Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Update: I’ve been out of tirze for nearing 3 months. Decided to use my leftover sema. Didn’t notice anything and I was on 2mg sema. Tirze was much more effective. I haven’t lost anything since coming off tirze (not by choice) even with sema. I haven’t gained any weight though. I’m expecting my tirze to finally come in two weeks. My order with QSC seems like it was lost for 2 months and it’s finally headed my way. Can’t wait to get back on tirze.
What will you start back out with for dosage of Tirz if recently on the Sema ?
Update: I’ve been out of tirze for nearing 3 months. Decided to use my leftover sema. Didn’t notice anything and I was on 2mg sema. Tirze was much more effective. I haven’t lost anything since coming off tirze (not by choice) even with sema. I haven’t gained any weight though. I’m expecting my tirze to finally come in two weeks. My order with QSC seems like it was lost for 2 months and it’s finally headed my way. Can’t wait to get back on tirze.
You should take a 3 month break.... You can't bounce between one GLP agonist to another. It's working off the same receptor. Its like a cross tolerance between Vicodin and oxycodone.(speaking from a medical perspective)
You should take a 3 month break.... You can't bounce between one GLP agonist to another. It's working off the same receptor. It’s like a cross tolerance between Vicodin and oxycodone.(speaking from a medical perspective)
That makes sense. I think I’ll try that. Thank you

I started on the sema again only because my tirze was having issues getting here. I was afraid to gain some weight back after reading things in the Facebook and Reddit groups.

I feel better now about taking a break.
That makes sense. I think I’ll try that. Thank you

I started on the sema again only because my tirze was having issues getting here. I was afraid to gain some weight back after reading things in the Facebook and Reddit groups.

I feel better now about taking a break.
If you want to. I would advise a short bulk. Use the hunger to your advantage
I agree with Cridi. Great advice on the bulk while you wait to change meds.

Background: have been on pharma Ozempic and mounjaro plus also both UGL versions. Even tried pharma Victoza

You need a 3 month break between switching medications. They do loose their effectiveness over time. By pharma design? So they can make the next biggest, better drug? Because our body adapts to the over stimulation of the GLP1 ? Who knows but a cycle off helps.
I agree with Cridi. Great advice on the bulk while you wait to change meds.

Background: have been on pharma Ozempic and mounjaro plus also both UGL versions. Even tried pharma Victoza

You need a 3 month break between switching medications. They do loose their effectiveness over time. By pharma design? So they can make the next biggest, better drug? Because our body adapts to the over stimulation of the GLP1 ? Who knows but a cycle off helps.
I believe it's just the bodies ability to adapt to what seems like everything. Even DNP requires an increase about 3 weeks in due to adaptation, and a suggested break after a cycle.
I believe it's just the bodies ability to adapt to what seems like everything. Even DNP requires an increase about 3 weeks in due to adaptation, and a suggested break after a cycle.
Agreed. Defense mechanism. You can only grow so much muscle. You can only loose so much weight. Etc etc
I have been taking L Carnitine with my semaglutide. I started taking 0.25 and then raised it but because of injectable L Carnitine, I still have some appetite suppression after missing my dose for 3 days. Originally I wanted to do this as a cut but I am still losing weight at a slower weight due to adding muscle.

So far, I have been taking semaglutide for a month while being on TRT and I have went from 340 to now 314. I got on TRT and originally recompositioned after health problems that I went through and now I hope to see what I look like at my weight where I was before as I definitely added a lot of muscle.
Do either of these seem to limit strength/performance, other than the obvious drop from simply weighing less? Thinking of how Metformin reduces hypertrophy via mTor, etc. Mostly wondering if it would be useful for a power athlete to utilize when dropping weight classes.
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Has anyone ever bought raw semaglutide powder? I was offered 1g for $1620.
That is a price so cheap as to raise obvious alarm bells. QSC, which as best I can tell is the cheapest place on the planet of Earth to buy this stuff, is ~3.3x more expensive than what you’re being offered. I would be highly skeptical of what you’d be getting for that price.
Instead of going to 1.7 on dosage for Semaglutide, I think I'll continue pin .5 3xs week w my HCG and see if it overlaps well w minimal sides and max effects. I feel like the 1mg split 2xs weekly isnt as effective as where it started, could just be a rough couple of days though. I'm def still in deficit but choices popping up aren't as optimal that I usually never engage in.
What sort of drugs interact with tirz and sema to render them less effective?

I know some drugs mess with blood sugar and I notice glp and Gip have worked better at different points in my life because of the other things I was taking.