Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I just switched back to semaglutide after a couple of months on tirzepatide, as I'd had to increase the weekly dose of the tirzepatide to a point where it made more sense economically to go back to semaglutide. And for me anyway, I get better appetite suppression from semaglutide.

At this point I'm just maintaining and will probably attempt a bulk in a few months. Obviously I won't be holding on to the leanness I have now when I go into a bulk.

I would like to stay on one or the other while bulking, because it confirmed one thing I'd suspected for some time, which is that I have some degree or other of insulin resistance. Beyond the fat loss, I feel as though my body is now using its nutrition more efficiently, if that makes sense.

Thoughts? Anyone bulked successfully on GLP-1/GIP agonists?
I was also thinking about starting this today for my bulk. I'm already on 2.5mg tirzepatide but I was going to cut it in half and eat at a little above maintenance.
I ran two 3 month courses earlier in the year. 6 foot tall and was 204lbs with some visceral stomach fat that had accumulated during covid that I was having difficulty erasing. I've also been on TRT (injections)/ HcG (injections) / anastrozole for about 10 years. I'm 62 YO.

Long story I pleased to have tried it? Yes. Did I lose weight? Yes, by the end of the two courses, I was down to about 181lbs. However, when I discontinued (as warned and expected), I started to gain some of it back. I'm probably about 190lbs now...3 months after discontinuing.
Would I recommend it? Well, I don't think it is a LONG TERM solution unless you can afford staying on it indefinitely (it cost about $700 for my two courses) AND if the side effects go away after a short period (more on that below.)


Who are you using?
>>>>compounded semaglutide from Revive RX (url obvious) in the US.

Pharma vs non?
>>>>> pharma

>>>> it was a ramped dosage. .25ml (25 units) weekly for weeks 1-4. Then, increased amounts for weeks 4-8, and again increased weeks 8-12. And the second course again had a ramp.

How long have you been taking it?
>>>> took it for 6 mo.

What are your thoughts?
>>>> noted in the opening paragraph

Have you lost weight?
>>>> noted in the opening paragraph

Side effects?
>>>> Absolutely. The nausea, which was supposed to go away after a few weeks, persisted through the 6 months. Was it unbearable? No. It only lasted for a few minutes and completely went away after taking zofran (generic), which was very cheap (like $5 for a 30 day supply). Of course, I might need to hit the zofran as many as twice per day sometimes. The nausea was simply annoying AF...nothing really more than that. But, for me, I would have drawn the line if I did not have the zofran on hand.

Oral vs injection?
>>>>Injection as noted above

>>>> no / none
Retatrutide: is anyone planning on trying this ?

Have you given a thought on what dose you’ll start on ? I’ve found 7.5 mg tirz to be my sweet spot so it looks like maybe 6 would be the spot with Reta for me. Attached are the Reta and tirz blurbs that mention weight loss at different doses.


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I just switched back to semaglutide after a couple of months on tirzepatide, as I'd had to increase the weekly dose of the tirzepatide to a point where it made more sense economically to go back to semaglutide. And for me anyway, I get better appetite suppression from semaglutide.

At this point I'm just maintaining and will probably attempt a bulk in a few months. Obviously I won't be holding on to the leanness I have now when I go into a bulk.

I would like to stay on one or the other while bulking, because it confirmed one thing I'd suspected for some time, which is that I have some degree or other of insulin resistance. Beyond the fat loss, I feel as though my body is now using its nutrition more efficiently, if that makes sense.

Thoughts? Anyone bulked successfully on GLP-1/GIP agonists?

Are you a female? since your name says mom. I think I was insulin resistant too. I read insulin resistance can make us have low muscle tone, and hard to put on muscle so I've wondered too if maybe a bulk might actually put on muscle now on a glp1. As you say, your body is using fuel differently. I can actually eat alot more now and not gain, and I'm already 15lbs below goal weight.

Not sure if too many can answer your question here since the guys have alot more available to them to put on muscle and bulk, females pretty much just have anavar, maybe HGH and mk677, some peptides. I don't think anyone here does a natural bulk. :D
Are you a female? since your name says mom. I think I was insulin resistant too. I read insulin resistance can make us have low muscle tone, and hard to put on muscle so I've wondered too if maybe a bulk might actually put on muscle now on a glp1. As you say, your body is using fuel differently. I can actually eat alot more now and not gain, and I'm already 15lbs below goal weight.

Not sure if too many can answer your question here since the guys have alot more available to them to put on muscle and bulk, females pretty much just have anavar, maybe HGH and mk677, some peptides. I don't think anyone here does a natural bulk. :D
Yep, double x chromosome here!

I actually didn't have too much trouble putting on muscle, but full disclosure - I cruise on testosterone cypionate because I tolerate it well with very minimal sides. Even before that I had some decent genetics to work with, if I'd known what I was doing and hadn't wasted time with trainers who didn't specialize in bodybuilding (they were good trainers, just not for this sport).

I was in a deficit when I started the semaglutide, had been for some time with frustratingly minimal results. I initially didn't change my eating, since I wanted to get a good idea of what to expect in terms of fat loss. After two months of either that or tirzepatide I ended up having to add calories to stop the weight loss. I'd estimate I'm somewhere around 14% bf now; I don't compete so there's no real reason to get it measured. Yeah, my face has hollowed out some, but that's why makeup exists. :cool:

One other thing I neglected to mention previously is that I don't find myself needing to drink nearly as much. I was always thirsty and could go through 4 2-liter bottles of diet soda (my vice) daily. Now it's maybe 1.5, plus the water I drink at the gym.
Having an issue with dose volumes, I'm going to be overly detailed about what I'm doing because I don't know how what's happening is possible and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Everything's at room temperature.

I have 10mg vials of tirzepatide, intending to dose weekly at 5mg.

I use a 30ga, 5/16", 0.5ml insulin syringe to draw 50 units/0.5ml (fullest mark on the syringe) from a BAC vial and inject it through the cap into the tirzepatide vial, which instantly wets down the dry powder puck and dissolves it. Then with the same syringe I draw another 0.5ml of BAC and inject it into the tirz vial again, then I inject a few (3-4) syringes of just air into the vial.

I swirl it until it's completely clear, then let it sit for a minute to let the tiny bubbles dissipate, then with a new syringe, insert needle into top, invert, draw out 0.5ml, usually have to tap out a bubble and push it in/draw back out more fluid, then pull out the needle to inject into me. I check that the syringe still has no air & hasn't been bumped in from 50 before using.

Then I put the vial in a sealed zip-loc bag with most of the air removed, upright in the fridge to use next week. I take it out of the fridge about 2 hrs before use and sit it on the counter to warm up.

Normally, on the second dose of the vial, I can get all but a little drip of fluid out of the vial, and have somewhere in the high 40s on the syringe, which is what I was expecting.

The issue I'm having is, on more than one occasion (but not usually), there has been a large amount of leftover water in the vial after taking the second shot -- like 0.3-0.4ml.

Am I making some sort of obvious mistake here? Is this a problem other people sometimes have doing what seems to be a really simple process?
Started Tirzepatide. Did it normally take a few days for the full swing of it to take effect or Is it entirely dose dependent ?

I started at 2.5mg but after 3 days i was still eating maybe 70% as much so I added another 1.25mg and can say its definitely blunting the hunger on day 4
Started Tirzepatide. Did it normally take a few days for the full swing of it to take effect or Is it entirely dose dependent ?

I started at 2.5mg but after 3 days i was still eating maybe 70% as much so I added another 1.25mg and can say its definitely blunting the hunger on day 4
I honestly didn’t get too much appetite with Tirz at the starter dose. So I stacked it with starter dose of semaglutude. Combined I got the hunger suppressant without the side effects. Once I added in sema (injected at night) I felt it by next morning.

to be fair - I only gave it like 3 days on its own since my wife was on sema - so maybe if I would have waited longer and gone up in doses I would have noticed it more.

But it worked for me.
In 6 weeks I lost 23 Lbs (3-4 Lbs was water weight, so I’ll say 19lbs true weight)
i used 10mg of Tirz over this time (.25 week for 4 weeks then .25 2x week)
And split 3 1.7mg vials of sema with my wife, and we have a bit left over (both used .25mg week, I did .5mg sema for my last shot this weekend since out of Tirz).

Slowly increasing calories this week as cut ends. getting ready to start bulk soon!

Sema and Tirz both purchased from Stan and highly recommend.
Retatrutide: is anyone planning on trying this ?

Have you given a thought on what dose you’ll start on ? I’ve found 7.5 mg tirz to be my sweet spot so it looks like maybe 6 would be the spot with Reta for me. Attached are the Reta and tirz blurbs that mention weight loss at different doses.
This one offers little difference to tirzepitide, there is also concern in industry on the cardiac arrhythmia prevalence
A question to those using tirzepitide - we are getting reports from weight loss colleagues that they are seeing significant muscle mass loss. any experience with this here?
A question to those using tirzepitide - we are getting reports from weight loss colleagues that they are seeing significant muscle mass loss. any experience with this here?

15% of my weight loss was muscle. But ,

1) I eat a lot of protein (220-240 grams per day). Starting weight was in the 230s (sub 200 now )

2) I lift 6 days a week

3) most of the time I’ve been running exogenous testosterone (TRT) and then a full cycle. Primo, specifically is good at preserving muscle tissue during caloric deficits. But most of the weight loss happened on testosterone only

If I wasn’t on steroids or lifting I probably would have lost a lot of muscle. Instead I’ve mostly loss the fat around the mid section , abs starting to show. Stalling out now that I’d like to push for final 15-20 lbs but at the same time th muscle is starting to come in so the scale I expect not to move too much but recomp to continue

// edit. My TDEE is around 2700 and during most of the cut I was running 1800 calories per day. Lately it’s crept up to 2k per day

If I wasn’t running gear I would have been running a less severe deficit
15% of my weight loss was muscle. But ,

1) I eat a lot of protein (220-240 grams per day). Starting weight was in the 230s (sub 200 now )

2) I lift 6 days a week

3) most of the time I’ve been running exogenous testosterone (TRT) and then a full cycle. Primo, specifically is good at preserving muscle tissue during caloric deficits. But most of the weight loss happened on testosterone only

If I wasn’t on steroids or lifting I probably would have lost a lot of muscle. Instead I’ve mostly loss the fat around the mid section , abs starting to show. Stalling out now that I’d like to push for final 15-20 lbs but at the same time th muscle is starting to come in so the scale I expect not to move too much but recomp to continue
Thank you it is a concern - I deal with older clients and typically 30-35% muscle loss despite increased protein intake with semaglutide. We have heard higher with tirzepitide. We are yet to use it here in Aus but about to hit the market.
Damn I'm up to 1mg per week if QSC semaglutide and still hungry.
Ghrelin is a difficult hormone to manage - homeostatic feeding system in full effect here. Need to increase GLP-1 and also ensure adequate protein and water intake. Semaglutide also has 15% non response rate. If craving sugars consider adjunct
Thank you it is a concern - I deal with older clients and typically 30-35% muscle loss despite increased protein intake with semaglutide. We have heard higher with tirzepitide. We are yet to use it here in Aus but about to hit the market.

How are you measuring muscle loss and hydration?
Ghrelin is a difficult hormone to manage - homeostatic feeding system in full effect here. Need to increase GLP-1 and also ensure adequate protein and water intake. Semaglutide also has 15% non response rate. If craving sugars consider adjunct
Not craving sugar but maybe efficacy has dwindled down quick to my liking. Maybe I'm expecting too much or I'm already too deep into calorie restriction already.

I'll just suck it up some more and maybe add another .5mg in 1 weeks.