Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

It's relevant in the sense that:

If you expect people to give you information, then those people expect you to do something with it. Your post history suggests that you've contributed very little and made very little progress. I'd like to be proven wrong, however, so I challenge you to make as much progress in the following year as I have in the past year which looks something like this:

View attachment 296170

Basically, put up or shut up. It's probably worth bearing in mind that I'm also a fair bit older. Use pharma, UGL, whatever, just fucking get it done. I'm pretty sure there's a dexafit in your area. Put put a baseline.

Beyond that, for someone that's here to get information, you haven't been that receptive. Also:

Clearly, you're out of touch. As you stated, you're here to get information. Try consuming some and proclaiming less.

This is a wonderful metaphor. The serendipity couldn't be better. I did in fact hire a homeless cocaine addict to re-pipe one of my houses. The standard of workmanship achieved was higher than any licensed contractor I could've paid to do the job.

It's not like it was dumb luck. I happened to know that he'd been fired from his job doing sanitary plumbing in medical facilities and had a meticulous attention to detail. Unfortunately he had a penchant for going on benders and not showing up. Did that to me, too, but I was patient. He followed my instructions to the letter, performed amazing work, and even generously shared his stash.

Which is why you get the standard of care, no more, no less. If it's not a billing code, they won't do it. Unfortunately, there's no billing code for "giving a fuck".

A minimum bar for what? The details matter. One of us is certainly naive. To extend your metaphor, as it relates to the trades, there are no individual licenses for trades in my state. The trades in the area (SF bay area) have been gutted since the housing crises. The cost of living is such that skilled tradespeople are all gone and not coming back. All that's left are people that have no professional experience working for people that hold construction licenses that trade them around like bingo cards until they accumulate enough complaints that they change the name of the business and start working under another name.

As for physicians, they work for their customers, typically rather than the patients they see.
I already told him all his Physician will say is "i never knew".
I have many friends that practice. 2 are Endocrinologists and have "weight loss clinics" on the side. It is legal in my state . They however do not control where the pharmacies they work with source from. One of the Pharmacies a friend started with was eventually shut down by the FDA (after complaints). Had there been no complaints, I wonder if they would ever have been. My friend had zero liability, it was solely on the pharmacy.

Anyway, I saw Ghoul's post there and I know He's finally been able to convince him

Did He really think a GLP-1 thread on meso will be ladened with Dementia addled bros?
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whos farts do you think smell better, @eryximachus or @Ghoul ? im sure their farts are some of the bigglyist and bestyist farts it the world. i wish i could get a chance to smell one of their farts fresh with them one time, just one time.
I'm done with the retardation here.This forum used to have actual licensed physicians and PhDs. Now we have high school graduates making fart jokes. Really sad.
Your post history suggests that you've contributed very little and made very little progress.
If you actually read my post history, you'd know that in this decade, it's about 1 week.

It hasn't even been 4 weeks since I started TRT. What progress realistically could be made?

I'm done with this forum for a while. It's really sad how it became infested with such miscreants who seem only interested in pedantic arguments that ultimately sere no purpose. Not the place I remember at all.
I gave you a year. See you then, but I want to see a baseline before you go, if only to laugh at how far you've let yourself go.
Why would you say something like that?

I just slammed an 18yo college athlete. You've thrown a LOT of insults towards me, but seriously - your opinion just doesn't matter.

I guess everyone fled the toxicity of this forum, but in case you weren't aware - putting 20 years into bodybuilding and 15 years on gear sort of makes you permanently in good shape compared to the average American land whale.

25% body fat is crazy, for anyone, and that's pretty absurd to suggest that.

Again, I ask - what really is the purpose behind your comment? It is not to inform. It is not to debate. It is to HARM. To insult. To mock.

I'm sorry you have such a miserable life, and I hope you and those of a similar mindset are able to find peace such that you need not elevate yourself by tearing down others. I suggest therapy. This sounds like a personality disorder of the narcissistic variety, which studies have indicates are disproportionately found in the bodybuilding community.

And on that note, I'm out.
I just slammed an 18yo college athlete.

How much did you pay him?

Again, I ask - what really is the purpose behind your comment? It is not to inform. It is not to debate. It is to HARM. To insult. To mock.

Yes, I'm mocking you, not because there's anything particularly wrong with you. I mean, there is, but I'm not qualified to give a complete assessment thus far with what little I know, but because it's apparent that you will spill a lot of words and make very little progress. However, you can make me eat my words by getting your shit together and showing up a year from now sub 10% bodyfat and a modicum of lean muscle tissue.

I'm sorry you have such a miserable life,

Save your sympathy. My life is awesome, but even if it weren't, I embrace suffering. That's how progress is made.
I suggest therapy.

I'll tell my therapist you said so.

This sounds like a personality disorder of the narcissistic variety,

I don't possess that specific pathology.
And on that note, I'm out.

Best of luck on your journeys.
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Why do people need to brag that they had sex with a barely legal kid in the internet like it was a flex? Dude, you could be a few months, days even just hours of missing statutory rape territory. Effing borderline pedophiles.
Isn't the age of consent like 16 in most parts of the world? I just find it strange how Americans freak out about adults having sex and call 18-year-olds kids.
Isn't the age of consent like 16 in most parts of the world? I just find it strange how Americans freak out about adults having sex and call 18-year-olds kids.

To a 20-something, sex with an 18yo ain’t so weird. For folks around that age, say 16-20 or so, it becomes tricky legal territory, they’re all basically kids but sexually mature kids. A 46yo having sex with an 18yo is on another level.

I dated an 18yo when I was 25. I called it off because it felt a bit icky. I think the “woke” people would probably say something about power imbalance or some shit.
Why do people need to brag that they had sex with a barely legal kid in the internet like it was a flex? Dude, you could be a few months, days even just hours of missing statutory rape territory. Effing borderline pedophiles.

At what age are men supposed to stop finding girls in their early 20s attractive?

Screaming "paedophile" is just a loser's cope, knowing if they had to go back out there at 40+, they have so little to offer their only options would be other men's used up leftovers.
other men's used up leftovers.

Did you really just write this despicable shit? I feel like I was pretty clear on this point. Keep these things to yourself.

loser's cope

Loser's cope? You consider the idea of compelling a kid to consent to sex as winning?

At what age are men supposed to stop finding girls in their early 20s attractive?

It stands to reason that anyone might find another sexually mature person to be physically attractive. Youthful appearance is physically attractive. A grown ass man seeking out and having sex with someone that's not yet emotionally mature is gross.
At what age are men supposed to stop finding girls in their early 20s attractive?

Screaming "paedophile" is just a loser's cope, knowing if they had to go back out there at 40+, they have so little to offer their only options would be other men's used up leftovers.
Check what he said again, did he say 20s? Can you read?

I just slammed an 18yo college athlete
Read it again, did it say 20? I don’t care what sick preference you have, but parents like me would prefer old fucks like you to be away from my 18year old daughter.

Even if you fulfill these fantasies of yours traveling to third world countries, do not expect me to tolerate sick things.

Btw, if it’s legal where you are that’s fine it’s your choice however, my opinion and preference can’t be changed you do what you want. Again I reiterate, 20’s is different than barely legal 18yr olds.
At what age are men supposed to stop finding girls in their early 20s attractive?

, knowing if they had to go back out there at 40+, they have so little to offer their only options would be other men's used up leftovers.

Because those girls out there and not getting other women's decrepit, viagra ridden leftovers.
They are all studs in their prime, replete with money, amazing cars and paying alimony until the day they slowly die.
Cin cin
To a 20-something, sex with an 18yo ain’t so weird. For folks around that age, say 16-20 or so, it becomes tricky legal territory, they’re all basically kids but sexually mature kids. A 46yo having sex with an 18yo is on another level.

I dated an 18yo when I was 25. I called it off because it felt a bit icky. I think the “woke” people would probably say something about power imbalance or some shit.
Sex is sex, dating is dating, I would personally find it strange that you'd have enough in common with an 18yo to date long-term, but just having fun I don't find it weird or bad at all. Dicaprio has been exclusively dating under 25s his whole life and people still watch his movies so I don't get why people are upset about regulars doing the same thing.
It stands to reason that anyone might find another sexually mature person to be physically attractive. Youthful appearance is physically attractive. A grown ass man seeking out and having sex with someone that's not yet emotionally mature is gross.
By that definition, sex should be banned if you're under 25 because brain doesn't stop developing until then.

I feel like you have made up your mind that it's a one-way street and some women don't seek grown-ass men, maybe it was the other way around? You don't need to make adults into victims if they're not.
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Isn't the age of consent like 16 in most parts of the world? I just find it strange how Americans freak out about adults having sex and call 18-year-olds kids.
even if the age of consent is 17, it's not exactly props for someone in their late 30s or 40s to be slamming said person. It's giving candy to a baby then snatching both the candy and the baby :Do_O