vs. that same person after using it for 12 weeks (temporal & intra-individual variation). Besides that, basic differences in efficacy/tolerability between individuals (inter-individual variation) apply. Not to mention dose effects, some people are using very high doses, and others low-moderate.

3. What type of stacking strategies have you tried ?
A) cycle a month or few weeks at a time
B) take both at the same time at lowered dose, eg if I’m coming from 10mg tirz I take 5 mg tirz and Xmg sema
C) lower dose of both but staggered within the week. this didn’t Work for me with tirz only. I need minimum 7.5mg to get sufficient coverage and suppression and I tried 3mg EOD without any success. tried 5mg every 3 days and it wasn’t as good for me. Wondering if you found a seeet spot when staggering both peptides.

Thank you.

