Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
did i do this correctly? i am shit at maths

powder vial was 5mg per ml
i added in 2.5ml of bacstat water (all that could fit in the vial which was annoying)

so if 5ml of water would result in 1mg per 1ml - so a 0.25ml dose would be 0.25mg

then my 2.5ml of water should be concentrated at 1mg per 0.5ml. so a 0.25mg starter dose would be half at 0.12ml roughly
This is simple highschool math. What you did is correct, yet very complicated. Next time just reconstitute 5mg with 2ml and use 0.1ml for a 0.25mg dose or increase to 0.2ml for 0.5mg.
It’s possible it’s weaker than pharma. I’ve only used AA and QSC. Currently on QSC and I honestly think the AA was stronger mg per mg now that I’ve had time on both a while.
Hey thank you for this. I actually just read through your prior response to my initial AA semaglutide question and realized you already told me the AA semaglutide was GTG but that's cool to know it may actually be stronger than QSC - this is giving me lots of hope and anticipation for my fat loss gains.
Hey thank you for this. I actually just read through your prior response to my initial AA semaglutide question and realized you already told me the AA semaglutide was GTG but that's cool to know it may actually be stronger than QSC - this is giving me lots of hope and anticipation for my fat loss gains.
I was shocked at how effective even low dose Sema was from AA. But, with companies like that, the product quality could very well differ from month to month I’d imagine. But both mine were good from them.
2 Weeks on AA semi. truly feel the effects now eating easily under 2.2k calories for once in my life can literally go through the whole day without eating and don't feel disturbed definitely crazy
2 Weeks on AA semi. truly feel the effects now eating easily under 2.2k calories for once in my life can literally go through the whole day without eating and don't feel disturbed definitely crazy
Yeah, I'm only looking to be on this for a couple weeks at a time so I can get back to musclebuilding asap. (I'm stacking it with dnp for an even quicker cut). So yeah I took .5mg AA semaglutide day one, then .25 day 2 as I wasn't noticing any sides. Well, my hunger on just day 2 is obliterated. The night is not over yet but I think I will feel equally as satiated and content on just about 2000 to 2500 cals as I was on 4000. I can only imagine the sort of deficit I will be able to attain with this combo. Maybe something like 4500 with only an hour of cardio per day and closer to 5,000 if I'm able to be just a bit more active beyond that.
How long did it take you guys to get to 2mg/week of semaglutide?

I’m 10-11 weeks in and am approaching that. Seems fast to me. Is that normal? Also what dose do they recommend stopping at?
How well does prior authorization work for getting your ozempic prescription covered? I'm going through Hello Alpha and they're saying my prescription needs prior authorization. I already told Hello Alpha to move forward with it but idk if it'll work.
How well does prior authorization work for getting your ozempic prescription covered? I'm going through Hello Alpha and they're saying my prescription needs prior authorization. I already told Hello Alpha to move forward with it but idk if it'll work.
Most insurance providers require specific lab tests and step therapy (trying cheaper drugs first) and a T2D diagnosis to cover ozempic.
I'm wondering how are most people actually get the medication unless everyone here is diabetic.
Prescribing guidelines for use in obesity (Wegovy) is either BMI of 30+ or BMI of 27 with a weight related comorbidity. In this case high BP is definitely a comorbidity. Most guys who are on here have a high BMI—which doesn’t take into account muscle mass and is a terrible measure for most things—and steroid users certainly run into BP issues. Hell, if you’re on the shorter side of the tape measure and have decent muscle mass your BMI could well be above 30.

So getting Wegovy is pretty easy. Since the supply of that drug is constrained (I believe it’s related to the pens and not the drug itself) Ozempic has been used as a substitute since it’s the same drug. Lots of ‘off-label’ use at these telemed places going on. But if you are a well built guy and have a high BMI (30+), and a doctor who’s friendly you can get prescribed Wegovy immediately.
Prescribing guidelines for use in obesity (Wegovy) is either BMI of 30+ or BMI of 27 with a weight related comorbidity. In this case high BP is definitely a comorbidity. Most guys who are on here have a high BMI—which doesn’t take into account muscle mass and is a terrible measure for most things—and steroid users certainly run into BP issues. Hell, if you’re on the shorter side of the tape measure and have decent muscle mass your BMI could well be above 30.

So getting Wegovy is pretty easy. Since the supply of that drug is constrained (I believe it’s related to the pens and not the drug itself) Ozempic has been used as a substitute since it’s the same drug. Lots of ‘off-label’ use at these telemed places going on. But if you are a well built guy and have a high BMI (30+), and a doctor who’s friendly you can get prescribed Wegovy immediately.
Unfrotunately, many commercial and employer insurance plans don't cover ANY weight loss medication, which made sense in the past (because they didn't work well). Hopefully we will see that trend change.
Does anyone else struggle with crazy hiccups on sema? It doesn’t happen every week, but it’s common enough to seriously piss me off.

I pinned on Monday and they started Tuesday morning after breakfast (oats, milk, whey and PB2) and still going now, it’s not non stop, but a few ago it was so bad I had some abdominal pain.
Forgive me if i missed it skimming through the last 27 pages, but is there anyone in here using these drugs strictly for insulin-resistance/nutrient-partioning purposes as opposed to appetite suppression? I have no desire to suppress my appetite, but I'm always up for improved insulin sensitivity and its myriad benefits.

For said purposes, would a lower "therapeutic" dose be sufficient? Suggestions?

Thank you, and apologies if this has already been discussed in detail.
Forgive me if i missed it skimming through the last 27 pages, but is there anyone in here using these drugs strictly for insulin-resistance/nutrient-partioning purposes as opposed to appetite suppression? I have no desire to suppress my appetite, but I'm always up for improved insulin sensitivity and its myriad benefits.

For said purposes, would a lower "therapeutic" dose be sufficient? Suggestions?

Thank you, and apologies if this has already been discussed in detail.
Yes, there are several people using it for insulin resistance, including myself. The therapeutic dose for this purpose is 1mg. I myself take 1mg as well.
Forgive me if i missed it skimming through the last 27 pages, but is there anyone in here using these drugs strictly for insulin-resistance/nutrient-partioning purposes as opposed to appetite suppression? I have no desire to suppress my appetite, but I'm always up for improved insulin sensitivity and its myriad benefits.

For said purposes, would a lower "therapeutic" dose be sufficient? Suggestions?

Thank you, and apologies if this has already been discussed in detail.
Yes, and you can combine Semaglutide with metformin. I'd stick with low dose Semaglutide because it will suppress your appetite more with higher doses, but I believe it still works on everything else you mentioned, at any dose, with and without appetite suppression.