Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I've run both. I've run sema for two stints (three manufacturers) and tirz for one cycle.

My first run on semaglutide was pharma branded Ozempic, then Deus, then QSC. Effectively identical in terms of dose-response, and I got *all* of the side effects -- including once when I didn't shit for seven days. (I took a pic of the aftermath once I broke the log jam... that's a keepsake.) Insane appetite suppression.

I switched to tirz, had no side effects, but had no appreciably greater result re: appetite suppression or blood sugar regulation. (Those home testing meters are cool if you're a data junkie.)

Took a couple months off, restarted with QSC. I started low and titrated up, but this time I also had no side effects aside from mild heartburn. Went as high as 2.5 mg/week just to see what it felt like, and aside from an absolutely dead appetite, I felt great and still had no sides. But, I really had no interest in food at all and was force-feeding protein and struggling to get to 1000 kcal/day, so I went back down.

So my most noteworthy experiences: (1) tirz was identical to sema but never had strong side effects, and (2) after the first exposure to GLP1 agonists, I never experienced side effects.

I'm very curious about the experience of people who try tirzepatide first. A naive exposure to a GLP1 agonist may just be unpleasant for everyone, regardless of compound.
It was horrible for me the first time. I only made .25 of sema four weeks. Took a couple months off of now on.25 sema, no sides just not hungry.
I have a 10mg vial of Semi G

Can anyone recommend how much back water I need to add to reconstitute please?

How often do you inject and how much?

I’m told 0.25mg per day is plenty (1.75mg per week)
Starter dose is .25mg per week! You can go up in dose each month or we needed.

With a 10mg vial could do as little as 1ml of bac water for easy conversion.
I started on Semaglutide a week ago. Just had my second injection this morning. Like a recent poster, I drink a lot of water and always feel thirsty. I am not prediabetic. I have lost the urge to drink so much. We’ll see how this goes.

I am still eating, but the edge has been taken off. I don’t feel the desire to gorge myself anymore.

I got my stuff from PS. After reading this forum, I checked out QSC. Definitely would like to save some money. I couldn’t find sema or tirz as available products. Maybe they are out of stock???? Anyone know?
I started on Semaglutide a week ago. Just had my second injection this morning. Like a recent poster, I drink a lot of water and always feel thirsty. I am not prediabetic. I have lost the urge to drink so much. We’ll see how this goes.

I am still eating, but the edge has been taken off. I don’t feel the desire to gorge myself anymore.

I got my stuff from PS. After reading this forum, I checked out QSC. Definitely would like to save some money. I couldn’t find sema or tirz as available products. Maybe they are out of stock???? Anyone know?
If you're in the US, they're on the international price list. They will ship from China.
Is the rebound appetite effect more or less permanent or does it wear off? And if so, what's the +/- timeline of the effect subsiding?
Maybe rebound is the wrong term. It’s more like you’re going back to the appetite you had before and you just didn’t realize just how much the drug reduced your appetite
I can share my experience especially I got the Semaglutid from my doc.
Depending on your weight you should start with 0,25 - 0,5 mg per week. On the official folder it's recommended to start with 0,25mg even because of the sides. Because my weight was around 255 pounds she recommended to start with 0,5 mg.

At first I had no hunger at all. It was even very deficult to drink more than 2 liters. If I tried so I got sick.
After some weeks (around 3) it normalised a bit. I was able to drink around 3 liters - before I normally drink 5-7 liters.

After 2 months even that was normalised and I was ready to drink 5-7 liters again but the hunger suppression was even decreased.

We decided to go on 1mg per week which helped regarding the hunger. Drinking a lot was further possible.

After around 4 months since the first shot 1mg was even less.
So I decided to add Tesa to Sema.

At the moment I take 1,25mg Sema and 5mg Tesa and the effect of hunger suppression is there but not so strong.
Will try to go to 10mg Tesa.
Just got over Covid last week. Appetite murdered and it’s still completely gone. I was contemplating skipping my tirz dose but decided to just continue

Anyone have a similar experience? 7.5 mgs every 4-5d
If you're in the US, they're on the international price list. They will ship from China.
I see how they do things now. Previously, I was on their website where they list a bunch of other products they sell but not this stuff.

I did my second dose last Friday. I upped it slightly to around 0.3-0.35mg. The next day it seemed to hit me hard. I have been getting some heartburn recently and nausea. It seems like the effects have increased a lot with the second dose. I guess that is because it is building up in my system. The appetite suppression is great. I can still eat meals as needed. My portions are more normal sized now where before I’d eat double portions. I also do not have interest in snacking.

For the record, also doing 400mg/week of Test E and currently 5 weeks in. This is the first time I’ve done Test in 2.5 years. I still seem to be gaining since starting Sema. We’ll see how that goes.
Hey brothers and sisters, I injected semaglutide on Tuesday, and now I'm asking you: how long does it take for sema to start affecting appetite, does it take weeks?
Damn this was a long read! Some good info though. I'm currently on my 4th week of tirz at 2.5mg. and already down over 15 lbs. Only sides so far are some headaches and a bit of constipation the past few days. I still get hungry at meal times, but get full quicker and dont have the urge to snack all day long. I plan on staying at lower doses as long as possible, until it stops working. Just wanted to throw my anecdotal experience in here too.
Hey brothers and sisters, I injected semaglutide on Tuesday, and now I'm asking you: how long does it take for sema to start affecting appetite, does it take weeks?
There are two answers to this.

First: accumulation. It will build up in your system over 3-4 weeks.

Second: individual biology. Some respond fairly fast, even within a day or two; others need to go to higher doses.

A great tool for playing with this as you go is at, it will let you map accumulation based on the half-life of the drug -- it takes 7 days for semaglutide to fall to half the dose you injected, and it follows standard dose absorbtion mechanics as it goes.

So you will see a peak around 24h after injection, and it will drop in a not-entirely-linear fashion from there. There's.some levelling of the curve before it trends downwards after a few days.