Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Hey all, my wife wants to try semaglutide but doesn’t wanna do injectable. I guess unless the oral version just doesn’t work. Is the oral version anywhere near as effective as the injectable?
I had great results with oral sema (Rybelsus brand name) but good luck finding it ugl. If she is t2d she can get it prescribed and with insurance they have a coupon and it’s like $10 month which is how I got it. I was in the lowest dose 3mg and like I said it worked great for me.
I had great results with oral sema (Rybelsus brand name) but good luck finding it ugl. If she is t2d she can get it prescribed and with insurance they have a coupon and it’s like $10 month which is how I got it. I was in the lowest dose 3mg and like I said it worked great for me.
Glad to hear you had good results. I know there are several sources here that have it. Dash, 24PCT, BG, etc. Those are Indian pharma but some still consider that UGL. She’s not diabetic so I doubt insurance would cover it.

you are ok with 200 dollars a month?
If it really works then I would yes. My thought process is I don’t wanna order 5 to 10 vials from QSC if she isn’t going to like it and/or has bad sides from it. So I’ll probably order a pack of 3mgx10 from Dash and if it’s working out and she wants to continue taking it maybe she will consider moving to the injectable. Then that would be more economical.
I know there are several sources here that have it. Dash, BG, etc. Those are Indian pharma but some still consider that UGL. She’s not diabetic so I doubt insurance would cover it.

If it really works then I would yes. My thought process is I don’t wanna order 5 to 10 vials from QSC if she isn’t going to like it and/or has bad sides from it. So I’ll probably order a pack of 3mgx10 from Dash and if it’s working out and she wants to continue taking it maybe she will consider moving to the injectable.
Pinned aminos has it for pretty cheap . I am pretty sure its from QSC.
I had to jump up to 0.5mg semaglutide the first two weeks out the gate. Seeing some appetite suppression now. Hoping I don't have to increase for another few weeks.
So I have to say. I have less sides from mounjaro than semaglutide. The constipation part of sema is annoying as hell. I don't get that on tirazepide
That’s great to read. That kept me from always using liraglutide for longer periods of time and kept me from trying the longer acting GLP-1’s.
I don't feel it as bad this time... I just reached a month if being on it
How much weight have you lost in that month? And how long were you off sema before jumping on tirz? I have enough Ozempic/sema on-hand for about 4 months, will likely take a break before resuming or switching to SQC tirz.
How much weight have you lost in that month? And how long were you off sema before jumping on tirz? I have enough Ozempic/sema on-hand for about 4 months, will likely take a break before resuming or switching to SQC tirz.
3 months.

It's hard to tell. I got off cycle. Peak weight on blast was 237. I only lost 7bs when everything was coming off. I weighed 223 this morning and my stomach feels softer (the fat gets soft before it drops). A few days ago I randomly dropped 4 lbs.

I feel I may have lost 7 lbs of fat
For those with experience with both, did you prefer Semaglutide or terzepitide, and why?

I’ve been running sema and it’s definitely curved hunger but I’m curious if the grass is greener on the other side.
Does anyone have experience with glp-1 agonists and tren?
I have some tirzepatide coming and was thinking about using them together. If memory serves, I've seen discussions about how tren changes how the body utilizes carbs.
Does anyone have experience with glp-1 agonists and tren?
I have some tirzepatide coming and was thinking about using them together. If memory serves, I've seen discussions about how tren changes how the body utilizes carbs.
Don't do keto. All AAS increase insulin sensitivity but glp a increases insulin secretion.

Higher chances of going hypo