Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Have you told QSC about this and if so what was his response?

I can only tell good things about his semaglutide and tirzepatide. Both gave me good results, the tirzepetide was stronger overall but that was to be expected since it's a dual agonist.
Yes. Feedback was:
a) sorry but shipping was a bit slow
b) no comment
I keep saying it........but I'll say it again: start with .25mg and stay there for a bit. Stay there for a month or longer. Hunger will change, it will be reduced. Weight still start to come off. Slow and steady. It's a marathon and not a sprint. Of course, it depends what you're goals are.
Yes. Basically look up ozempic dosages online. Follow exactly. Most loose 30lbs in 3-6 months. My girlfriend loosing amazing after looking 30lbs. She already looked great but no even better. Her confidence is up and sex drive is crazy now. My cock has actually been sore from all the attention. Lol
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Ancillaries to have on hand:
Famotidine - every 12 hours Acid reflux control
I do not advise Proton pump inhibitors(omeprazole, lanosprozole, pantoprozole) as medical data shows us some of the long term issues/drug to drug interactions.

Pepto-Bismol- great for sulfur(egg) burps. Might make stool black, if it turns black, it does not mean you have internal bleeding
Tums - Short term acid reflux control
Simethicone - great for gas pain/ clearance. little to no toxicity profile

Some little tips:
This is great to combine for BG control for HGH.

Jano has done a stability test on the semaglutide and no degradation after 2 weeks in the fridge.

Some people Like M@NU advise every 3 day dosing to prevent side effects

Each "5mg" vial is actually 4mg(Now relabeled from QSC). There is also something about the semaglutide which may have decrease effectiveness because of the reconstitution/delivery system. We do not know, regardless QSC product does work.

I say start at a higher dose than normal ozempic, there is something about the delivery of this that makes it weaker than the other ozempic but it appears to be the same overall effect. 3 women and I have been losing weight on this product. I have also used it to control my hunger from NPP

Dose increase is not always necessary, You can stay at the same dose as long as it is effective

1ML BAC in each VIAL
I guess we can compare
Ozempic: Generic Semaglutide: volume comparison
0.25mg: 0.6mg: 0.15ml(do this for 3-4 doses)
0.5mg ozempic:1.2mg:0.30ml(do this for 3-4 doses)

1mg: 1.6mg: 0.4ml (Can keep this ongoing for financial sake)

My wife couldnt tolerate this dose and she lost 20 lbs(she went from 140 to 120)
might be a good maintenance/BG control dose as well.

IF you want to go the Wegovy route, continue this dose escalation

1.5mg:2.4 mg: 0.6ml(This goes into wegovy dosing)
2mg:3.2mg: 0.8ml
2.4mg:4mg 1 ml
Good advise. My girl has had great luck. 30 lbs down since mid August. She started at .25 mg or what we thought was close to that. 1/4 of the 2mg vial qsc. She has only went up to half a 2mg vial and stays at that dosage. For me the delivery seems the same as Ozempic having tried both. I know it's been said before but the untested 2mg vials I treat as 1mg but it's just a guess. I'm up to two vials a week of the 2mg vials and it feels like 2mg but it could be more since they're untested. Will try the 4mg vials next but we are very happy with the qsc brand. To us it seems 100% as good as ozempic.
Yes. Basically look up ozempic dosages online. Follow exactly. Most loose 30lbs in 3-6 months. My girlfriend loosing amazing after looking 30lbs. She already looked great but no even better. Her confidence is up and sex drive is crazy now. My cock has actually been sore from all the attention. Lol
I actually was inspired by your experience with Semaglutide, and that's why I tried it. I also lost close to 30 pounds.
Good advise. My girl has had great luck. 30 lbs down since mid August. She started at .25 mg or what we thought was close to that. 1/4 of the 2mg vial qsc. She has only went up to half a 2mg vial and stays at that dosage. For me the delivery seems the same as Ozempic having tried both. I know it's been said before but the untested 2mg vials I treat as 1mg but it's just a guess. I'm up to two vials a week of the 2mg vials and it feels like 2mg but it could be more since they're untested. Will try the 4mg vials next but we are very happy with the qsc brand. To us it seems 100% as good as ozempic.
Do you really think the 2mg vials are actually close to 1? I started at .25 mg assuming they are 2mg. If they're actually 1, any idea how long before I try another injection? Wasn't sure how long it's supposed to take effect.
Do you really think the 2mg vials are actually close to 1? I started at .25 mg assuming they are 2mg. If they're actually 1, any idea how long before I try another injection? Wasn't sure how long it's supposed to take effect.
Not sure since they're untested but I have dosed them like that going off feels compared to ozempic. Going off feels is close because a few people claimed the 5mg vials felt a tad weaker and they came back tested at 4mg.
Ancillaries to have on hand:
Famotidine - every 12 hours Acid reflux control
I do not advise Proton pump inhibitors(omeprazole, lanosprozole, pantoprozole) as medical data shows us some of the long term issues/drug to drug interactions.

Pepto-Bismol- great for sulfur(egg) burps. Might make stool black, if it turns black, it does not mean you have internal bleeding
Tums - Short term acid reflux control
Simethicone - great for gas pain/ clearance. little to no toxicity profile

Some little tips:
This is great to combine for BG control for HGH.

Jano has done a stability test on the semaglutide and no degradation after 2 weeks in the fridge.

Some people Like M@NU advise every 3 day dosing to prevent side effects

Each "5mg" vial is actually 4mg(Now relabeled from QSC). There is also something about the semaglutide which may have decrease effectiveness because of the reconstitution/delivery system. We do not know, regardless QSC product does work.

I say start at a higher dose than normal ozempic, there is something about the delivery of this that makes it weaker than the other ozempic but it appears to be the same overall effect. 3 women and I have been losing weight on this product. I have also used it to control my hunger from NPP

Dose increase is not always necessary, You can stay at the same dose as long as it is effective

1ML BAC in each VIAL
I guess we can compare
Ozempic: Generic Semaglutide: volume comparison
0.25mg: 0.6mg: 0.15ml(do this for 3-4 doses)
0.5mg ozempic:1.2mg:0.30ml(do this for 3-4 doses)

1mg: 1.6mg: 0.4ml (Can keep this ongoing for financial sake)

My wife couldnt tolerate this dose and she lost 20 lbs(she went from 140 to 120)
might be a good maintenance/BG control dose as well.

IF you want to go the Wegovy route, continue this dose escalation

1.5mg:2.4 mg: 0.6ml(This goes into wegovy dosing)
2mg:3.2mg: 0.8ml
2.4mg:4mg 1 ml
All good but I don't see the reason to treat those 4mg vial that way compared to Ozempic.

Me and my wife started 3 weeks ago with 0.25mg of QSC semaglutide and it's working wonderfully. Looking forward to increase to 0.5mg and stay there for quite a bit of time, I'll maybe increase at 0.75/1 after 2 months of using 0.5mg
All good but I don't see the reason to treat those 4mg vial that way compared to Ozempic.

Me and my wife started 3 weeks ago with 0.25mg of QSC semaglutide and it's working wonderfully. Looking forward to increase to 0.5mg and stay there for quite a bit of time, I'll maybe increase at 0.75/1 after 2 months of using 0.5mg
That's fine. I had some friends didn't feel the 0.25mg at all.
Anyone using semaglutide solely for blood glucose control on HGH (while bulking)?
Does this work as well as Metformin and what is your dosage? Metformin works but my farts smell like a rotting corpse.
What is your diet like? I'm wondering if it is something dietary.
Diet remained the same while using it, the only adjustment was just less of the same foods.

I’ll add that I’m starting week five of Mounjaro and while appetite remains the same I’m starting to notice that I’m full a little bit faster. So it’s doing something, just not quite what I expected. Still very much worth it since the cost was so low and even an extra 10% help on a cut is a benefit that I’ll happily take.
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Are you increasing because your BG is not controlled anymore on 0.25 or just because you want more appetite supression? I'm running 4iu opti's
No because 0.5 is the therapeutic dosage of Ozempic so I'm at least seeing from there.

0.25 is just the dosage to get accustomed to it.

I'm running 4iu of Opti's as well
was running 5mg terzepetide for the past 10 weeks and found it very effective up until 1-2 weeks ago .. ran out so wasn’t able to increase dose. Have some semag on the way and will kick off at 0.5mg per week .. fingers crossed it squashed my appetite again as I’ve spent the last few days fantasising about fried chicken.
Anyone using semaglutide solely for blood glucose control on HGH (while bulking)?
Does this work as well as Metformin and what is your dosage? Metformin works but my farts smell like a rotting corpse.
1mg sema per week + 500mg Metformin with my last meal in the evening + 100mg canagliflozin (also from QSC) and my hba1c went down from 5.6 to 4.8 over the time frame of 4 months and I am currently bulking in a caloric surplus. Works great. Impossible to beat the insulin sensitizing effect, even with 2* 3IU HGH my blood glucose is 80-85 with every hgh injection am + pm.
Boys - for yall in the US:
I want to remind yall if you go through a health provider such as Alpha, Push, any teledoctors, you can get Mounjaro(Tirzepatide) for $25 a mo with the manufacturer coupon. Not sure if you need a pre-existing insurance.

I got my partner on Mounjaro and I'm paying $20~ a mo for the "visitation" fee to refill plus the $25 Mounjaro.

Way cheaper than ordering from any of us on here on the boards. Just looking out for some of yall tryna spend $400+ on some generic stuff/smuggled stuff while its right there for you.