Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
For how long the GLP hormone last after you put Bac Water?
I think will degrade after 3 weeks for hgh but I’m not sure for peptides
ozempic is good for 2 months out of the fridge.
This is for the mixed peptide from Jano

How long after dosing Mounjaro do you feel the effects? My first shot was around 8pm yesterday. Dont feel any difference good or bad so im wondering how long until it ‘kicks in’ sorry for stupid question
Dosed Mounjaro 2.5mg first tike trying a GLP
Hmmmm... if you've never taken GLP-1's you definitely should feel less hunger, and more full while eating substantially less.
You dosed 2.5mg at 8pm Thursday, have you noted any less calorie consumption &/or a quicker sated feeling?
If not, then I probably would dose another 2.5 on Saturday or so...
And this is pharmacy tirzepatide???
ozempic is good for 2 months out of the fridge.
This is for the mixed peptide from Jano

Not Ozempic, which is in pens
Semaglutide, how long will last a vial after adding Bac water, for what I know hgh and even Botox a vial should be used within 3 weeks
Hmmmm... if you've never taken GLP-1's you definitely should feel less hunger, and more full while eating substantially less.
You dosed 2.5mg at 8pm Thursday, have you noted any less calorie consumption &/or a quicker sated feeling?
If not, then I probably would dose another 2.5 on Saturday or so...
And this is pharmacy tirzepatide???
Ye its mounjaro from elli lilly
Im about 26 hours fasted. Gonna eat soon to gage how full i feel
.25 kicked my ass 24hrs in, and maintained pretty much until I upped it to .5, it was less dramatic at .5 until I hit 1.0 and 1.5 recently. Now I eat like a fucking bird.
thats Ozempic. Im on Mounjaro
Ye its mounjaro from elli lilly
Im about 26 hours fasted. Gonna eat soon to gage how full i feel

thats Ozempic. Im on Mounjaro
Everyone responds differently I've learned to everything. Example, I had to start out at 0.5 semaglutide for any suppression. 3 weeks in, I'm already having to go up again.

Keep that in mind, if you feel little or minimal results go higher one week.
Dosed Mounjaro 2.5mg first tike trying a GLP
I started Tirzepatide 10 days ago but I remember being very surprised how fast it started working. I dose in the evening and first following day my appetite was significantly suppressed. But I started with 5mg since I did semaglutide 6 months ago.

I’m liking the Tirza much better. It’s far more effective at appetite suppression for me. I really hate getting super cold all the time though.
Im back on my ECA stack. Im roughly 250lb @ 25-30% bf.

Never done any injectibles, but I've been reading a lot about semiglutide and was curious if it's fine with stacking or is it better to just finish cycle of ECA and then switch over to semiglutide? Main thing for me is the appetite suppressor, but not sure if any other benefits from semi.
Im back on my ECA stack. Im roughly 250lb @ 25-30% bf.

Never done any injectibles, but I've been reading a lot about semiglutide and was curious if it's fine with stacking or is it better to just finish cycle of ECA and then switch over to semiglutide? Main thing for me is the appetite suppressor, but not sure if any other benefits from semi.
It'd be a great stack
Does GLP race your heart rate? I started Semaglutide, me and my friend, we both noticed that after increasing doses our resting heart rate increased, I switched to QSC TIRZEPATIDE, started yesterday at 2.5mg, my heart rate also increased, before starting these drugs my resting heart rate was around 52 to 54, now is at 70 which is a huge jump, I’m not currently on any other drugs
Would love to hear more abt this from anyone, we both have the same issue, isn’t like only 1 person had this, 2 of us are having this
Yes, it does for most people. According to the studies, 1-3 points above normal.
How is the GBR tirz treating you?
Alright, I'm here to give my update on GBullRaw's Tirzepatide

I started week one @ 2.5mg, and then I pinned 5mg yesterday, at day 5 of the first week, as you can do that.

No side effects so far thankfully. In comparison with the other glp-agonist Liraglutide, it's night and day. Liraglutide used to cause me extreme constipation, none so far with Tirzepatide, and when I went above 0.6mg on Saxenda, I got this weird bodyload feeling, and extreme malaise.

In terms of efficacy, it's the best appetite curbing compound I've ever tried. I have experience with Sibutramine, Liraglutide, ECA stack, Vyvanse, Adderall, and Dextroamphetamine.

I'm also on Dnp, 200mg 3 days, and 2 days on 400mg so far, and if you guys know Dnp, the hunger is worse than Ghrp-6, and you want to swallow everything in sight. And I haven't felt hungry once so far. Amazing stuff.

The feeling is very subtle, it's like complete control over your diet, I eat only to meet the macros I set my goal on, and I don't have cravings to eat 3 tablespoons of peanut butter as an example, like I previously did lol.

rating so far, 10/10.