Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
There are two answers to this.

First: accumulation. It will build up in your system over 3-4 weeks.

Second: individual biology. Some respond fairly fast, even within a day or two; others need to go to higher doses.

A great tool for playing with this as you go is at, it will let you map accumulation based on the half-life of the drug -- it takes 7 days for semaglutide to fall to half the dose you injected, and it follows standard dose absorbtion mechanics as it goes.

So you will see a peak around 24h after injection, and it will drop in a not-entirely-linear fashion from there. There's.some levelling of the curve before it trends downwards after a few days.

Thank you very much, that was a great response. It's nice to see how helpful everyone is here!

I'm just waiting patiently now, of course, it takes time to accumulate.
Hi guys, i need your help, i have never reconstituted a peptide and I iwanted to try using the 5mg bottle of semaglutide, i wanted to know how much bacteriostatic water to add, which insulin syringe to use, it would be easier for me if you set me up with the peptidecalc so I can better understand what to do. I would like to start with the lowest dosage (0.25 mg).
PS: Thank you in advance and forgive my ignorance on the subject.
I am thinking of buying the semaglutide from Cat Café.
Hi guys, i need your help, i have never reconstituted a peptide and I iwanted to try using the 5mg bottle of semaglutide, i wanted to know how much bacteriostatic water to add, which insulin syringe to use, it would be easier for me if you set me up with the peptidecalc so I can better understand what to do. I would like to start with the lowest dosage (0.25 mg).
PS: Thank you in advance and forgive my ignorance on the subject.
I am thinking of buying the semaglutide from Cat Café.
I use a 1ml insulin syringe - it has 100 little notches written on it.
Mix 1ml of water with the 5mg of semaglutide.
This will make 5mg/ml mixture.
0.25mg will be 0.05ml of the mixture.
So when you need to dose 0.25mg you will draw back to the 5th notch on the syringe. Then when you up the dose to 0.5mg, you will draw to the 10th notch. 1mg will be the 20th notch and so on.
Don't overthink it. Once you measure it a few times you'll be all set.
Thanks Mongog66 you have been very kind, how many bottles are needed more or less and which dosage protocol I can use, I don't have many kilos to lose.

Screenshot dosage:


  • Peptidecalc.png
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Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
•Was using mounjaro from pharma
•titrated up from the 2.5 each month until I got to 15mg
•I used it for one year until the coupon ran out
•it was a learning experience that when I decide to use glps again I’ll know a better way
• I did I lost around 90lbs
•2.5 to 5mg left me in a wreck after every shot, fatigued and throwing up like no other
Thanks Mongog66 you have been very kind, how many bottles are needed more or less and which dosage protocol I can use, I don't have many kilos to lose.

Screenshot dosage:
It all depends on how it affects you. It didn't really affect my appetite until I increased from 0.25mg to 0.5mg, then I responded well to it. I stayed at 0.5mg for 2 months then increased to 0.75mg for a month then 1mg for a month. Max prescribed dosage is 2mg. Some people don't respond to it very well and need to take 5mg/week or they have to switch to a different drug. It's worked very well for me. It's all individual.
Has anyone experimented with Ozempic in conjunction with a PSMF diet, and can you share your insights?

I'm contemplating the use of Semaglutide on a PSMF diet to enhance appetite suppression, but I'm not sure about the potential benefits, particularly given the carb restrictions involved.
I'm interested in hearing any experiences with Retatrutide. Since switching to it from Tirzepatide I've been getting hungrier by the day.
I was using Tirz at 5mg/wk (split 2.5mg Mon/Thurs). ~2 weeks ago I dropped Tirz and started on Reta at 4mg/wk (split 2mg Mon/Thurs).
Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Ive been using Mounjaro 5mg since February. Started at 2.5mg for about 5 weeks then went up to 5mg for a few months.

I noticed effects take about 24 hours for it to ‘kick in’. Thats when I only get hungry at around 5pm and when I finally eat I get really full very fast and wont be hungry again that day. This lasts about 5 days post injection until normal hunger is back.

Made getting lean for summer very easy and effortless this year.

I went up to 7.5mg and dont know if it was a coincidence but I kept getting bloated and gassy for 2 weeks no matter what I ate so I cut back down to 5mg
Received my QSC semaglutide this week (2mg/transparent red-top) however I’m quite anxious about doing the first injection. I’m planning on doing .125 this evening and seeing how I deal with that before starting at .25 next week.

I’ve read some positive things about sema and QSC’s stuff specifically but I keep reminding myself of the horror stories I’ve read… I don’t wanna waste this stuff but I can’t bring myself to f*cking stick myself :rolleyes:
Received my QSC semaglutide this week (2mg/transparent red-top) however I’m quite anxious about doing the first injection. I’m planning on doing .125 this evening and seeing how I deal with that before starting at .25 next week.

I’ve read some positive things about sema and QSC’s stuff specifically but I keep reminding myself of the horror stories I’ve read… I don’t wanna waste this stuff but I can’t bring myself to f*cking stick myself :rolleyes:
Good luck. You should be fine at 0.25mg. I have friends and family who have been on that dosage for months with no issues. Just be aware of the possible sides and stop/reduce if you think something is up.
Received my QSC semaglutide this week (2mg/transparent red-top) however I’m quite anxious about doing the first injection. I’m planning on doing .125 this evening and seeing how I deal with that before starting at .25 next week.

I’ve read some positive things about sema and QSC’s stuff specifically but I keep reminding myself of the horror stories I’ve read… I don’t wanna waste this stuff but I can’t bring myself to f*cking stick myself :rolleyes:

Keep on 0.125mg as long as it's possible if you see an effect on this dosage.
I really recommend it to increase as slow as possible. Otherwise you will be on some mg after a few time. And it's a waste of money.
Received my QSC semaglutide this week (2mg/transparent red-top) however I’m quite anxious about doing the first injection. I’m planning on doing .125 this evening and seeing how I deal with that before starting at .25 next week.

I’ve read some positive things about sema and QSC’s stuff specifically but I keep reminding myself of the horror stories I’ve read… I don’t wanna waste this stuff but I can’t bring myself to f*cking stick myself :rolleyes:
haha brings back memories of my first injection. Enjoy the thrill of it. You aren't going to die. 0.125mg is a good place to start. I started at that dosage and stayed there for a month before upping to 0.25mg then stayed there for 2 months. I lost around 20 lbs before I got to 0.5mg. I fast pretty hard though. Good luck.
haha brings back memories of my first injection. Enjoy the thrill of it. You aren't going to die. 0.125mg is a good place to start. I started at that dosage and stayed there for a month before upping to 0.25mg then stayed there for 2 months. I lost around 20 lbs before I got to 0.5mg. I fast pretty hard though. Good luck.
I pussied out just now and just sprayed it into the sink. Then I looked at my gut and was like wtf, do you wanna lose this shit or not? Lol maybe tomorrow. Good job this stuff is cheap(ish).

Are you using Q’s stuff?