Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

Not sure if you want quick and easy, or "concierge" with all the bells and whistles like frequent follow ups, dietician consult, etc.

Assuming "quick and easy" it's:

Max $95/visit (or less if you have insurance).

Tell them you're self pay for the medication and want to use Eli Lilly single dose vials from pharmacy "Lilly Direct". Eli Lilly will send the meds to you directly.

If you want "concierge" treatment with all the support, dietician consult etc. there are other companies for $149.

Keep in mind you *must* be BMI 27 with another condition, like high BP or cholesterol, or BMI 30+.

So make sure you report a high enough weight to qualify.
Interesting. Yeah, Gameday just gave it to me. We'll see. I'm going to stick with them for 3 months and if their compound pharmacy stuff doesn't seem great, I'll check this out.

Honestly, my biggest takeaway is I want to start a competitor to Gameday.
Interesting. Yeah, Gameday just gave it to me. We'll see. I'm going to stick with them for 3 months and if their compound pharmacy stuff doesn't seem great, I'll check this out.

Honestly, my biggest takeaway is I want to start a competitor to Gameday.

Look, if gameday works for you, after 3 months consider buying the peptide from a reputable source yourself. The Chinese have become experts at making very high quality copies, so there's little risk, and beyond the savings, you'll be in full control.
It's not so much that we have a chip on our shoulder, it's the sheer ridiculousness of a rational human being patronizing one of these places whose business model is defrauding ignorant people.

Given your desire to get into the same business, it makes sense.
Not only do you have a chip on your shoulder, you have no sense of humor.

What a miserable life.

Me: I just don't want to buy black market for everything.

Miserable people: We crusade for the poor! The only thing that matters in life is that we buy everything as cheaply as humanly possible, with a strong preference for black market drug dealers!
Look, if gameday works for you, after 3 months consider buying the peptide from a reputable source yourself. The Chinese have become experts at making very high quality copies, so there's little risk, and beyond the savings, you'll be in full control.
I'm entirely willing to consider alternatives. But I'd still rather buy Pharma product from something like Turkish Pharma (where I used to get HGH Pfizer pens on a regular basis years ago).

The problem I have with Chinese products isn't the raws per se, it's just one more variable as I won't be buying a kilo of the stuff and don't want to bottle it myself. I entirely plan on using black market gear once my TRT gets me back to a minimal level. I'm comfortable with long established sources I've used for many years (ie Pharmacom), which doesn't sell Tirzepatide yet.

All that said, I like your plan and it's not far off from my own. If the results are fantastic after those 3 months, I'll probably search around.
It's not so much that we have a chip on our shoulder, it's the sheer ridiculousness of a rational human being patronizing one of these places whose business model is defrauding ignorant people.

Given your desire to get into the same business, it makes sense.
He just wants to suck himself off on an internet forum for “having money”, easier to do than actually making it.
He just wants to suck himself off on an internet forum for “having money”, easier to do than actually making it.

Guy politely said he'd prefer to buy from a licensed clinic and was immediately insulted for being a moron allowing himself to be "ripped off" for not buying from some Chinese drug dealer.

Can't blame him for pushing back at those who came at him by reminding $600 isn't a mortgage payment to everyone.

Of course that's going to hurt feelings, but they asked for it.
Guy politely said he'd prefer to buy from a licensed clinic and was immediately insulted for being a moron allowing himself to be "ripped off" for not buying from some Chinese drug dealer.

Can't blame him for pushing back at those who came at him by reminding $600 isn't a mortgage payment to everyone.

Of course that's going to hurt feelings, but they asked for it.

Where did anyone insult him, or refer to him as a "moron"? Where has anyone brought up buying from "some Chinese drug dealer" specifically?
Where did anyone insult him, or refer to him as a "moron"? Where has anyone brought up buying from "some Chinese drug dealer" specifically?

With the greatest respect Pisces, having spent a lifetime discerning meaning from the imprecise language most use in casual speech, my take on what was said, is below.

What is this exactly?

My botox place is offering sema for $600 per month and considering doing it. But this sounds scary af.

"I'm going to buy from a doctor at the licensed clinic I use for botox. They offer it for $600."

Sema for 600$ a month? You know sema is dirt cheap, right? Like 5-20$ a month even at higher doses.

"You know you can buy it for $20 from QSC, the Chinese drug dealer most of us here use."

I can afford $600. $20/mo sounds like black market. Which is fine, I'm just trying to stick to the straight and narrow while I get back into bodybuilding.

I'm just trying to figure out if sema is a good way to quickly lose excess bodyfat with minimal sides while you start to get back into the game.

Gastro paralysis sounds scary? Wtf does this mean? You can't shit?

"That's fine, to each his own. I'm more comfortable getting it from the licensed clinic I have a relationship with, prescribed by a physician who has a medical license on the line, as well as malpractice insurance, so at least there's some accountability if something goes wrong. I hear Tracy will just tell me to fuck off if I end up getting sick from bad product, and I'll only have myself to blame. The savings aren't worth it to me. no matter how low the risk."

So you know they rip you off and you gladly throw money at them.

"By not choosing to buy from an unaccountable Chinese source like the rest of us, you're knowingly allowing yourself to be ripped off, which can only be characterized as the behavior of an idiot.

Your priorities are different from mine, therefore you're throwing away money.

Also, your cavalier attitude implies $600 a month isn't as important to you as it should be, which offends me for reasons I'd rather not be honest with myself about..."
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He just wants to suck himself off on an internet forum for “having money”, easier to do than actually making it.
If I wanted to suck myself off, I'd inform you I made $20,000 just today trading SPX 0DTE options.

When a dinner for a family at Chile's is $150, $600 is really nothing for a single, childless guy, in my humble opinion.
Guy politely said he'd prefer to buy from a licensed clinic and was immediately insulted for being a moron allowing himself to be "ripped off" for not buying from some Chinese drug dealer.

Can't blame him for pushing back at those who came at him by reminding $600 isn't a mortgage payment to everyone.

Of course that's going to hurt feelings, but they asked for it.
Thank you kind sir.
If I wanted to suck myself off, I'd inform you I made $20,000 just today trading SPX 0DTE options.

Nope, still not impressed.
Me: I just don't want to buy black market for everything.

I didn't ask you to buy black market. The blathering nutsack gave you pretty specific instructions on how to get actual pharma, which is what you should do if you don't want to deal with the Chinese black market vendors and don't care about cost.

My beef with you is that you're a fucking idiot and you don't realize the people that you're patronizing are a fraud and that you're funding their fucking fraud.
If I wanted to suck myself off, I'd inform you I made $20,000 just today trading SPX 0DTE options.

When a dinner for a family at Chile's is $150, $600 is really nothing for a single, childless guy, in my humble opinion.

Thank you kind sir.

Yes, today was a verrry good day in the market...for the big hunk of SOXL I picked up in yesterday's irrational capitulation.
Damn, you guys are so rich, I wish I am too. I bet you could pay a good coach/doctor/health expert with actual degrees and vast knowledge/experience with a vast amount of satisfied clients who can guide you through your health journey. I am sure they will be able to guide you to the right channels so you don’t have to buy from these dubious Chinese drug dealers and also will monitor your blood work at the same time.

If I have your resources, I will be sourcing my goods direct from the pharmacy, if Chase Irons can get serostim I can get any glps. Fuck, if I have all your money I won’t even be here like a beggar, I would have my own coach and nutritionist maybe I wouldn’t even need any drugs. It sucks to be poor, oh well.
I rest my case.
You're not though. You want to get the last word in. You probably still don't grasp that I'm not even writing because I give a shit about some random poor person on the internet. It's the toxicity in general that will keep the vast majority of sane people away from this incredible forum that has provided me with a wealth of knowledge over the past 15 years.

It's just toxic behavior, and if you're like this in the real world, you're going to drive good people away from you, not just nobodies on the internet.