Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I'm using .125 of QSD 2xs week, noticed some effects but debating going up to .2 2xs week. Had some loose stools but nothing crippling. How do you know when you're dialed in or when ready to go up?
I'm supposed to increase dose Monday but the last couple of days I've been thinking to postpone the increase and ride the current dose so long as the appetite suppression remains.
They literally buy it from QSC and resell it lol
Not sure what your point is... all domestic sources selling Semaglutide are buying it from China and reselling. The difference is he's not marking it up as much as most. So if you want it fast, buy it domestic. If you don't care about speed, buy it international from QSC. Unless he's started stocking Semaglutide domestic now? Haven't checked.
I just received my first kit of 4x 0.25 Wegovy pens from the pharmacy. Somehow my Dr got it covered. Is there a better body part to inject in or does it matter? I'm also on TRT taking 200mg wk Test E and 100mg Deca for joint and back pain. Thanks! Happy New Year!
About to start a pretty aggressive cut. I bulked up to near obesity, about 25% body fat.

Was considering using Semaglutide with TRT and tren ace and mast at 200mg ea a week.

Obviously this would be in addition to daily cardio and caloric deficit.

My question is does Semaglutide cause you to lose any muscle? Would it be beneficial during such a aggressive cut at high body fat?

Happy new year everyone
No it's fine. I think I have to correct that post of mine (the one you quoted before) a little. If I had to make a list, I would put them in the following order.

From strongest to weakest appetite suppressor:
1.) Liraglutide / Tirzepatide (kinda equal here)
2.) Semaglutide

From least to most side effects:
1.) Tirzepatide
2.) Semaglutide
3.) Liraglutide

As we know appetite suppression is a side effect of these drugs and I personally can say that liraglutide does have the worst side effect profile of them all, so it kinda makes sense that it does have a very strong effect on appetite suppression. While I only had really annoying episdoes of acid burps with semaglutide and tirzepatide but nothing else, it was completely different with liraglutide. It gave me a shitload of sides, like increased rhr by +5-10 beats and also irregular beats, I had an insane lethargic feeling, had low energy levels to the point where I only left the couch to train and that was it because I couldn’t fucking move lol. I also had a vomitting feeling on liraglutide and tirzepatide, but not with semaglutide. Another fun fact is that both sema and tirzepatide gave me this annoying and nasty acid reflux but liraglutide that gave me all kind of sides somehow did not. Anyway, this is my personal experience and can differ from person to person. If one is asking me what the most applicable drug for the majority of people looking for weight loss is then it is for sure tirzepatide, as it does have a similiar appetite suppression but the overall tolerability profile is much better.

Another thing to consider is the price. It's really hard to beat semaglutide. Even dosing it at 2mg / week it is still cheaper than liraglutide or tirzepatide. And it will very likely give impressive results for the least costs.

Has anyone else tried liraglutide and also either semaglutide or tirazepide? Got a script for liraglutide and it did absolutely nothing for me. Even at 3mg per day. Went through several pens. I'm trying to figure out whether it's worth trying tirazepide or these drugs simply don't work for me. I can't believe you rated liraglutide and tirazepide as equally strong.
Has anyone else tried liraglutide and also either semaglutide or tirazepide? Got a script for liraglutide and it did absolutely nothing for me. Even at 3mg per day. Went through several pens. I'm trying to figure out whether it's worth trying tirazepide or these drugs simply don't work for me. I can't believe you rated liraglutide and tirazepide as equally strong.
In trials, Tirzepatide had about 2-2.5x the weight loss of liraglutide. Semaglutide is like 1.5-2x liraglutide.
I've been on pharma Tirzepatide for 2 months and I just switched to an UGL version from SAF. Seems to be working just the same. I did order a kit from QSC, and I am waiting for that to come in. Still picking up boxes of pharma!a grade to stock as well. I've lost 21lbs so far and now I am looking to start working out again at 48. Was looking to pick up some ipamorelin and tb500 as well. IMHO sema and tir pharma are going to be in short supply because of all the media coverage and tik tok folks. People are already fussing about the coupon not working anymore and the dosage shortages. One side effect I have had is that I don't like to drink alcohol as much.
I heard stories of people who feel fatigue on semaglutide but I usually take b12 sublingually so would that help with mitigating potential side effects of Semaglutide? Also should I split doses into twice or three times a week?
I started my first dose of Semaglutide today and I am really happy I did. Have no adverse side effects and much easier to eat less food. Feel less bloated as well.


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