Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Ya I had the same experience with the suppression. Cravings gone as well. I’m doing the same protocol but tirz on Mondays and 2.4ish(generic) sema on thursdays.
Wow, now I don't run them in parallel like you do! I tapered sema off, then started with tirz.I have to ask, what's the reason behind running them side-by-side? Also, 2,4mg of sema is pretty much the ceiling, right? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I wonder what's the optimal diet on Semaglutide. If it suppresses appetite, should one stick to eating proteins first before anything just incase they get full right away or nauseous.

Inputs from guy's who had success?
I wonder what's the optimal diet on Semaglutide. If it suppresses appetite, should one stick to eating proteins first before anything just incase they get full right away or nauseous.

Inputs from guy's who had success?
Always try to hit your protein goals first. Carbs & fats come after. Otherwise you'll lose too much muscle. I had days where i couldn't eat more than 1800 kcal which for me is like 1000kcal under my TDEE
I wonder what's the optimal diet on Semaglutide. If it suppresses appetite, should one stick to eating proteins first before anything just incase they get full right away or nauseous.

Inputs from guy's who had success?
Yeah, protein first. For naturals (non ped users) I would say fats are important, too.
Wow, now I don't run them in parallel like you do! I tapered sema off, then started with tirz.I have to ask, what's the reason behind running them side-by-side? Also, 2,4mg of sema is pretty much the ceiling, right? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Purely to save money. And like you, I find they only last about 4 days. 2.4 mg of generic is more like 1.7 ish in my experience.
I’m down about 16-17lbs now from Sema. Think it’s been 5 weeks. I will do one more week at .5mg twice weekly and then decide to increase dosage again. I was about 11% BF when I started. No changes in food. Just a lot less of it.

Going to be a little clunky the next few weeks as I’m transitioning from AA to QSC. Also just received a 10 pack of Tirza 5mg to hang on to for next year or so. I’m actually pretty impressed with Sema.

I have found that around 5pm is the time to pin. I get a little blah that night but wake up good with no appetite! Also I’m kinda liking this new, not needing to wipe my ass thing. Turds come out big and beautiful and not slimy or greasy. It’s been majorly processed lol. Geez I just hope we’re not damaging ourselves with this stuff long term. Because the short term is showing some fantastic potential.
That's awesome progress. Congratulations.

The stress of extreme dieting and cardio, done often, isn't healthy either. I think the low to no stress of Semaglutide weight loss has to somehow have weight against stress rated attempts to lose weight.

I still suggest NOT increasing the dose though. You'll just develop tolerance.
That's awesome progress. Congratulations.

The stress of extreme dieting and cardio, done often, isn't healthy either. I think the low to no stress of Semaglutide weight loss has to somehow have weight against stress rated attempts to lose weight.

I still suggest NOT increasing the dose though. You'll just develop tolerance.
It’s a total godsend man. Now I only think about food half the day and it’s not near as ridiculous as before starting Sema.

If this drug continues to work like this and with minimal side effects then this stuff should become the next iPhone. I mean seriously. If people only knew how much easier it makes living with food…

but….I’m always leery about things that seem too good to be true. Fingers crossed on this one.
It’s a total godsend man. Now I only think about food half the day and it’s not near as ridiculous as before starting Sema.

If this drug continues to work like this and with minimal side effects then this stuff should become the next iPhone. I mean seriously. If people only knew how much easier it makes living with food…

but….I’m always leery about things that seem too good to be true. Fingers crossed on this one.
I'm bulking now, so I am intentionally eating more than usual. Because of that, I am sort of overriding the Semaglutide. However, if I wasn't bulking, and I wasn't forcing myself to eat, I wouldn't be eating. I think I have somewhat of a tolerance to the .50mg now, but it still works. At this point, it's all mental. But without Semaglutide, the physical cravings would override the mental part.
What dose are you taking?
Up to 7.5mg currently - think I do my third one of that tomorrow.

I've also been doing a 1-2 hour walk/run every morning and lifting 3-4x a week so it's not JUST the Mounjaro, but it helps with cravings and I'm also fairly sure I had crashed my metabolism in the last year of being a lazy fuck so things seem to be working better now.
Anyone else found mounjaro to be much weaker than semaglutide at low doses? Maybe my body just likes sema before but even on .25mg/wk that stuff was crazy
It's some kind of tolerance that has built up. If you had started with tirzepatide first you would not feel anything from the semaglutide either.