Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
What do you think your bodyfat is?
Based on how I feel? 103% Realistic guess? 17-18%, based on what I’ve seen over the years. I reeeeeally enjoyed this last bulk and got way too fat (and loved it) so I have a ton of work still to go. But I’m also not on any schedule and I do this purely for my own enjoyment, so it was fun to be able to eat like I used to. The surprising thing is I haven’t been miserable during this cut, which was what I expected.
Down 48 pounds total from the Mounjaro, in the best shape of my life. Amazing stuff.
Awesome man! I lost 3-4 inches off my waist and 20-30 lbs in the few months I was using it. Got fat after I blew out my MCL/ACL and then shortly after herniated a disc. Couldn’t do anything physical for about a year.

Too bad the coupon is too hard to use these days, so got some QSC sema on the way.
Have some QSC terzepetide on the way. Am using their sema but don’t find it as effective (it’s me, not their product).
Before switching to sema I was running 5mg of terzepetide but was at the point of needing to increase the dose just before I ran out.
What dose is everyone running? I’m trying to get as lean as possible by March next year so need to hit it hard.
Have some QSC terzepetide on the way. Am using their sema but don’t find it as effective (it’s me, not their product).
Before switching to sema I was running 5mg of terzepetide but was at the point of needing to increase the dose just before I ran out.
What dose is everyone running? I’m trying to get as lean as possible by March next year so need to hit it hard.
I had the exact same experience man. Upped to 10mg now of tirz from Qsc. Seems the side effects of feeling full and satiated fades after a few months.
Based on how I feel? 103% Realistic guess? 17-18%, based on what I’ve seen over the years. I reeeeeally enjoyed this last bulk and got way too fat (and loved it) so I have a ton of work still to go. But I’m also not on any schedule and I do this purely for my own enjoyment, so it was fun to be able to eat like I used to. The surprising thing is I haven’t been miserable during this cut, which was what I expected.
I agree. Yes, we can be miserable cutting. Or you can use this to make if easier lol.
I had the exact same experience man. Upped to 10mg now of tirz from Qsc. Seems the side effects of feeling full and satiated fades after a few months.
a few months is a long fucking time to hit your goals.
Deficit is probably ~7,000/w or somewhere in that region. I’ve struggled with a deficit half that size in the past, so I can say without reservation that this stuff works extremely well.
Goddamn, that's a chunk. Thanks for the info.

Eating at maintenance right now and will dive to a 3500 calories deficit next week.


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