Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Would like to hear some thoughts on using low dose Ozempic for bulking. On paper it seems like it is the same as running low dose insulin, with additional benefits of increased insulin sensitivity. If the appetite is not fully suppressed it must be possible to stay in caloric surplus. What am I missing?
using 0,1mg daily for my current "lean bulk". perfect dosage imo. Absolutely no sides and brings immense metabolic benefits (blood glucose, cardiac benefits etc. etc.)
using 0,1mg daily for my current "lean bulk". perfect dosage imo. Absolutely no sides and brings immense metabolic benefits (blood glucose, cardiac benefits etc. etc.)
Would you mind elaborating on your full stack and bulk results?
Do you draw Ozempic from the pen with an insulin syringe?
Would you mind elaborating on your full stack and bulk results?
Do you draw Ozempic from the pen with an insulin syringe?
i am not running much since i have "non compaction cardiomyopathy" and have to be careful how i treat my body. Especially with things that stress the heart.
Im using 8mg test cyp daily + 3mg trest e daily + 2-3iu high quality hgh (95% of the time pharma).
for "general health" i use 1g metformin + 0,1mg semaglutide (i used ozempic in the past but now Semaglutide from QSC) daily.
I also have to take a lot of heart medication (torasemide, eplerenone, nebovilol, entresto, jardiance) but apart from jardiance, they should have no advantages for bodybuilding
when ive used ozempic ive used a fresh insulin syringe to draw out the amount ive wanted to have, yes
I am running Rybelsus 14mg split into 7mg from BG. Oral version. Almost no appetite. No other side effects. On week 2. Lost 8 pounds. Will use peptide injectable after this months worth is up to compare.
My wife was reading over my shoulder and i only got this far b4 she made me order her some. So qsc. Seems all i could get in australua. Be a month b4 i can add how she/it went.
i am not running much since i have "non compaction cardiomyopathy" and have to be careful how i treat my body. Especially with things that stress the heart.
Im using 8mg test cyp daily + 3mg trest e daily + 2-3iu high quality hgh (95% of the time pharma).
for "general health" i use 1g metformin + 0,1mg semaglutide (i used ozempic in the past but now Semaglutide from QSC) daily.
I also have to take a lot of heart medication (torasemide, eplerenone, nebovilol, entresto, jardiance) but apart from jardiance, they should have no advantages for bodybuilding
when ive used ozempic ive used a fresh insulin syringe to draw out the amount ive wanted to have, yes
I remember you said you had cardiomyopathy. Noncompaction cardiomyopathy is thought to be caused by a genetic defect. I wonder if they got the diagnosis correct. Luckily, you sound like a smart guy and probably know more than your doctor. I'm curious about the cardiac benefits of Semaglutide.
I'm curious about the cardiac benefits of Semaglutide.
I noticed that my blood pressure became normal. I was taking Nebivolol, Telmisartan and Amlodipin and since I first started with GLP-1s (back then it was Liraglutide/Saxenda) it got better and better to a point where I am right now only taking 40mg Telmisartan and 5mg Nebivolol. And I could possibly get rid of the Nebivolol, too, its just in there to prevent cardiac remodeling through HGH.

That's at least what I noticed so far. But insulin resistance is known to cause all kind of bad health conditions.
I remember you said you had cardiomyopathy. Noncompaction cardiomyopathy is thought to be caused by a genetic defect. I wonder if they got the diagnosis correct. Luckily, you sound like a smart guy and probably know more than your doctor. I'm curious about the cardiac benefits of Semaglutide.
yeah it is a genetic defect. I had an extended gene analysis done at university clinic in Heidelberg (a very good one) and it confirmed it. all of my cardiologist (ive been to 5 since march last year to get enough opinions etc) also mentioned this from the echos they have done. You can see it (if you know what to look for) because parts of the heart are not evolved properly and have a "spongious look".
not sure i know more than my doc but here in germany, it is important to inform oneself because else you will stay on "basic treatment" (ACE+Nebivolol). I have more or less pressured them for entresto and jardiance after reading in different studies etc. Same for eplerenone. Those are expensive drugs, thats why they dont want to give it to you easily
Day 6 of Rybelsus 14mg. I'm feeling the appetite supression now. I'm full much much quicker. I also stay full much longer on smaller meals. Less cravings for sugar than usual. No negatives.

i wonder what would happen if you crushed a rybelsus tablet, put in bac water and filtered it.
FYI, you can get a prescription for pharma tirzepatide cheaper than even QSC and fast as fuck. 2-3 days to get a prescription and have the syringes in hand.

If you have insurance, it’s $25 a month for mounjaro. Even if your insurance denies it, the manufacturer covers the discount.

Get your prescription from hello alpha. $30 to get the prescription, all text based, and takes a couple of hours.
FYI, you can get a prescription for pharma tirzepatide cheaper than even QSC and fast as fuck. 2-3 days to get a prescription and have the syringes in hand.

If you have insurance, it’s $25 a month for mounjaro. Even if your insurance denies it, the manufacturer covers the discount.

Get your prescription from hello alpha. $30 to get the prescription, all text based, and takes a couple of hours.
Good price. But here in australia even people with a prescription are being turned away to be put on a waiting list. Yep first ive ever heard of a waiting list for prescription too.
Good price. But here in australia even people with a prescription are being turned away to be put on a waiting list. Yep first ive ever heard of a waiting list for prescription too.
Yea, we have a shortage of ozempic here, but mounjaro isn’t having shortages as far as I can tell. Most pharmacies don’t stock it and have to order it (takes 24-48 hours), but it’s available here.
I have some Semaglutide questions.

1) How long can/should it be run for
2) Will it help with maintaining muscle mass whilst in a deficit and target fat first?
3) Will 1 kit from QD be enough to see results?

Wk1 0.5mg
Wk2 0.75mg
Wk 3-6 1mg
Wk 7-10 2mg
Wk 11-13 2.5mg

How would that dosing protocol work out? Based on giving 10x 2mg vials.
You haven't even tried it yet, but you want to escalate the dose? Why? Try the lowest dose first and see what happens. I started at .25mg, and I used that successfully for a couple of months, and only increased to .50 because I was curious. Looking back, I could have just stayed at .25mg.

What are your goals? How much weight do you want to lose? Even .25mg will remove excess hunger and help you lose weight or maintain.

You will see results even on the lowest dose. It's not magic. You have to make sure your diet and activity level are reasonsbly good, but Semaglutide makes everything easier.
I wouldn’t say I want to up the dose, but I’d read that’s how many people go at it, so wanted an idea of how long a kit will last so I know if I should order one or two.

Seems 1 will definitely be fine.

Was .25 with pharma or UG? I’ve seen plenty of people saying QDs definitely isn’t as strong as pharma and 0.5 is a good starting point.
I have some Semaglutide questions.

1) How long can/should it be run for
2) Will it help with maintaining muscle mass whilst in a deficit and target fat first?
3) Will 1 kit from QD be enough to see results?

Wk1 0.5mg
Wk2 0.75mg
Wk 3-6 1mg
Wk 7-10 2mg
Wk 11-13 2.5mg

How would that dosing protocol work out? Based on giving 10x 2mg vials.
1) However long your cut lasts
2) If you eat enough protein and add TRT test or 250mg test you won't lose muscle.
3) Order 1 kit of 4mg Semaglutide (40mg). That will last you some time.

No need to escalate doses like that. Stay on the .25 dose untill you the effects wear off or escalate every 4 weeks by .25mg.

QDS was advertised at 5mg vial but came back as 4mg vial.
You haven't even tried it yet, but you want to escalate the dose? Why? Try the lowest dose first and see what happens. I started at .25mg, and I used that successfully for a couple of months, and only increased to .50 because I was curious. Looking back, I could have just stayed at .25mg.

What are your goals? How much weight do you want to lose? Even .25mg will remove excess hunger and help you lose weight or maintain.

You will see results even on the lowest dose. It's not magic. You have to make sure your diet and activity level are reasonsbly good, but Semaglutide makes everything easier.
Thankyou. I just ordered some a week back for my wife. Would you half .25mg for a woman not on gear. Shes about 150pounds not on gear and can bench 350 pounds for 8 reps. Just a weeee little thing she is.

