Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

"You know you can buy it for $20 from QSC, the Chinese drug dealer most of us here use."
Bullshit. The only reason I mentioned it was, that he does not have a script. He is buying it from a place he gets his botox from. So in fact he is not buying legit Eli Lily tirzepatide. And to be precise where does he think his source is getting the tirzepatide from? It's coming from the black market, they buy it for 5$ and resell it for 600$. So my point was instead of being ripped of just buy it yourself from whoever you want, it does not have to be QSC, theres so many other sources. Next time you quote me you better not put any words in my mouth idiot. If he wants to buy legit pharma he should get a prescription, otherwise he is taking black market stuff anyway just for a higher price.
Bullshit. The only reason I mentioned it was, that he does not have a script. He is buying it from a place he gets his botox from. So in fact he is not buying legit Eli Lily tirzepatide. And to be precise where does he think his source is getting the tirzepatide from? It's coming from the black market, they buy it for 5$ and resell it for 600$. So my point was instead of being ripped of just buy it yourself from whoever you want, it does not have to be QSC, theres so many other sources. Next time you quote me you better not put any words in my mouth idiot. If he wants to buy legit pharma he should get a prescription, otherwise he is taking black market stuff anyway just for a higher price.
I just don't understand why there is such a lack of reading comprehension.

The "medspa" I go to is owned by a licensed physician. Surgical procedures are performed there. WHY would a licensed physician throw their professional credentials away by breaking the law and sourcing their products from the black market?

Are you implying the botox I get is also black market? It's just such a strange presumption.
I just don't understand why there is such a lack of reading comprehension.

The "medspa" I go to is owned by a licensed physician. Surgical procedures are performed there. WHY would a licensed physician throw their professional credentials away by breaking the law and sourcing their products from the black market?

Are you implying the botox I get is also black market? It's just such a strange presumption.
Are you getting it in form of the official Eli Lily pen? No? There is your answer. It's coming from the black market. And as of right now it is more like a grey market. Compounding pharmacies are selling this stuff like crazy - it is all coming from the same grey market.
Are you getting it in form of the official Eli Lily pen? No? There is your answer. It's coming from the black market. And as of right now it is more like a grey market. Compounding pharmacies are selling this stuff like crazy - it is all coming from the same grey market.
Compounding pharmacies are not buying from the black market. Your definition of black market is just wrong. There are undoubtedly Indian and Chinese pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the product. But that is not a black market.

Those companies are not where people here are buying. They have minimum order sizes probably on the order of a kilogram.

I have every intention of finding affordable pens direct from the manufacturer, but to suggest a licensed professional is committing a crime is absurd.
Compounding pharmacies are not buying from the black market.

Then I shouldn’t believe the news articles telling me that many compounding pharmacies are illegally selling black market GLP-1 RAs?

Regardless of whether they are black market or not, they’re being sourced from the same manufacturers as many of the UGL suppliers.

Now, you could pay a massive premium for that and the service that they offer, which is to mix the peptide with b12 or some such and inject it into your abdomen for you, or…

You could buy the same product from a UGL vendor that’s been HPLC tested many times over. Once received you can then have it tested yourself and still have paid way less of a premium for way more reassurance about the compound that you are injecting into your body.

And when I wrote “you”, I don’t mean you. You should just go buy the actual pharma from a legit supplier in the US.
Then I shouldn’t believe the news articles telling me that many compounding pharmacies are illegally selling black market GLP-1 RAs?

Regardless of whether they are black market or not, they’re being sourced from the same manufacturers as many of the UGL suppliers.

Now, you could pay a massive premium for that and the service that they offer, which is to mix the peptide with b12 or some such and inject it into your abdomen for you, or…

You could buy the same product from a UGL vendor that’s been HPLC tested many times over. Once received you can then have it tested yourself and still have paid way less of a premium for way more reassurance about the compound that you are injecting into your body.

And when I wrote “you”, I don’t mean you. You should just go buy the actual pharma from a legit supplier in the US.
You need to wait for Ghoul to convince him
All the Physician will say when the pharmacy is busted is: "Oh my gosh, I didn't know"

All the Physician will say when the pharmacy is busted is: "Oh my gosh, I didn't know"

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Did you even bother reading this article before you posted it? Everything discussed is about regulatory oversight of compounding pharmacies and violations of regulations.

Later, the article mentions offshore (think Steroid Underground!) pharmacies selling fake shit, but nowhere in the article does it say that is what compounding pharmacies are doing in the United States of America.

Maybe there are tainted anabolic steroids out there that are frying people's brains? Or caused early onset dementia?
Then I shouldn’t believe the news articles telling me that many compounding pharmacies are illegally selling black market GLP-1 RAs?
You find such an article and I will reconsider my position, not that I believe it has any relevance to my original point of buying from a physician with whom I have an established relationship.
You find such an article and I will reconsider my position, not that I believe it has any relevance to my original point of buying from a physician with whom I have an established relationship.

My interest in disabusing you of your well-established notions is exhausted. You seem to think you have things figured out and so I encourage you to rest in confidence that you have.

As we've already established, you can afford whatever you like and have little interest in educating yourself, and so by all means get yourself some actual Eli Lilly branded Zepbound and get on about doing what you're going to do, which by appearances is to pop into this forum every couple years, claim you're going to get yourself back into shape like you used to, and then what?

My primary concern is that everyone reading along has a clear understanding that the establishment that you are currently patronizing exists to extract money from people like yourselves. These "med spas" charge exhorbitant recurring fees to prescribe and administer what would otherwise be extraordinarily cheap compounds with little attention to the actual medical needs of their clientele. I claimed they were a fraud, but in the sense that they are marketing a lie. As for the actual compound you're receiving, it is quite likely cheap, Chinese manufactured Tirzepatide. Whether it's "black market" or not is irrelevant. It all comes from the same manufacturers and there's a very high probability that it's just fine. The point is that it's a ridiculous premium for no added value.

Finally, I have to add that I giggle every time you mention with reverence this physician, a medical doctor operating in the US who must be well educated on these topics and has your best interests in mind.
which by appearances is to pop into this forum every couple years, claim you're going to get yourself back into shape like you used to, and then what?
Wow. I literally just started back at the gym within the past week. What relevance does that have for anything?

My purpose of being here is to get information, something that only a few have done while the amount of criticism I have received for trivialities is beyond anything that can be defended as rational.

Whether it's "black market" or not is irrelevant.
Ridiculous. Black market = kitchen lab = illegal
Finally, I have to add that I giggle every time you mention with reverence this physician, a medical doctor operating in the US who must be well educated on these topics and has your best interests in mind.
No. Licensed professionals have insurance and the prospect of losing their career.

Would you use Jim bob the homeless man to replace your plumbing in your house? Or would you use a state licensed plumber? This is a very simple concept. You should rationally employ this strategy in all aspects of your life, not just buying drugs.

Professional licenses are simply a minimum bar. It isn't even a HIGH bar. But it is a bar and to pretend otherwise is naive or profoundly stupid.

I came across a Hims advertisement - they apparently are doing the same thing. This is a publicly traded company, which I actually own some shares of. Turns out they warn the FDA doesn't "review compounded products for safety, efficacy, or quality".

I think this statement has people like yourself confused. Simply because a government regulator doesn't review work done using a professional license does not mean you are not beholden to any authority.
Ridiculous. Black market = kitchen lab = illegal
You dont get it. It's okay. There is only two options to get tirzepatide.

1.) Official product by Eli Lily, sold as pen. Since you dont have a script, this is obviously not it in your case.
2.) The grey market. It's coming literally from the same factory (factories) in China where Eli Lily is producing their stuff as well. Call it what you want, black market, grey market, kitchen lab. It is not illegal, I told you to do some research. Compounding pharmacies like your doctor who is selling it to you can buy it in China due to tirzepatide being on the FDA shortage list. Do some freaking research, third time I am telling you this.

From the official FDA website:
Because commercial Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are currently on the FDA shortage list, compounding pharmacies have the legal right to provide compounded Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, which can make a significant difference in patient care.

They buy it for 5$ and sell it to you for 600. Believe it or not. It's all coming from the grey market (grey market as it is not illegal, black market usually is the term for illegal).

And to bring this whole nonsense discussion to an end, your doctor or whoever is selling you it will soon have trouble to source it, as this is the latest update from the FDA:
For tirzepatide specifically, since its removal from the FDA shortage list on August 4, 2024, we can expect to see a gradual decline in compounded versions.
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From the official FDA website:
Attribution, please.

I know you and most members avoid posting external hyperlinks out of respect for MESO rules against posting commercial hyperlinks. However, in cases like this, attribution for credible, non-commercial sources of information are welcomed and encouraged.
You find such an article and I will reconsider my position, not that I believe it has any relevance to my original point of buying from a physician with whom I have an established relationship.
There would definitely be less overall harm if everyone received medical supervision from a licensed physician who prescribed prescription pharmaceutical meds.

Unfortunately, too many physicians are more motivated to prescribe drugs for profit rather than health, compounding pharmacies are not providing pharmaceutical products, and the costs are ridiculously high in places like the U.S. Then there is the entire criminalization of non-medical use of PEDs that complicates every aspect of the aforementioned issues.

This is why black market participation and sourcing has been justified/rationalized as the superior way to go. I just don't think it should be celebrated. It's an unfortunate state of affairs.

In your case, congratulations on having an established relationship with a physician that offers medical supervision. I'd still be suspicious of the sources of your meds when they are from compounding pharmacies (and not pharma) given what has been said by others.
There would definitely be less overall harm if everyone received medical supervision from a licensed physician who prescribed prescription pharmaceutical meds.

Unfortunately, too many physicians are more motivated to prescribe drugs for profit rather than health, compounding pharmacies are not providing pharmaceutical products, and the costs are ridiculously high in places like the U.S. Then there is the entire criminalization of non-medical use of PEDs that complicates every aspect of the aforementioned issues.

This is why black market participation and sourcing has been justified/rationalized as the superior way to go. I just don't think it should be celebrated. It's an unfortunate state of affairs.

In your case, congratulations on having an established relationship with a physician that offers medical supervision. I'd still be suspicious of the sources of your meds when they are from compounding pharmacies (and not pharma) given what has been said by others.

While I suspect many "Medspa" type operations are simply acquiring the same GLPs from the black market we do, and then extortionately marking them up, there are exceptions, and distinguishing them should be fairly simple.

UGL Sema and Tirz are universally the salt or acetate form. Pharma exclusively produces the base form, and therefore that's the only type the FDA approved.

The significance of this has been debated, but the fact remains, any form of the active ingredient other than base is by default not being produced under FDA supervision.

Not all compounders are the same.

503b compounders are regulated like pharma companies. They must demonstrate their APIs (active ingredients) come from FDA approved manufacturers.

So i checked with "Hims", a multi-billion $ company advertising Semaglutide "just like Wegovy". That leaves their deep pockets open to lawsuits if they're selling GLPs based on non-base API.

They confirm they only sell the base form, supplied by 503b compounder BPI labs.

So, if you care enough to pay a premium for pharma grade product, make sure you're getting it. Ask your provider if they're supplying the base form, and which compounder produces it.
Wow. I literally just started back at the gym within the past week. What relevance does that have for anything?

It's relevant in the sense that:

My purpose of being here is to get information

If you expect people to give you information, then those people expect you to do something with it. Your post history suggests that you've contributed very little and made very little progress. I'd like to be proven wrong, however, so I challenge you to make as much progress in the following year as I have in the past year which looks something like this:


Basically, put up or shut up. It's probably worth bearing in mind that I'm also a fair bit older. Use pharma, UGL, whatever, just fucking get it done. I'm pretty sure there's a dexafit in your area. Put put a baseline.

Beyond that, for someone that's here to get information, you haven't been that receptive. Also:

Ridiculous. Black market = kitchen lab = illegal

Clearly, you're out of touch. As you stated, you're here to get information. Try consuming some and proclaiming less.

Would you use Jim bob the homeless man to replace your plumbing in your house? Or would you use a state licensed plumber? This is a very simple concept. You should rationally employ this strategy in all aspects of your life, not just buying drugs.

This is a wonderful metaphor. The serendipity couldn't be better. I did in fact hire a homeless cocaine addict to re-pipe one of my houses. The standard of workmanship achieved was higher than any licensed contractor I could've paid to do the job.

It's not like it was dumb luck. I happened to know that he'd been fired from his job doing sanitary plumbing in medical facilities and had a meticulous attention to detail. Unfortunately he had a penchant for going on benders and not showing up. Did that to me, too, but I was patient. He followed my instructions to the letter, performed amazing work, and even generously shared his stash.

No. Licensed professionals have insurance and the prospect of losing their career.

Which is why you get the standard of care, no more, no less. If it's not a billing code, they won't do it. Unfortunately, there's no billing code for "giving a fuck".

Professional licenses are simply a minimum bar. It isn't even a HIGH bar. But it is a bar and to pretend otherwise is naive or profoundly stupid.

A minimum bar for what? The details matter. One of us is certainly naive. To extend your metaphor, as it relates to the trades, there are no individual licenses for trades in my state. The trades in the area (SF bay area) have been gutted since the housing crises. The cost of living is such that skilled tradespeople are all gone and not coming back. All that's left are people that have no professional experience working for people that hold construction licenses that trade them around like bingo cards until they accumulate enough complaints that they change the name of the business and start working under another name.

As for physicians, they work for their customers, typically rather than the patients they see.