Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
i am not running much since i have "non compaction cardiomyopathy" and have to be careful how i treat my body. Especially with things that stress the heart.
Im using 8mg test cyp daily + 3mg trest e daily + 2-3iu high quality hgh (95% of the time pharma).
for "general health" i use 1g metformin + 0,1mg semaglutide (i used ozempic in the past but now Semaglutide from QSC) daily.
I also have to take a lot of heart medication (torasemide, eplerenone, nebovilol, entresto, jardiance) but apart from jardiance, they should have no advantages for bodybuilding
when ive used ozempic ive used a fresh insulin syringe to draw out the amount ive wanted to have, yes
Congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
Congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
this one

according to myocardbyopsy.
But the difference between dilatative CM and Non Compaction is quite slim, therefor the different docs i see have different opinions.
but most say the pictures fit to NCM best and the byopsy also said NCM
this one

according to myocardbyopsy.
But the difference between dilatative CM and Non Compaction is quite slim, therefor the different docs i see have different opinions.
but most say the pictures fit to NCM best and the byopsy also said NCM
Have you ever thought about stopping all substances for a period of time? Like year or so.

Do you take any vitamins, herbs, or any nutritional approaches? CoQ10?.
Have you ever thought about stopping all substances for a period of time? Like year or so.

Do you take any vitamins, herbs, or any nutritional approaches? CoQ10?.
I had many different approaches since march last year and due to the regular echos i get (and knowing my body in the meanwhile) i pretty much know what i can do and what i cant do to keep myself stable.
I had weeks completely off, i had weeks where i just did testogel, i had weeks where i just did 7-9mg test cyp daily but i also tried the other spectrum and had weeks where ive used 350mg test cyp, 250mg mast e and 50mg anavar and stupidly enough also high dosages of thyroids.
The latter was the worst for my condition and the main contribution to that was the thyroid medication. ive pushed up to 200/60 t4/t3 which was stupid and led to immense arrythmeas which is a no-no for me.
hgh is also one where i have to keep an eye on. With quality hgh (jintropins are my prime example here since they really are the cleanest for me together with humatrope) i can run 8ius without any issues. With crappy hgh, even small dosages of 4iu lead to water retention and negative impact on my heart.

The longest time ive did 20mg test cyp and 3-4iu pharma hgh daily which worked perfect apart from hct/hb/rbc creeping up to dangerous levels (59,x HCT, over 20HB).
this is the reason ive switchd to my current regime with low dose test cyp + low dose trest.
Latest bloodwork showed that after only 10 weeks of using the new regime, hb dropped by 1,5 points, hct by 4,5% and rbc was even in range again. No negative impact on lipids either.

I take a lot of heart medication but also supplements. I take Ubiquinol, curcumin, grape seed extract, nattokinase, l-carnitine (currently oral but i want to switch to inj) and also semaglutide, bpc and tb500
I had many different approaches since march last year and due to the regular echos i get (and knowing my body in the meanwhile) i pretty much know what i can do and what i cant do to keep myself stable.
I had weeks completely off, i had weeks where i just did testogel, i had weeks where i just did 7-9mg test cyp daily but i also tried the other spectrum and had weeks where ive used 350mg test cyp, 250mg mast e and 50mg anavar and stupidly enough also high dosages of thyroids.
The latter was the worst for my condition and the main contribution to that was the thyroid medication. ive pushed up to 200/60 t4/t3 which was stupid and led to immense arrythmeas which is a no-no for me.
hgh is also one where i have to keep an eye on. With quality hgh (jintropins are my prime example here since they really are the cleanest for me together with humatrope) i can run 8ius without any issues. With crappy hgh, even small dosages of 4iu lead to water retention and negative impact on my heart.

The longest time ive did 20mg test cyp and 3-4iu pharma hgh daily which worked perfect apart from hct/hb/rbc creeping up to dangerous levels (59,x HCT, over 20HB).
this is the reason ive switchd to my current regime with low dose test cyp + low dose trest.
Latest bloodwork showed that after only 10 weeks of using the new regime, hb dropped by 1,5 points, hct by 4,5% and rbc was even in range again. No negative impact on lipids either.

I take a lot of heart medication but also supplements. I take Ubiquinol, curcumin, grape seed extract, nattokinase, l-carnitine (currently oral but i want to switch to inj) and also semaglutide, bpc and tb500
Since you mentioned you had different doctor opinions, my thought was that maybe both of them are wrong. Your heart may just remodel itself eventually, but you'd probably want to go off of everything (nearly everything) to allow that to take place. You could also continue to take everything but just do no workouts besides light walking.

I know they say congenital, and that may be true, but a lot of times these conditions develop due to long term nutritional deficiencies. You should take a multivitamin. You should add magnesium taurate and many grams of taurine to your list.

You should take low dose thyroid because you have a mitochondrial energy problem and thyroid will help that.

Have you tried hawthorn? I've used Cardiopeak from Life Extension (hawthorn and arjuna) and I also used their Endothelial Defense product. ,
Since you mentioned you had different doctor opinions, my thought was that maybe both of them are wrong. Your heart may just remodel itself eventually, but you'd probably want to go off of everything (nearly everything) to allow that to take place. You could also continue to take everything but just do no workouts besides light walking.

I know they say congenital, and that may be true, but a lot of times these conditions develop due to long term nutritional deficiencies. You should take a multivitamin. You should add magnesium taurate and many grams of taurine to your list.

You should take low dose thyroid because you have a mitochondrial energy problem and thyroid will help that.

Have you tried hawthorn? I've used Cardiopeak from Life Extension (hawthorn and arjuna) and I also used their Endothelial Defense product. ,
thanks for your suggestions.
i already take taurin and mag bysciglynate.
i havent tried hawthorn yet. Do you tjink its worth a try?
and for remodelling:
my heart is remodelling.
from my first echo to my last one, LVEDD decreased by 5mm measured by the same doc and the same device.
main issue right now is still the high mitral insufficiency. There is the option to insert a mitraclip to help but since this is done via surgery, there are risks and i do not want to take these risks right now since i am pretty stable at the moment
thanks for your suggestions.
i already take taurin and mag bysciglynate.
i havent tried hawthorn yet. Do you tjink its worth a try?
and for remodelling:
my heart is remodelling.
from my first echo to my last one, LVEDD decreased by 5mm measured by the same doc and the same device.
main issue right now is still the high mitral insufficiency. There is the option to insert a mitraclip to help but since this is done via surgery, there are risks and i do not want to take these risks right now since i am pretty stable at the moment
My experiences with mitral valve regurgitation show that the valve can sort of "correct itself" and then the heart can remodel itself in the positive direction. It takes time. It could take you another 6 month-18 months, of low stress living. Did you lift a lot of heavy weights? I wouldn't lift anything. Maybe do body weight exercises. I think it is possible to improve your mitral valve's function to the point where you don't have cardiomyopathy anymore. There was probably a trigger or a combination of triggers that probably made this condition develop. But it seems like you will figure it out.

The mitraclip sounded amazing on paper but in reality, I don't know how good it is. They usually try it on old people who are already too far gone to benefit from it. Or, they say they will do the clip, but then do a replacement (which is almost always unnecessary and is a real screw job if they try that). I think the clip could be good but I'm not convinced yet. I admittedly haven't researched this for a long time.

There are a few very good surgeons who can do the mitral valve repair, but that is a major operation. However, my research made this repair look like the best option.

I would try hawthorn and arjuna. Do you eat seed oils? I would stop eating seed oils if so. You need to focus on mitochondrial function and bring that energy up inside the heart. The goal is to avoid fibrosis.
I wonder what's the optimal diet on Semaglutide. If it suppresses appetite, should one stick to eating proteins first before anything just incase they get full right away or nauseous.

Inputs from guy's who had success?
If you're like me you will still lose weight getting your protein carbs and fat goals.
You are almost always very helpful and uniquely knowledgeable on certain topics. What is your profession If you don’t mind saying?

I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you.

I'm happy that you like some of my contributions. I'm always researching, reading, learning, and preparing and I know a lot of health related information. I also have real life practical experience. I won't answer the profession question here because it's hard to do.

I've been interested in all health topics since I was a kid and I've just kept on accumulating information.
My experiences with mitral valve regurgitation show that the valve can sort of "correct itself" and then the heart can remodel itself in the positive direction. It takes time. It could take you another 6 month-18 months, of low stress living. Did you lift a lot of heavy weights? I wouldn't lift anything. Maybe do body weight exercises. I think it is possible to improve your mitral valve's function to the point where you don't have cardiomyopathy anymore. There was probably a trigger or a combination of triggers that probably made this condition develop. But it seems like you will figure it out.

The mitraclip sounded amazing on paper but in reality, I don't know how good it is. They usually try it on old people who are already too far gone to benefit from it. Or, they say they will do the clip, but then do a replacement (which is almost always unnecessary and is a real screw job if they try that). I think the clip could be good but I'm not convinced yet. I admittedly haven't researched this for a long time.

There are a few very good surgeons who can do the mitral valve repair, but that is a major operation. However, my research made this repair look like the best option.

I would try hawthorn and arjuna. Do you eat seed oils? I would stop eating seed oils if so. You need to focus on mitochondrial function and bring that energy up inside the heart. The goal is to avoid fibrosis.
i did do a lot of powerlifting in the past and especially in the time leading to the acute heart failure since it was lockdown time and gyms were closed for almost a year.
during this time, i did a lot of heavy squats and deadlift (up to 270kg x 3 on deadlifts)

i still lift now but its more the bodybuilding style of lifting - cable excersises, machines etc in the 10-20 reps range. but i do still lift "heavy" and to failure, just not on excersises that overload the cardiovascular+central nervous systems.
but what i also include now is a shitload of LISS cardio. I walk my 10.000 steps daily, ride my stationary bike for 3-4times a week and if i cant walk outside, i do 45-75min incline treadmill fast pace walking at home.

yes, i dont plan to let them do any surgeries right now. As i said, i am more or less stable and can live a normal live without too much trouble. Main issue is still my sleep because i have insomnia from long before my heart issues and i would love to sleep a night without getting up 7-10 times..
i dont take any seed oils. My nutrition is mainly quality meat (mainly beef, i do make my own minced meat), lots of vegetables, oats, bread, corn, blueberries etc. Also a whey shake here and there

thanks for your suggestions and your help buddy. Really appreciate
i did do a lot of powerlifting in the past and especially in the time leading to the acute heart failure since it was lockdown time and gyms were closed for almost a year.
during this time, i did a lot of heavy squats and deadlift (up to 270kg x 3 on deadlifts)

i still lift now but its more the bodybuilding style of lifting - cable excersises, machines etc in the 10-20 reps range. but i do still lift "heavy" and to failure, just not on excersises that overload the cardiovascular+central nervous systems.
but what i also include now is a shitload of LISS cardio. I walk my 10.000 steps daily, ride my stationary bike for 3-4times a week and if i cant walk outside, i do 45-75min incline treadmill fast pace walking at home.

yes, i dont plan to let them do any surgeries right now. As i said, i am more or less stable and can live a normal live without too much trouble. Main issue is still my sleep because i have insomnia from long before my heart issues and i would love to sleep a night without getting up 7-10 times..
i dont take any seed oils. My nutrition is mainly quality meat (mainly beef, i do make my own minced meat), lots of vegetables, oats, bread, corn, blueberries etc. Also a whey shake here and there

thanks for your suggestions and your help buddy. Really appreciate
I have some guesses I can throw at you. for sleep/insomnia. A lot of time the insomnia is because of too much cortisol. To shutdown the cortisol response, you need food, especially a meal with carbohydrates. A night time meal often fixes insomnia.

Most of the mainstream salt advice is just bad advice. You may want to try increasing your salt intake. I find that increasing salt leads to less urination. Having a steady supply of salt doesn't lead to these up and down bloating scenarios. You will have to test this carefully. Don't fear salt.

If you take caffiene, then you have to take it no later than 4:00pm or preferably earlier, because it will keep you up.

I just ordered a trimagnesium citrate supplement (if in the EU, try the brand named Vit4Ever) that I find to be extremely sleep promoting but not sedating at all. Trimagnesium citrate. Normally, magnesium citrate was useless or only useful as a laxative. This one is something entirely different. I'm so curious about it that I almost thought about sending off a sample for analysis. It's special. It helped me.
has anyone tried any other Chinese semaglutide other than QSC?

Very much agree with this. I signed up with Hello Alpha and they are 100% drug dealers, they’re not even kind of hiding it. My doctor would work with me, she’s done it before, but it takes a little effort to get her to hop on board with weight loss drugs. She can justify it, sure, but it’s harder for her to go out on a limb. But VC funded telemed companies exist to ignore regulators and do whatever the fuck they want in order to scale up.

Fun fact: Alpha Medical was founded to focus on women’s health, and now a bunch of juiced up dudes are using their services. I find this amusing.

alpha is asking for pictures now. some have said they just upload anything, maybe they don't really check.
Got my kit of tirzepatide from QSC. I started at 5mg since I had been on sema for a while. I thought I had no appetite before on sema, but wow I didn’t realize it could get any better. Tirzepatide is awesome! I’ve had zero side effects other than burping. The quality seems great for a non pharma, and you can’t beat that price. I ordered some more. I know a lot of people who are taking pharma mounjaro and it’s incredible watching them lose weight. My mom even started after being on ozempic for over 2 years. I haven’t been this weight in probably 10+ years. I don’t recognize myself in the mirror. My mental health has also changed dramatically. I am very happy. I feel amazing. I battle with bipolar depression and have never known what being mentally happy felt like.
has anyone tried any other Chinese semaglutide other than QSC?

alpha is asking for pictures now. some have said they just upload anything, maybe they don't really check.
A telehealth company is starting to require you check the box that says you are a T2D. I’ve heard the coupon will stop working soon if it’s just for weight loss. They are cracking down I’m assuming so the supply can cover the T2Ds. I’ve been keeping an eye out in the Facebook groups. I am not allowed to mention that I’m not using pharma but am glad I have had access to these medications from QSC and amino asylum (sema).
I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you.

I'm happy that you like some of my contributions. I'm always researching, reading, learning, and preparing and I know a lot of health related information. I also have real life practical experience. I won't answer the profession question here because it's hard to do.

I've been interested in all health topics since I was a kid and I've just kept on accumulating information.
Fair enough. I figured it had to be interesting because of some of your replies lol. But yeah, I enjoy your posts and I think you helped me on a skin routine that I plan to start soon.
Got my kit of tirzepatide from QSC. I started at 5mg since I had been on sema for a while. I thought I had no appetite before on sema, but wow I didn’t realize it could get any better. Tirzepatide is awesome! I’ve had zero side effects other than burping. The quality seems great for a non pharma, and you can’t beat that price. I ordered some more. I know a lot of people who are taking pharma mounjaro and it’s incredible watching them lose weight. My mom even started after being on ozempic for over 2 years. I haven’t been this weight in probably 10+ years. I don’t recognize myself in the mirror. My mental health has also changed dramatically. I am very happy. I feel amazing. I battle with bipolar depression and have never known what being mentally happy felt like.
That’s awesome man. Actually made me think because I had honestly lost a lot of respect for myself for my lack of control over food over the years. I guess I didn’t realize it until now that it’s under control. But food was the one thing I never could fully master. It mastered me. But not now and I am also experiencing some of the happiness you speak of. I was happy before but skinny happy looks better Lol.

I haven’t even tried the Tirza yet because I’m still very happy with Sema. Anyways, enjoy your newfound happiness.
Fair enough. I figured it had to be interesting because of some of your replies lol. But yeah, I enjoy your posts and I think you helped me on a skin routine that I plan to start soon.
I guess it could be interesting but I don't want to doxx myself in any way.

You mean the tretinoin? I know I talked about that. If so, that's going to be good.

I'll throw it back to you: I enjoy your posts too. You are one of the people I do make sure to stop and read. I have a feeling you're my kind of person.
I guess it could be interesting but I don't want to doxx myself in any way.

You mean the tretinoin? I know I talked about that. If so, that's going to be good.

I'll throw it back to you: I enjoy your posts too. You are one of the people I do make sure to stop and read. I have a feeling you're my kind of person.
Hey, appreciate that. And yes the tretinoin. I’m currently finishing up my last ever dance with Accutane. Trying to suck out as much oil as I can with it and be done. And then start taking care of my skin actively. Including the protocol you shared with me.

I am done blasting gear and am pretty much just trying to age handsomely and healthy. No more extra mass for me. So it’s a bit of a renaissance era for me in which I’m going to finally prioritize skin care. I’ve got some major sun damage to treat and maintain. I may need to hit you up for some questions about it once I get closer. Thanks man.