Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
If pancreatitis occured it would be a fast onset. Pretty much you really can't monitor it ,, just tried jf you have severe abdominal pain
Frankly we don't know. What some describe as a heartburn may as well be low grade pancreatic inflammation.
Overall, I don't understand why would anyone want to run these above clinical doses vs. low to moderate dose for longer period. If you want fast fat loss just add clen or low dose DNP.
Frankly we don't know. What some describe as a heartburn may as well be low grade pancreatic inflammation.
Overall, I don't understand why would anyone want to run these above clinical doses vs. low to moderate dose for longer period. If you want fast fat loss just add clen or low dose DNP.
Real pancreatitis is extremely painful and requires heavy pain meds to treat.. not just tums..
So my question is, for who use semaglutide at 0.25-0.50 mg weekly you store the remaining reconstituted in fridge I believe, does it last for 2-3 month?

Because a 4mg vial last at 0.5mg week 2 fucking month, I don't think bac water can be sterile for so long.

If one takes 0.25mg it's 4 months! That's a very very long time. I don't wanna waste it or endanger my body injecting unsterilised stuff.

I was looking at QDC 2mg semaglutide but no testing has been done it seems on it only on the 4mg... Plus even 2mg will last well over 2 weeks so the question still stand

How do you deal with it?

I was reading clinical test made on tirzelatide vs semaglutide and 2.5 tirze was better then 2.4 semaglutide for what I have seen. So you still prefer sema at 0.25-0.5mg overall for bodybuilding purposes?
Tirze is a lot more expensive as well.
Frankly we don't know. What some describe as a heartburn may as well be low grade pancreatic inflammation.
Overall, I don't understand why would anyone want to run these above clinical doses vs. low to moderate dose for longer period. If you want fast fat loss just add clen or low dose DNP.
I bet if food and food consumption dominated your thoughts all day and your appetite was so outrageous it detracted from your quality of life, then you’d understand.
I bet if food and food consumption dominated your thoughts all day and your appetite was so outrageous it detracted from your quality of life, then you’d understand.
I had run a number of DNP cycles in the past and let me tell you it comes with its own bag of negatives. Overall I'm more happy with sema/tirz for my particular usecase, i.e. not having food to dominate my thoughts, be able to function both in daily life and in a gym, and lower my body fat at the same time.
For those of us who do not get the craving / appetite suppression anymore, I’m reading a lot about this being only a side effect of sema and not it’s intended purpose hence the drug is still technically doing it’s job but the side effect has stopped occurring.
This makes sense to me now. Any ideas on how to make the cravings and suppression more effective ?
So my question is, for who use semaglutide at 0.25-0.50 mg weekly you store the remaining reconstituted in fridge I believe, does it last for 2-3 month?

Because a 4mg vial last at 0.5mg week 2 fucking month, I don't think bac water can be sterile for so long.

If one takes 0.25mg it's 4 months! That's a very very long time. I don't wanna waste it or endanger my body injecting unsterilised stuff.

I was looking at QDC 2mg semaglutide but no testing has been done it seems on it only on the 4mg... Plus even 2mg will last well over 2 weeks so the question still stand

How do you deal with it?

I was reading clinical test made on tirzelatide vs semaglutide and 2.5 tirze was better then 2.4 semaglutide for what I have seen. So you still prefer sema at 0.25-0.5mg overall for bodybuilding purposes?
Tirze is a lot more expensive as well.
It's fine in the fridge. I wouldn't worry too much about it not remaining sterile to be honest.. it'd in the fridge.

It was easier to do semaglutide because it's been around longer. More information to read on

If you want tirazepide and you live in the US.
You could use helloalpha. Someone recently made a post about an easy way to get it.
For those of us who do not get the craving / appetite suppression anymore, I’m reading a lot about this being only a side effect of sema and not it’s intended purpose hence the drug is still technically doing it’s job but the side effect has stopped occurring.
This makes sense to me now. Any ideas on how to make the cravings and suppression more effective ?
This is correct. Hunger suppression is only a side effect. If you want more hunger suppression you can add low dose metformin.
People seem to be confused about Semaglutide.

Some people think it is a fat burner and then they are surprised when they have appetite suppression. Then they can't understand or tolerate that appetite suppression.

The other side: Some people think Semaglutide only works by suppressing the appetite, and when they feel hunger again, they assume that the Semaglutide doesn't work anymore and needs to be dosed higher. But eventually the higher doses don't work and they need more.

The truth is that if you take Semaglutide and are bulking, you will still eat too much. This isn't really good to use while bulking.

If you take Semaglutide, and you have discipline, and you want to lose weight, and you are actively trying to cut calories, then Semaglutide is like magic. It will help you stay on track and prevent binge eating episodes. It will also help you eat less overall.

Semaglutide is good for weight loss and cutting. Not bulking. It's also good for maintainence but you can override it if you are forcing food down.
All of your points are true. Yet I personally think it does have a place in a bulk because when people bulk their insulin sensitivity usually gets worse and worse, this is where semaglutide could really shine in a bulk. It was made for controling blood glucose levels and to improve insulin resistance - the hunger suppression is just a useful side effect for a cut.

By the way: I increased the dose to 1.3mg per week and I have awful stomache pain. I will go back to 1mg. It's not really serious I think cause it has already gotten better, but it's def the semaglutide.
All of your points are true. Yet I personally think it does have a place in a bulk because when people bulk their insulin sensitivity usually gets worse and worse, this is where semaglutide could really shine in a bulk. It was made for controling blood glucose levels and to improve insulin resistance - the hunger suppression is just a useful side effect for a cut.

By the way: I increased the dose to 1.3mg per week and I have awful stomache pain. I will go back to 1mg. It's not really serious I think cause it has already gotten better, but it's def the semaglutide.
It's a bit of a misconception that bulking per se worsens insulin sensitivity.

While increasing b.f. beyond 12% definitely worsens insulin sensitivity, and high saturated fat/low quality carbohydrate food sources contribute, the training methods that typify bodybuilding-style training that predominates in bulking phases (vs. proportionally more aerobic endurance-style exercise during cutting), in combination with higher dose AAS, enhance glycolysis and enhance insulin sensitivity, respectively.

Bodybuilding-style resistance training (i.e., tension & volume methods) is really the ideal means to stress the glycolytic system, and use glucose as an energy substrate to perform work (characterized by short rest intervals between repetitions [with load] that last 30 sec - 1 min); you might characterize that as something approaching glycogen depletion training or anaerobic capacity work. This directly lowers blood glucose, but is not insulin sensitizing.

Increasing muscle mass is insulin sensitizing, though; and the more contractions that are performed * greater muscle mass, enhances local (inside the muscle) insulin sensitivity (GLUT-4 and all that).

Fat loss drugs used during cutting typically worsen insulin sensitivity (e.g., clen, stimulant drugs, rhGH), though DNP has disparate and somewhat unclear effects (in normoglycemic users it usually increases blood glucose but enhances glucose/carbohydrate tolerance).
People seem to be confused about Semaglutide.

Some people think it is a fat burner and then they are surprised when they have appetite suppression. Then they can't understand or tolerate that appetite suppression.

The other side: Some people think Semaglutide only works by suppressing the appetite, and when they feel hunger again, they assume that the Semaglutide doesn't work anymore and needs to be dosed higher. But eventually the higher doses don't work and they need more.

The truth is that if you take Semaglutide and are bulking, you will still eat too much. This isn't really good to use while bulking.

If you take Semaglutide, and you have discipline, and you want to lose weight, and you are actively trying to cut calories, then Semaglutide is like magic. It will help you stay on track and prevent binge eating episodes. It will also help you eat less overall.

Semaglutide is good for weight loss and cutting. Not bulking. It's also good for maintainence but you can override it if you are forcing food down.
Hey man, where do you think we should stop when it comes to dosing? Is it individual thing or is there some number that can be applied in general? That thing is quite expensive, so I'm asking for the most economical way of using it.
Not an issue. Eli Lilly has a free coupon card where it’s $25 a month until June 2023 if your insurance denies it. Also, tirzapetide(mounjaro) is better than semiglutide.
Better in what? And how? What about side effects, tirzapetide is a lot more expensive too. Except if you have coupons.