Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Has anyone had any kind of hormonal issues while taking semaglutide? My wife has been on it for around 1.5 months and is noticing some hormonal changes. She is having hot flashes, trouble sleeping, instant mood swings, and some anxiety. Everything other than the semaglutide is the same. I’m not pushing out some kind of premenopausal issues (she’s 40), but wanted to just check in here before a doctor trip. Thanks for any responses.
Well, if she is 40 it could be due to her age. I would stop the sema for a couple weeks to see if that is the culprit.
Has anyone had any kind of hormonal issues while taking semaglutide? My wife has been on it for around 1.5 months and is noticing some hormonal changes. She is having hot flashes, trouble sleeping, instant mood swings, and some anxiety. Everything other than the semaglutide is the same. I’m not pushing out some kind of premenopausal issues (she’s 40), but wanted to just check in here before a doctor trip. Thanks for any responses.
Did she reduce her calories, change her diet? Did she lose weight? How much did she lose? How much does she want to lose? Losing weight itself can be stressful. A reduction in calories is stressful.
Did she reduce her calories, change her diet? Did she lose weight? How much did she lose? How much does she want to lose? Losing weight itself can be stressful. A reduction in calories is stressful.
Calories have been cut in half, she’s lost around 12-15 lbs (taking into account water weight), and she wants to loose around 15-20 more lbs.

She was good up until this week. Just a slight decrease in energy was the only side effect up until now.

Seems like she will have to make a choice of trying to continue to push through or take a break.
Because I ordered 10 x tirzepatide from QSC and
a) Delivery took 10 weeks from payment
b) I felt absolutely nothing from 2 whole vials
Bunk, selective scammer, bad luck, non responder, I don't know.
But I've never had problems with Deus.
My tirzepatide has been amazing and it’s from QSC. And the sema is a little better from QSC . This was after trying amino asylum.
Calories have been cut in half, she’s lost around 12-15 lbs (taking into account water weight), and she wants to loose around 15-20 more lbs.

She was good up until this week. Just a slight decrease in energy was the only side effect up until now.

Seems like she will have to make a choice of trying to continue to push through or take a break.
15-20 pounds in 1.5 months is a lot of weight. It's a really good result. Cutting calories by half is also stressful. You should try a re-feed period. Maybe a couple of days of double the calories. If she feels dramatically better, then maybe you have an answer.
15-20 pounds in 1.5 months is a lot of weight. It's a really good result. Cutting calories by half is also stressful. You should try a re-feed period. Maybe a couple of days of double the calories. If she feels dramatically better, then maybe you have an answer.
She has definitely made good progress! Almost too good to be true, but I guess it finally caught up to her. She’s taken the caloric change quite well up until now, but I didn’t really think about how big the deficit is since she was good with it.

I just spoke with her earlier, and we are going to have her stop the sema for a bit and see how she reacts.
Anyone tried using PT-141 while also on semaglutide? I had been doing well on semi only, decent appetite suppression. I tried my first dose of PT-141 and my appetite is crushed. Feel sick when I eat much of anything. Cant get in my daily protein goals.
Anyone tried using PT-141 while also on semaglutide? I had been doing well on semi only, decent appetite suppression. I tried my first dose of PT-141 and my appetite is crushed. Feel sick when I eat much of anything. Cant get in my daily protein goals.
I’m confused. Isn’t that for sexual disfunction ?
I'd like to share my (very limited) experience with semaglutide and ask some admittedly very basic questions:

Took Rybelsus 7mg ED (14mg split in half) for two weeks, almost instantly pretty significant appetite suppression and some (bearable) nausea. Then took five days off and started again six days ago but not really getting the appetite suppression anymore. Did anybody experience sth. similar when going off and on for several days?

Now I am planning to switch to injecting QSC semaglutide, just received their 2mg vials. My questions (sorry if they have been addressed before, couldn't find much via the search function):
– With how much bacteriostatic water would I mix the 2mg powder in a vial?
– Do you store the water/sema mix in the fridge?
– What needles are you using for the subcutaneous injection? (I have limited experience with PEDs, only ran intramuscularly injected test/hcg before)
– Where do recommend injecting?

Many thanks in advance!
I'd like to share my (very limited) experience with semaglutide and ask some admittedly very basic questions:

Took Rybelsus 7mg ED (14mg split in half) for two weeks, almost instantly pretty significant appetite suppression and some (bearable) nausea. Then took five days off and started again six days ago but not really getting the appetite suppression anymore. Did anybody experience sth. similar when going off and on for several days?

Now I am planning to switch to injecting QSC semaglutide, just received their 2mg vials. My questions (sorry if they have been addressed before, couldn't find much via the search function):
– With how much bacteriostatic water would I mix the 2mg powder in a vial?
– Do you store the water/sema mix in the fridge?
– What needles are you using for the subcutaneous injection? (I have limited experience with PEDs, only ran intramuscularly injected test/hcg before)
– Where do recommend injecting?

Many thanks in advance!
use slin pins, 30g/0,5 or even 0,3ml
bd medical is the brand i use.
For you as a beginner, i would use 1ml for the 2mg vials and inject 0,1ml = 0,2mg subq in your lower abdomen.
yes, i store all my peptides etc. in the fridge, esp when reconstituted..
I have noticed something interesting I want to share. I was pinning 0.5mg EOD for some time and in the end of the last vial I was using, it had remained only 0,25mg so I injected it, as I was in a hurry to defrost and reconstitute a new vial. Well, from that day I stick to 0.25mg EOD as appetite suppression was stronger than 0.5mg. Way stronger. Now, two things may happen, either it was time for semaglutide to built up and 0,25mg is enough or it is the fact that for the 1st time I injected to upper abdomen than the lower abdomen I was injecting all that time before. I can't tell which is the cause of it. I guess if I inject 0.25 to lower abdominen and I notice a difference I will know, but I am really enjoying that strong effect of appetite suppresion and I am not willing to change anything and ruin it. Like the period I was using it for the first time. Maybe even stronger.
I think because it's just happened once it could be a tons of things. You have drunken more than normal, or even maybe you put too less water into the one vial so that 0,25mg are in reality 0,4mg.
Let's report how it's going on the next few weeks if you stay on 0,25mg.
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