Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Not really taking anything for appetite suppression at the moment but I have Metformin on hand. I wasn't aware that it helped with appetite suppression.

I've been on a deficit for a while now and hunger is starting to become an issue. I can keep going for a couple more weeks without it but after that I think appetite suppressors would be needed so I don't feel hungry all the time.

So you think 500mg Metformin upon waking and 0.5mg/wk semaglutide (starting with 0.25mg) would be enough to control hunger?
Is there any known adverse to taking that with clenbuterol?
Might wanna take that Metformin with a meal to avoid digestive issues. Makes me shit like crazy sometimes.
The only time I've had issues with tirzepatide is if I eat a specific type of meal at night and wake up early and do cardio. Fatty meals or spicy meals feels like a lot of acid.
Not really taking anything for appetite suppression at the moment but I have Metformin on hand. I wasn't aware that it helped with appetite suppression.

I've been on a deficit for a while now and hunger is starting to become an issue. I can keep going for a couple more weeks without it but after that I think appetite suppressors would be needed so I don't feel hungry all the time.

So you think 500mg Metformin upon waking and 0.5mg/wk semaglutide (starting with 0.25mg) would be enough to control hunger?
Is there any known adverse to taking that with clenbuterol?
Clen & GLP-1 agonists work at cross-purposes. Clen is foremost an anabolic agent (it's used to enhance partitioning, recomp, or increasing LBM & decreasing FM), so, you eviscerate that purpose by appetite suppression. Clen secondly induces insulin resistance (most drugs that are used for dieting do) by ↑glucose & insulin in blood. Well, that eviscerates the purpose of GLP-1 agonism, to enhance insulin sensitivity.
Clen & GLP-1 agonists work at cross-purposes. Clen is foremost an anabolic agent (it's used to enhance partitioning, recomp, or increasing LBM & decreasing FM), so, you eviscerate that purpose by appetite suppression. Clen secondly induces insulin resistance (most drugs that are used for dieting do) by ↑glucose & insulin in blood. Well, that eviscerates the purpose of GLP-1 agonism, to enhance insulin sensitivity.
Man. This would explain why I would get so hungry on Clen and Albuterol even on semaglutide
10 days in. I’ve been taking 400mcg every 3 days. I noticed I tried 250mcg the first day at night. Didn’t notice any effect until maybe the second day after one meal, and then I felt normal and was ravenously hungry due to cutting. That afternoon i added 250mcg more and then I felt solid and it was noticeable that I stayed full after eating and would often be unable to finish higher calorie 850cal meals and would need to split them into two taking a break from eating to get it all down.

In about 3 days though it seemed to wear off, I waited another 12 hours and the effects seemed reduced. So I added another 400mcg. Then another 400 3 days later.

I’m now going to increase to 800 mcg and see if that holds me for longer.
Day 6 of Rybelsus 14mg. I'm feeling the appetite supression now. I'm full much much quicker. I also stay full much longer on smaller meals. Less cravings for sugar than usual. No negatives.
Unfortunately I haven’t yet noticed that the sugar cravings after eating being as reliably reduced as the overall full feeling.

However I only seem to get sugar cravings after eating, I do find I’m not waking up at night and wanting something sugary. It’s only after meals I still want something sweet.
Day 8
1 Day: 0,25mg Semaglutide
4 Day: 0,25mg
7 Day: 0,25mg

No effect. It's pharma Semaglutide. Next month I will try 0,5mg per dosage. I think at the moment it's to less Semaglutide refering to my weight of 120kilos / 264,5 pounds.
0.25mg is not a therapeutic dose. Its just the starter dose to see how you react. I would say stick to it for 2 weeks and if you dont feel any sides or whatever go up the dose. This is a drug with a long half life, it needs time to build up. Most people wont feel anything by just 1 or 2 shots.
Day 8
1 Day: 0,25mg Semaglutide
4 Day: 0,25mg
7 Day: 0,25mg

No effect. It's pharma Semaglutide. Next month I will try 0,5mg per dosage. I think at the moment it's to less Semaglutide refering to my weight of 120kilos / 264,5 pounds.
The feeling and effect is subtle. It's not supposed to be like an on off switch in feeling. It's just supposed to take the edge off hunger. It isn't supposed to make you have zero hunger. Sure, if you take high doses, it may take away hunger but it won't last long. You will grow tolerant to the anti hunger effect and then you need to increase the dose.

Stay at .25mg and let it build up in your system. Then ride out the .25mg. You'll know when to increase. Just take it slowly.

I say this because .25mg worked for me and I increased to .50mg, stupidly, and it worked a bit better possibly but it wasn't worth it.

Take it slowly. This drug doesn't melt fat off you.
None of you people seem to understand what this drug is supposed to do. You all keep overdosing on it and I guarantee you that in a year from now, Semaglutide won't do SHIT for you due to tolerance.
Thanks for posting your experience. Yes, I agree to your post that beginning with a low dose is better.

Generelly speaking I don't know if it's a solution for my kind of problem.

It's an interesting situation. If I'm ill or if it's a non-training day the hunger is strong. I could eat easily about 5k calories.

If I go to work and afterwords to the gym I'm able to eat nothing for the whole day. I tried this for some weeks. Eat nothing until the training is offer. Afterwords I have eaten around 1,5k.calories and it worked.

So my conclusion is that I eat because it's trained (because about years ago I started as a skinny guy).

Furthermore if this is true the Semaglutide helps not so much. The only thing I hope it that it will kill is the hunger-attacks during the night.
Clen & GLP-1 agonists work at cross-purposes. Clen is foremost an anabolic agent (it's used to enhance partitioning, recomp, or increasing LBM & decreasing FM), so, you eviscerate that purpose by appetite suppression. Clen secondly induces insulin resistance (most drugs that are used for dieting do) by ↑glucose & insulin in blood. Well, that eviscerates the purpose of GLP-1 agonism, to enhance insulin sensitivity.
So my recent shreddedness and anabolism despite only being on 80mg Test C E5D is due to the enhanced insulin sensitivity from the semaglutide I’ve been taking 9 weeks now?

This would explain it. Feels like I’m on a mild cycle. Lean, vascular and strong despite the scale dropping. Taking Sema, low test and 3iu GH.

Oh and Tb500 and Bpc157. Wonder if they are playing a role.
So my recent shreddedness and anabolism despite only being on 80mg Test C E5D is due to the enhanced insulin sensitivity from the semaglutide I’ve been taking 9 weeks now?

This would explain it. Feels like I’m on a mild cycle. Lean, vascular and strong despite the scale dropping. Taking Sema, low test and 3iu GH.

Oh and Tb500 and Bpc157. Wonder if they are playing a role.
I am noticing alot of strength retention even with progressive weight loss on semaglutide. I am just in my trt dosing too. I don't hold water that I normally would either
So my recent shreddedness and anabolism despite only being on 80mg Test C E5D is due to the enhanced insulin sensitivity from the semaglutide I’ve been taking 9 weeks now?

This would explain it. Feels like I’m on a mild cycle. Lean, vascular and strong despite the scale dropping. Taking Sema, low test and 3iu GH.

Oh and Tb500 and Bpc157. Wonder if they are playing a role.
Generally improved insulin sensitivity means enhanced p-ratio, usually with respect to tissue-level (i.e., skeletal muscle) insulin sensitivity. The GLP-1 agonists enhance insulin sensitivity centrally. So I do believe so, yes.
@Type-IIx in your research and opinion. are any of the other common steroids like var, primo, tren, etc, going to work well with or work against these products (ozempic or mounjaro)? I appreciate any insight you can offer.
All AAS are insulin sensitizing and, in fact, a standard warning with GLP-1 & GIP agonists is to be careful to adjust dose down when combining androgens with them (because of hypoglycemic risks). No AAS, then, works against Ozempic or Mounjaro, but they are synergistic in insulin sensitizing effects. Tren & Superdrol are clearly very potently insulin sensitizing (reduce blood glucose). We know tren, at least, decreases PPARγ expression (PPARγ controls formation of new fat cells, fatty acid uptake and storage, and therefore insulin sensitivity).
Generally improved insulin sensitivity means enhanced p-ratio, usually with respect to tissue-level (i.e., skeletal muscle) insulin sensitivity. The GLP-1 agonists enhance insulin sensitivity centrally. So I do believe so, yes.
I just started noticing recently but it’s identical to how it feels 1 week to 4 weeks after a dnp run. So it’s definitely enhanced insulin sensitivity. Was not expecting this awesome side effect from this drug. As if losing 2” of belt loops wasn’t awesome enough. I just keep waiting to find out what the negative of these Glp1 drugs is because they just keep doing amazing things.
Anyone else having trouble getting their prescribed Ozempic 2mg or Wegovy 2.4mg filled at pharmacies? My local pharmacies are telling me its out of stock and they wont have it until later this year.

Seems it really has become popular.