Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
On mounjaro for four months.. coupon.. etc etc… saw the trouble coming ahead and ordered QSC and god bull tirzepatide. Was on 7.5 mg mounjaro. The 10 mg from both QSC and god bull “felt” like mounjaro 7.5. The only difference I felt was a later onset for the UGL version. I usually “feel” Mounjaro 2-3 days the most after injection (slight chills, noticeably early fullness, etc) but on the UGLs this happened after 5 days. Who knows? Seemed to work just fine though. I have 2 more kits of the 10 mg on the way and am satisfied with my decision.
thank you. this feedback is extremely important!
Been on QSC's Sema for several months now, working well with really no sides, until recently. A week ago I went from two doses a week of .5mg to two doses of 1mg as hunger reduction wasn't nearly as effective. After two months at 1mg a week figured it was time to increase anyway.

Holy constipation. New dose started the 7th, yesterday did my third dose at 1mg. Had no movement until I added in some psyllium husk Monday night, Tuesday finally saw some action, then nothing again since then despite continuing the psyllium. Thankfully not painful, but definitely seeing bloating from it. Also up roughly 4 lbs in the week when I was consistently trending downwards before. Calories are the same or a bit less, cardio is the same, water is the same. Assuming it's just water weight or everything just sitting in my gut, either way not ideal.

I'm sure it'll sort itself with time, or I'll get impatient and take something, but just wanted to share this experience as I usually see it going the other way.
Psyllium husk is pretty much pure fiber. See it recommended often to help with stomach issues. Was hoping it would make me shit.

Increased dose to 2mg a week total resulted in further reduced hunger and inability to shit. So good and bad effects from it, haven't decided yet if I'm glad for increasing.
Thanks for your post. At the moment I take 0,5mg semaglutide twice a week and the progress is still going on. Just the hunger feeling increased slightly during the last weeks. I have started two months ago and have lost 11 kilos. (It was a lot of water and surely some fat) But I have added cardio, eat less and cleaner. The goal ist to lose another 15 Kilos until the summer, which will be harder because the water is almost gone.
Not sure if it’s tolerance or what but I have to do min 1mg semag every 4-5 days or else my hunger skyrockets. Hopefully my tirzepatide arrives soon as I found that was more effective.
My tolerance to sema was very noticeable after maybe four weeks and from that point on I could take 2mg and feel like I took nothing at all. I have not had that experience with tirzepatide. 5mg still crushes my hunger and I’m on week six at that dose. N of 1, so take it for what it’s worth.
My tolerance to sema was very noticeable after maybe four weeks and from that point on I could take 2mg and feel like I took nothing at all. I have not had that experience with tirzepatide. 5mg still crushes my hunger and I’m on week six at that dose. N of 1, so take it for what it’s worth.
any comments on libido with both products?
Thanks for your post. At the moment I take 0,5mg semaglutide twice a week and the progress is still going on. Just the hunger feeling increased slightly during the last weeks. I have started two months ago and have lost 11 kilos. (It was a lot of water and surely some fat) But I have added cardio, eat less and cleaner. The goal ist to lose another 15 Kilos until the summer, which will be harder because the water is almost gone.

There definitely will be some tolerance increase with time, but overall this stuff has helped me a ton despite the new issues. I'm down 65 lbs, roughly 40 of them was with Sema. Well worth using and sticking with it.
My tolerance to sema was very noticeable after maybe four weeks and from that point on I could take 2mg and feel like I took nothing at all. I have not had that experience with tirzepatide. 5mg still crushes my hunger and I’m on week six at that dose. N of 1, so take it for what it’s worth.
You’ll get used to tirz too. Enjoy it while it lasts.


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