Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I put my semaglutide vials (powder /unreconstituted) into the freezer thinking that this would preserve it best. But after doing some more research stating that freezing temps can destroy it (but I believe this is only after reconstituted), I reconsidered this and moved my vials into the fridge. Is the semaglutide now destroyed? Or are my vials still efficacious?
I put my semaglutide vials (powder /unreconstituted) into the freezer thinking that this would preserve it best. But after doing some more research stating that freezing temps can destroy it (but I believe this is only after reconstituted), I reconsidered this and moved my vials into the fridge. Is the semaglutide now destroyed? Or are my vials still efficacious?
They are fine in the freezer in powder form
Only when mixed keep them in the fridge.
I put my semaglutide vials (powder /unreconstituted) into the freezer thinking that this would preserve it best. But after doing some more research stating that freezing temps can destroy it (but I believe this is only after reconstituted), I reconsidered this and moved my vials into the fridge. Is the semaglutide now destroyed? Or are my vials still efficacious?
It's fine to freeze them in freeze dried powder form (not reconstituted).
Anyone here had bad side effects like vomiting? I started at 0.5mg for 3 weeks (Yes stupid I know) now I’m just gonna keep at it for 0.25mg and stay there.

Nausea and vomiting are somewhat common side effects for new users as you adjust to the medication. This is a big reason why it's recommended to follow a slow ramp up in dosage. Personally, I've not experienced these types of sides, so I've decided to ramp a bit faster with .25mg every 4-5 days, at least until I get closer to 1mg/week. I also likely will continue to split my weekly dose into 2 injections to help reduce sides and to maintain the hunger suppression for the full week.
Just started optis green top, after trying some thru a peptide company. I did 0.25 at first, but also did 0.25 3 days later. Noticing some reduction in hunger now, will monitor and adjust as needed. Some nausea but manageable.
What sort of dosages are people using when switching from semag to tirzepatide? Switched over a week or so ago and 5mg didn’t really cut it which was alarming! Worked my way up to 2mg of semag which wasn’t really doing the job hence the swap over.
What sort of dosages are people using when switching from semag to tirzepatide? Switched over a week or so ago and 5mg didn’t really cut it which was alarming! Worked my way up to 2mg of semag which wasn’t really doing the job hence the swap over.
Yeah not sure where you live but winter is prime DNP season around here. It’s 40 degrees out and I’m in shorts and flip flops. Plus DNP also affects insulin resistance like Sema and Tirza. I figured winter would be the perfect time to be off the glp-1 drugs and just do a couple weeks of 400mg of DNP.

I finished Sema in November. Probably starting Tirza in March. I’m pretty lean n mean right now. Hopefully these drugs will drop in price over the coming months and years as more options become available. I would love to try pharma grade to see how big the difference is.