Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Shot #4 of Mounjaro last night, still no evidence that I’m taking any actual API. Weight loss is getting along, but it’s not any easier in terms of appetite. Basically I’m cutting exactly how I would have prior to using this stuff. New box of 5mg came in, so maybe that’ll have some effect. I’m hoping that the first month dose of 2.5mg is just a hustle by Lilly, and that once I get to the 5+ range it’ll start to work.
That’s disappointing to read. I just have a kit of the 2mg generic
I’m embarrassed to say it was phenibut that caused the zombie binging. I had a nasty little addiction part of that time. Large doses of phen, massive calorie consumption. So I’m a pretty lean guy. Never been more than 16-17%bf at my absolute dumpiest time in life but I literally ate myself into an umbilical hernia in a phenibut induced feasting. Years of power lifting never injured me or my guts but drug induced binging did smh.

It’s so embarrassing looking back but the truth is I was abusing legal alternatives to drugs to get high. And I got addicted for a little while. I finally have hernia surgery scheduled for January. I’ve been living with it for several years. Looks like I have a fat “outtie” belly button but surprisingly never got any worse despite lifting and training like normal. I would wear a weight belt if squatting or deadlifting and never maxed out.

Speaking of other intestines after the stomach, are there any new peptides or anything that are showing promise for the gut and other plumbing down there I need to look into?

It isn't embarrassing. It's normal to experiment with substances, and you just have more experience as a result of it.

I remember you said that about the phenibut.
I've only taken a maximum of maybe 2g or 3g, and at that dose to me, it's really mild. I don't even "feel" it but it improves my well being. Maybe at higher doses it makes things happen. I wonder if the eating is phenibut specific for you.

Umbilical hernias is something you may have had for your entire life, but may have finally opened up enough because of your expansion. Hernias are wierd like that. They'll probably use mesh, but it sounds like it's a smaller hernia, so maybe the surgeon will just stitch the muscles up.
That’s disappointing to read. I just have a kit of the 2mg generic
Understand that the appetite suppression is a side effect of the drug and as a general rule I do not get drug side effects. I’m not giving up just yet, but I also know that I’m an outlier when it comes to this sort of thing. We have tons of clinical data showing how effective it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s universal.
Umbilical hernias is something you may have had for your entire life, but may have finally opened up enough because of your expansion. Hernias are wierd like that. They'll probably use mesh, but it sounds like it's a smaller hernia, so maybe the surgeon will just stitch the muscles up.
Supposedly umbilical hernias w/out mesh have a 40% recurrence rate but that's only what I've heard. It's not like there is a Shouldice technique for umbilical hernias, which sucks as I think it's best to avoid mesh.
Supposedly umbilical hernias w/out mesh have a 40% recurrence rate but that's only what I've heard. It's not like there is a Shouldice technique for umbilical hernias, which sucks as I think it's best to avoid mesh.

You can use Shouldice technique for umbilical hernia repair. It's great, especially for a guy like him, who is in good shape and isn't overweight or old. It's so much easier to do these operations when the person has a lower bodyfat and a solid core. I was thinking that maybe they would try the repair without mesh. They'll probably use mesh. It's the easier and more popular choice and recurrence is low but the Shouldice technique is better, and it also has a low recurrence rate. It's success is kind of dependent on the skill of the surgeon, and his preferred way of doing it.

A lot of hernia recurrence is because people get out of shape.

It's really good that he dropped the weight with Semaglutide.
You can use Shouldice technique for umbilical hernia repair. It's great, especially for a guy like him, who is in good shape and isn't overweight or old. It's so much easier to do these operations when the person has a lower bodyfat and a solid core. I was thinking that maybe they would try the repair without mesh. They'll probably use mesh. It's the easier and more popular choice and recurrence is low but the Shouldice technique is better, and it also has a low recurrence rate. It's success is kind of dependent on the skill of the surgeon, and his preferred way of doing it.
I had a GI surgeon tell me that it isn't a technique for umbilical hernias... he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about because a quick internet search brought this up. What a douchebag. Unless the interwebs is wrong.

Q: What types of hernias can be treated with the Shouldice repair?

A: The Shouldice repair is used to treat a variety of external abdominal wall hernias, including indirect and direct inguinal hernias, recurrent hernias, femoral hernias, epigastric hernias (also called ventral hernias), incisional hernias, Spigelian hernias (also called lateral ventral hernias), and umbilical hernias.
I had a GI surgeon tell me that it isn't a technique for umbilical hernias... he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about because a quick internet search brought this up. What a douchebag. Unless the interwebs is wrong.

Q: What types of hernias can be treated with the Shouldice repair?

A: The Shouldice repair is used to treat a variety of external abdominal wall hernias, including indirect and direct inguinal hernias, recurrent hernias, femoral hernias, epigastric hernias (also called ventral hernias), incisional hernias, Spigelian hernias (also called lateral ventral hernias), and umbilical hernias.

Maybe he didn't know any better. My guess is that he prefers mesh because that's what he always does, so he lied to you and thought you'd just agree and do it his way. Sadly, you always have to do your homework. These lies are more like the rule rather than the exception these days.

Did you ever get the operation?
Guys, can you take that hernia discussion elsewhere? This thread is still about GLP-1 and I don't think it's fun reading through pages of mostly off-topic.
Just wait for your umbilical hernia to get stuck out. It gets rock hard and hurts like hell. You have a matter of hours to get it back in or have surgery.

I had mine repaired along with 2 inguinal (1 was just stitched close when I was a kid and reopened). All got mesh and they used a robot to do the surgery. I was back doing cardio in a week, light weights in 2 weeks and full weights in under 4 weeks.
Unfortunately I’m finding after the first 4-6 weeks my tolerance has gone up faster than it did early on. I’m at 2mg/wk now split into two injects. Sunday and Wednesday. But early on the smaller doses worked great.

But it’s been great for my health I believe. Lost 30lbs and I was around 12-13% bf when I started. Probably closer to 12. I had a huge problem with binge eating from age 32-40. Chemically induced binging. Pretty sure I stretched my stomach out quite a bit. But I really think this 11-12 weeks of semaglutide has allowed it to shrink back some. And now I’m not using the stuff that made me binge eat combined with a shrunken stomach and I’m hoping to do pretty good with my diet once I come off here in about a month.

Anyways, hopefully those tiny doses remain effective for y’all longer than they did for me. But if not there’s always QSC for more at a good price.
I'm not sure if people understand that it's not just overweight that's the issue. My weight has bounced from 175-215 due to binge eating. The ozempic absolutely helps.
I'm not sure if people understand that it's not just overweight that's the issue. My weight has bounced from 175-215 due to binge eating. The ozempic absolutely helps.
As soon as you get off the Ozempic you will be gaining a lot of the weight back according to the studies.

However, these studies were not done on bodybuilders who know how to stick to a diet and literally go through hell with cravings and stuff but still, we will very likely gain some weight back.
As soon as you get off the Ozempic you will be gaining a lot of the weight back according to the studies.

However, these studies were not done on bodybuilders who know how to stick to a diet and literally go through hell with cravings and stuff but still, we will very likely gain some weight back.
What does that have to do with the people here though lol?
For those that order QSC, do you refrigerate all 10 vials? I’d only reconstitute 1 vial at a time, but any concerns about degradation if I leave unused vials stored in a closet?
If you havent seen it yet, its worth reading. Semaglutide is very stable and will very likely not degrade much if reconstituted and kept in a fridge.

Shot #4 of Mounjaro last night, still no evidence that I’m taking any actual API. Weight loss is getting along, but it’s not any easier in terms of appetite. Basically I’m cutting exactly how I would have prior to using this stuff. New box of 5mg came in, so maybe that’ll have some effect. I’m hoping that the first month dose of 2.5mg is just a hustle by Lilly, and that once I get to the 5+ range it’ll start to work.

I think semaglutide is stronger with the appetite suppresion. if you read the studies GIP does nothing for appetite suppression.
I think semaglutide is stronger with the appetite suppresion. if you read the studies GIP does nothing for appetite suppression.
The twincretins like tirzepatide, as it's called, will always be stronger and come with less sides. That's what the studies proved.