Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
No actually because it's cheaper. For cutting I would still use tirzepatide, I even have a kit in my fridge. But for blood glucose control semaglutide is good enough and also a lot cheaper.
Main reason I would use tirazepide over it is cause I don't feel as constipated
Main reason I would use tirazepide over it is cause I don't feel as constipated
I had terrible sulfur bumps on semaglutide 2mg/wk and was chugging pepto bismo to keep them at bay. just a tiny bit of burping with the tirzepatide at 10mg/week. seem like I get a bit more insomnia however on the tirz
Background: Lifelong lifter who was always in good shape but for various reasons in the late 2010s I just let myself go and basically lost all my muscle and put on a massive amount of fat.

Started Pharma semaglutide early in 2021. Over the course of a year lost about 80-100 pounds of fat. Tried up to 2mg a week of semaglutide. I did not see additional benefits in terms of weight and fat loss beyond 1mg. Have also tried tirz recently. Currently on 1mg week pharma prescription semaglutide.

Some observations:
-there is a limit to how much you can lose on semaglutide. It seems as if there is a finite limit to weight loss that you come up against that even raising dosages won’t get past. It’s like you hit another body weight set point or something.
-you can maintain your losses with the standard t2d dosage of semaglutide
-tirz is definitely works when semaglutide stops working.
-to illustrate the above, I lost 80 pounds pretty effortlessly then I hit a wall, upping dosage didn’t help nothing. But I sort can maintain that 80 pound loss on the 1mg a week of semaglutide. I tried tirzepatide 5mg for about a month and lost 10 pounds. As soon as I came off the tirz and went back to semaglutide…gained the 10 right back .

-I am convinced there is some sort of systemic metabolism/fat loss mechanism that is activated by these drugs that hasn’t been identified yet. The kind of weight loss I experienced went beyond just caloric control and caloric deficit.

-there seem to be 2 types of responders to these drugs. One group gets side effects that are just awful and can’t be tolerated and are basically incapable of taking these drugs. The other group responds amazingly well and just doesn’t get the same level of debilitating side effects. It’s either “I can’t take this I’m going to die” or “holy shit this is amazing”

My advice to anyone would be to start with semaglutide and only try tirzepatide when semaglutide stops working.
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-there seem to be 2 types of responders to these drugs. One group gets side effects that are just awful and can’t be tolerated and are basically incapable of taking these drugs. The other group responds amazingly well and just doesn’t get the same level of debilitating side effects. It’s either “I can’t take this I’m going to die” or “holy shit this is amazing”
Great info overall, thanks for sharing. And great job on your weightloss!

On the above point, I follow various sema/tirz subreddits and see these types of posts as well: the type that the weight comes off pretty easily with minimal or no side effects, and the type where the side effects can't be tolerated to the point that people get off of the meds. It would be very interesting to see a study that digs a lot deeper into this comparison to understand their background, diet history, etc. Part of me wonders if the low-responders/severe side effect patients have had such terrible diets and/or lack of activity that their bodies can't easily adjust
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Great info overall, thanks for sharing. And great job on your weightloss!

On the above point, I follow various sema/tirz subreddits and see these types of posts as well: the type that the weight comes off pretty easily with minimal or no side effects, and the type where the side effects can't be tolerated people get off of the meds. It would be very interesting to see a study that digs a lot deeper into this comparison to understand their background, diet history, etc. Part of me wonders if the low-responders/severe side effect patients have had such terrible diets and/or lack of activity that their bodies can't easily adjust
thanks man. It’s actually been one of the most surreal experiences of my life. This all happening over Covid times meant that I basically didn’t see any work colleagues in person for 2 1/2 years. I also went on some cycles and TRT starting midish 2022 and have put on about 20 - 25 pounds of muscle. So to people who haven’t seen me I’m literally a different person. Down ~100 pounds of fat and up ~25 pounds of muscle. I’ve had people not even know it was me when the saw me in person again. I’m physically in the best shape since I was in college. So oddly enough I saw someone that hasn’t seen me in 15 years and they are amazed that I look like I haven’t aged and someone who last saw me in 2019 doesn’t recognize me. Lol

To your second point. My wife tried pharma semaglutide. She saw my success and wanted to try it. She was by no means anywhere near as overweight as I was but she wanted to try to it and see how effective it would be etc. same diet basically, same exercise patterns (we work out together), same macro environment basically…complete death on even the lowest dosage. .25mg. Stomach Pain, reflux, heart palpitations, constipation, nausea, etc…just felt like walking death. Worse than anything she had ever felt before, worse that first trimester morning sickness etc. couldn’t do it. So who knows??? So strange though.
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about done with my course of sema finishing up last month at 2mg. what are some effective ways to come off?
Are you planning to completely stop or to switch to a maintenance dose? The half life of sema is so long (165 hours) that there is no need to taper off if you're stopping completely. The only real "side effect" you'll likely have if you stop cold turkey is that the hunger will return as it leaves your system
I am looking to get lab work done, I'm older so I know my Test will be low, but curious on a cruise dose, is there any water weight or weight gain associated with TRT? I have not read any at this point.
There is some initial water weight gain with trt **assuming you’re starting off with low testosterone levels**. If you had high natural levels then trt wouldn’t necessarily add a bunch of weight the first few weeks. Maybe a little, but not enough to be significant. If your levels are low and all of the sudden you’re on the high end of the range you can definitely experience extra water and glycogen storage the first 2-3 weeks. I’d have to go back over my old logs, but if memory serves my weight shifted a solid 8-10lbs that first month. It was enough that you could tell I had gotten bigger looking very quickly. It normalized after a month or so, but it was definitely something to take into account if you’re losing weight and suddenly see the scale jumping up for a few weeks.
Lol nothing found through this site needs a doc approval comon bro

Are you taking semaglutide/tirzepatide from a UGL, or pharma Ozempic/Mounjaro? If a pharma version, how did you get a prescription approved? I believe those are the questions that were asked, since others may be interested in options on getting an approved prescription?
Are you taking semaglutide/tirzepatide from a UGL, or pharma Ozempic/Mounjaro? If a pharma version, how did you get a prescription approved? I believe those are the questions that were asked, since others may be interested in options on getting an approved prescription?
All depends on the formulary of your health insurance plan.
For example my plan covers ozempic as a t2d medicine so my dr was able to write me a prescription for ozempic that was covered.
Update: I’ve been out of tirze for nearing 3 months. Decided to use my leftover sema. Didn’t notice anything and I was on 2mg sema. Tirze was much more effective. I haven’t lost anything since coming off tirze (not by choice) even with sema. I haven’t gained any weight though. I’m expecting my tirze to finally come in two weeks. My order with QSC seems like it was lost for 2 months and it’s finally headed my way. Can’t wait to get back on tirze.


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