Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Can you add any more detail here? Would love to hear what an endo has to say about this. Been on sema for 2 weeks now but have not seen this yet. About to switch over to tirzepatide because the heartburn is no joke for me on sema. 3AM acid wakeup call is too much for me. And not the LSD kind. Waiting for mine to arrive. All these meds are like making a wish with a monkeys paw. Anyone remember the movie Bedazzled? Just like that. loose weight but no pee pee for you. o_O
Lol at monkey paw. So, i have a fuck load of stress plus serious cal deficit and overtraining. My shits fine, but I'll say I got comically ill after posting that, like destroyed a womens bathroom bc it was the only thing close. That was day 10 off sema, i decided to bite the bullet and see if it was that or the hcg or stress after a long shitty talk w wife. And sure as shit, boneski is fine. I also have had a sinus infection and cold and think randomly my body was just shutting off or the hcg fucked my e2 and I'll know more.tomorrow, all that aside id say when I go off, itll be a long taper bc that vomitting the other dya was no joke. Also, when my wife hops on or.if I do in the future, itll be tirz. The sema side effects were actually hyperminimal for me until I decided to drop it.cold turkey. Some acid shit but was managed w prevacid, however, now since stopping and restarting after 10 days, the se profile is hitting me much harder in regards to acid, but my dick works so fknay thats a win. I think endo may have been goi g off what he knows bc tbh i cannot be fully truthful about the hcg hgh sema, i only see him for test and overall health so hes not one to.want to opine on other shit.
Lol at monkey paw. So, i have a fuck load of stress plus serious cal deficit and overtraining. My shits fine, but I'll say I got comically ill after posting that, like destroyed a womens bathroom bc it was the only thing close. That was day 10 off sema, i decided to bite the bullet and see if it was that or the hcg or stress after a long shitty talk w wife. And sure as shit, boneski is fine. I also have had a sinus infection and cold and think randomly my body was just shutting off or the hcg fucked my e2 and I'll know more.tomorrow, all that aside id say when I go off, itll be a long taper bc that vomitting the other dya was no joke. Also, when my wife hops on or.if I do in the future, itll be tirz. The sema side effects were actually hyperminimal for me until I decided to drop it.cold turkey. Some acid shit but was managed w prevacid, however, now since stopping and restarting after 10 days, the se profile is hitting me much harder in regards to acid, but my dick works so fknay thats a win. I think endo may have been goi g off what he knows bc tbh i cannot be fully truthful about the hcg hgh sema, i only see him for test and overall health so hes not one to.want to opine on other shit.
Thanks for the update. Sema has a half life of 1 week so it will remain in your system for a bit even though you stopped taking it so it makes sens that you are getting more side effects even after missing a dose. Just got my tirz today so hopefully less sides. I get zero sides from sema except for the acid and that only happens at night. strange...
And burps. Got some extra burps but that doesn't bother me much.
I should add, I am currently at 750mcg per week on sema and take 500mg of berberine with any meal. Since tirz affects insulin/glucose levels, I will probably drop the berberine and see how it goes without it.
Anyone know if there are any others worth looking into besides sema and tirz?
What source is everyone using for their Tirz/Sema? Non-pharma branded. I ordered from SAF and honestly their Tirz is nowhere near as effective as brand pharma grade Mounjaro. I have some pinnedaminos Sema and an order from a chinese supplier coming. I am looking for better Chinese sources or experiences from QSC or GodBullRaw

So the SAF is weaksauce huh? Definitely not giving me any appetite suppression after the first two doses. DAMNITALL CXCC hopefully to the rescue ✌

SAF is either SEVERELY under-dosed or a bunk for sure. What is CXCC?
I'll add my experience here. SAF is either incredibly underdosed or I am one of the unfortunate few non-responders to tirzepatide. I went through 3 weeks at 2.5mg/wk with little to no effect and tried 5mg this past sunday and still feels like nothing.

I know I respond to GLP-1's incredibly well. I had a rx pin of liraglutide that I used last year to incredible effect. Half the recommended starting dose was plenty. But I get nearly zero appetite suppression from the SAF product. Wasn't cheap but I'm almost ready to toss the 3 remaining vials.
I’m right there with you, I’ve done 9 pins of the SAF 2.5mg, all inside of 20 total days. Still don’t feel shit, still no scale movement. Quite the fucking joke so far, I’ll probably request a refund soon. I noticed my first 3 vials had white caps, and my other/newer 2 have black caps. I’ll report back if I notice any difference. My QSC and CXC orders are both on the way too so I’ll keep everyone posted.
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I’m right there with you, I’ve done 9 pins of the SAF 2.5mg, all inside of 20 total days. Still don’t feel shit, still no scale movement. Quite the fucking joke so far, I’ll probably request a refund soon. I noticed my first 3 vials had white caps, and my other/newer 2 have black caps. I’ll report back if I notice any difference. My QSC and CXC orders are both on the way too so I’ll keep everyone posted.
Yeah I have a qsc order coming as well. I’ll shift to that (or start that) once I receive it.
I doubt that there is any non-responder at all. It's very likely underdosed or just crap
And that's why I began my next paragraph mentioning that liraglutide worked extremely well for me. To underscore that the SAF product is likley just bunk. Maybe I should have followed up the next sentence instead.
I started qsc tizapertide las week at 2.5mg, it worked great at that low dose compared to Sema, I was on Sema for a month, yesterday I decided to do a low .5mg of Sema with 2.5mg of tizapertide, so far this is the best combo compared to Tizapertide alone, they both made me feel full for 1 day, no appetite, with very minimal sides, if this works I’ll stick with the dose, in 5 weeks I’ve loss all the body weight I wasn’t able to for almost a year, no cardio or diet was able to do this, used to do cardio for 1 hour daily, fasting, eating 1,200 calories and no results till I started this, to me it really changed my life
Yos - is your qsc tirz a recent order ?
Can anyone comment on potential degradation if it's been in transit for almost 2 months and may be for another month+ eta unknown ? Ordered last week of Dec. Was told Jan 31 it shipped ' a long time ago ' and no arrival date or tracking. Assuming it takes another a month should I still use it given I don't know the temp conditions its been shipped in ?
Yos - is your qsc tirz a recent order ?
Can anyone comment on potential degradation if it's been in transit for almost 2 months and may be for another month+ eta unknown ? Ordered last week of Dec. Was told Jan 31 it shipped ' a long time ago ' and no arrival date or tracking. Assuming it takes another a month should I still use it given I don't know the temp conditions its been shipped in ?
Doesn’t matter before it’s reconstituted only after. It’ll be fine
Yos - is your qsc tirz a recent order ?
Can anyone comment on potential degradation if it's been in transit for almost 2 months and may be for another month+ eta unknown ? Ordered last week of Dec. Was told Jan 31 it shipped ' a long time ago ' and no arrival date or tracking. Assuming it takes another a month should I still use it given I don't know the temp conditions its been shipped in ?
sorry to hear, mine came quick, you don’t need to worry about degradation, also is cool weather now
Huge difference for me personally, and 2.5mg is the loading dose, not the therapeutic dose based on the studies.

You can take the 5mg as early as 3 days before you next dose, that's what I did.

I actually feel messed up rn fellas. The 5mg is wayy too strong and it's making food disgusting for me. It even changed my tastebuds.

Also small tip, I pop pepacid, gasx and quercetin for allergies daily. Recommend those.
Glad to hear (5mg) At this point after two 2.5mg doses 6 days apart my hunger is only curbed to about 5pm. Last night pigged out a big at dinner so I wasnt getting the "you get full fast" effect. Next dose will be 2.5mg. I actually want to have your "food is disgusting" feeling lol
Glad to hear (5mg) At this point after two 2.5mg doses 6 days apart my hunger is only curbed to about 5pm. Last night pigged out a big at dinner so I wasnt getting the "you get full fast" effect. Next dose will be 2.5mg. I actually want to have your "food is disgusting" feeling lol
Dude be very careful what you wish for, last 2 weeks I was like 1 egg, 1 bacon, 1 piece of toast for bfast if I was lucky. I actually ahd nightmares about not being able to gain and going Stephen King Thinner style. I backed way the fuck off of the sema. Now its somewhat normal, but yeah the 2 pieces of sushi and feeling full/sick shit was a bit much
Dude be very careful what you wish for, last 2 weeks I was like 1 egg, 1 bacon, 1 piece of toast for bfast if I was lucky. I actually ahd nightmares about not being able to gain and going Stephen King Thinner style. I backed way the fuck off of the sema. Now its somewhat normal, but yeah the 2 pieces of sushi and feeling full/sick shit was a bit much
what was your dosing protocol?
Dude be very careful what you wish for, last 2 weeks I was like 1 egg, 1 bacon, 1 piece of toast for bfast if I was lucky. I actually ahd nightmares about not being able to gain and going Stephen King Thinner style. I backed way the fuck off of the sema. Now its somewhat normal, but yeah the 2 pieces of sushi and feeling full/sick shit was a bit much
And you didnt get anything close to that on 2.5mg? Only when you hit 5?
I seem to be having a different experience than some of y’all. On week 4 of SAF’s tirz at 2.5mg/week.

Have definitely felt reduced hunger, cravings, and general appetite or desire for food and I’m down 11 pounds. (203-192). It doesn’t take a lot to feel satiated at all. Sides are Minor burps and heartburn and reduced bowel movements, but that’s ok because my digestion was way too active previously.

Fasted twice this last week for Lent, I don’t think I could have done that before. Only on regular TRT protocol and no major exercise/diet changes either.

Has anyone who had success at 2.5mg/wk of tirz just stayed there instead of jumping up?