Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
The table I mentioned compared 95 on semaglutide to 45 placebo. The semaglutide group lost much more fat (8.36 vs 1.37) but also more absolute lean mass (5.26 vs 1.83).
According to that, the % of weight lost that was lean mass was 38%. Now, I’m certain some of the lean mass was water, but no way to know how much for certain.

But none of these were people also on aas I would assume which would basically make that irrelevant to those who are and using semaglutide.
But none of these were people also on aas I would assume which would basically make that irrelevant to those who are and using semaglutide.
Oh I’m not claiming that group is an ideal set of people to compare for us. In fact, I’m not even sure if they were on any kind of weight training regimen. If not, then the mere implementation of that would further skew the weight loss to a greater % of fat mass lost. And I’m definitely of the opinion that aas use makes loss of actual muscle (not just water) essentially a non-issue.

Some guys asked a page or so back about the body composition data from the studies of semaglutide. So I posted what I had found a couple weeks ago.
But none of these were people also on aas I would assume which would basically make that irrelevant to those who are and using semaglutide.
The better question is were these people eating a diet high in protein? Because I know plenty of fat people and they eat a lot but mostly crappy food (high carb, high fat, mostly less or moderate protein). Now imagine these people take semaglutide or tirzepatide and dont have much hunger anymore. But their eating habits still remain the same, they just eat less. So instead of 10 pizzas they eat 2 now and lose a lot of weight. So they still get a lot of carbs and fat in but kinda low protein.

If they dont specifically bring it up in that study that they aimed for a high protein diet, then it's a fair assumption to make that they had the worst diet possible to lose weight while trying to keep as much muscle as possible. Also they didnt train like we do, maybe they did some cardio, some slow walking or whatever but still you can not compare that.
The table I mentioned compared 95 on semaglutide to 45 placebo. The semaglutide group lost much more fat (8.36 vs 1.37) but also more absolute lean mass (5.26 vs 1.83).
According to that, the % of weight lost that was lean mass was 38%. Now, I’m certain some of the lean mass was water, but no way to know how much for certain.
For a study that doesn't mention weight training or exercise to me that is still ideal. The other group had more lean mass loss than fat loss .

There is something out there with a group that did exercise that did retain alot of their muscle but I can't find it .

But to me, this is still an improvement of overall body composition. Their bodyfat percentage still went down
For a study that doesn't mention weight training or exercise to me that is still ideal. The other group had more lean mass loss than fat loss .

There is something out there with a group that did exercise that did retain alot of their muscle but I can't find it .

But to me, this is still an improvement of overall body composition. Their bodyfat percentage still went down
Do you ever go hypo on this stuff?
And is there a mechanism that causes the weight loss or is it strictly just the appetite suppression?
Do you ever go hypo on this stuff?
And is there a mechanism that causes the weight loss or is it strictly just the appetite suppression?
the first time I was on metformin on HGH and I started sema. I definitely felt it.

its always calories in vs calories out. I dont think there is any metabolic increase though.

The drug does prevents de novo lipogenesis and fat deposits.

always more research coming out.
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Habe you tried once per week dosing for the semaglutide? You should try once per week. I think it's better.

How many carbs are you eating? Do you test your blood sugar? You should test your blood sugar (buy a glucose monitor). If you have very good blood sugar numbers, then I wouldn't take metformin unless you want it for anti aging benefits.

I've always been doing twice per week based on user accounts in this thread, I'll probably finish my current cycle that way but I'm open to trying one per week next cycle. I do find after 3.5 days the suppression isn't as strong but given the 165hr half life I'm wondering if that's more in my head than anything.

I'll probalby be challenged on this, my maintenance calories is only 2200 baseed on RMR testing when I was 30lbs heavier, so it's probably a touch lower now. I eat 100-125g of carbs daily and I find that keeps me from going hypo - a problem I had twice early on using semaglutide.

I don't test blood sugar but I've been looking at monitors on Amazon the last couple nights. Do you have one you'd recommend or are they all more or less the same?
Weird it still shows (in stock) for me, of course I am in the US.
For a study that doesn't mention weight training or exercise to me that is still ideal. The other group had more lean mass loss than fat loss .
Oh, agreed. I guess my message seemed to be implying something negative about the glp-1 drugs. Definitely was not my intent if that's how it came across. When you try to get really unhealthy, sedentary people to lose weight you're taking whatever you can get.
There is something out there with a group that did exercise that did retain alot of their muscle but I can't find it .

But to me, this is still an improvement of overall body composition. Their bodyfat percentage still went down
Agreed. It does seem like a large lean mass loss at first glance, but I would strongly suspect that a great deal of it is water. And I do believe we need to assume they're not weight training and maybe not even exercising at all. So an improvement of nearly 30 pounds lost on average (compared to placebo of 6 pounds) is pretty incredible.
Here is my type up for dosing instructions for UGL vials.

Would be nice to have input.

There may be hyperlinks for studies/recommendations for meds. I am not recommending or endorsing any particular source. this is just to help other users.

I have used this on 10 users. 7 of them were women.

Ancillaries to have on hand:
Famotidine - every 12 hours Acid reflux control. (Amazon Brand). Costco also has this for dirt cheap.
I do not advise Proton pump inhibitors(omeprazole, lanosprozole, pantoprozole) as medical data shows us some of the long term issues… Also drug to drug interactions.
Pepto-Bismol- great for sulfur(egg) burps. Might make stool black, if it turns black, it does not mean you have internal bleeding.
Tums - Short term acid reflux control. I prefer (this formulation) of it. Costco brand one gives me a metallic taste I do not like.
Simethicone - great for gas pain/ clearance. little to no toxicity profile. You really cannot OD on this. (Amazon Brand)

Metformin has been shown to help boost the effects of the weight loss. Unsure of how to incorporate this in. Maybe when the drug stalls out or to make smaller doses more effective. (from Ttran1485)
Addition of metformin to exogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 results in increased serum glucagon-like peptide-1 concentrations and greater glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Laxatives- Keep MiraLAX, senna, or bisacodyl on hand.
General sides with Semaglutide
-Heart burn
-Fatigue(unsure if it’s the calorie deficit causing this)
Some little tips:
This is great to combine for BG control for HGH.
Increase hydration to promote bowel movements
Keep a laxative on hand to make sure you do not get backed up.

Jano has done a stability test on the semaglutide and no degradation after 2 weeks in the fridge from QSC vials. I am assuming this applies to all generic. Click here for Jano degradation trial

You do not need to increase the dose if you are unable to tolerate the sides or if the appetite suppression is adequate.
weight loss has been shown to stall around 4 months. Might be ideal to titrate off and take a break for 3-4 months. Or could try to incorporate metformin to make it stronger.

One other alternative to dosing is to dose every 4-5 days(use inject half of target weekly dose). This can help maintain peak drug concentrations. You can also create more subtle increases and titrate on the way you feel

Ozempic(Semaglutide) dosing brochure. Click here
Place 2 ML in the 4mg vial
0.25mg weekly x 4 weeks. (13 units on the syringe)
0.5mg weekly x 4 weeks (25 units)
1mg weekly x 4 weeks (50 units)
1.5mg weekly x 4 weeks (75 units)
2mg weekly x 4 weeks (100 units)
2.4mg weekly ongoing (120 units/1.2ml)

My preferred dosing is used with 1 ml. this is what I have used on other people
0.4mg weekly x 4 weeks(10 units on the syringe)
0.6mg weekly x 4 weeks (15 units on the syringe)
1mg weekly x 4 weeks(25 units on the syringe)
1.5mg weekly x 4 weeks (38 units on the syringe)
2mg weekly x 4 (50 units on the syringe) When I get to this point I mix 2 vials and combine them into 1.
2.4 mg weekly ongoing(60 units on the syringe)
should've used this dosing schedule. I started 0.5 mg Sunday and Wednesday now its Friday night and I have no motivation to do anything lol. Gonna wait till next Wednesday and start back at 0.25 weekly and ramp up slowly. I got plenty of this stuff and not in a hurry I do like the feeling of being full I just didn't realize the effect overdosing would have on dopamine. Good stuff otherwise
Does semaglutide have any application when on a gaining phase? Like I wonder if there is a dose where you get the benefits of increased insulin sensitivity without killing hunger?

I will probably only use it during mini cuts however.
Does semaglutide have any application when on a gaining phase? Like I wonder if there is a dose where you get the benefits of increased insulin sensitivity without killing hunger?

I will probably only use it during mini cuts however.
Recomp. Possibly low dose at 0.5mg a week.

I would rather advise for metformin on a bulk
Hello there! New user but went through 78 pages in a week, quite a reading!:-D
very useful info!
I am an "abnormal" 38yo male as I do sport every day (padel, walking and 2x times a week weights training) but I have a considerable amount of extra fat (1.73m x 113kg) to lose. Full obesity, due to huge cravings for food. Not junk food tho: I am obese because I eat big quantities of healthy food. Well, in fact I don't even feel they are big quantities: if I eat "normally", I get weight. If I starve myself, finally I lose weight(just to take it back as soon as I stop the diet).
It seems to be that my brain and body really don't work properly into signaling satiety.
For all these reasons, I have big hopes for the semaglutide which I bought from Deus Medical (only now I know that it would be way cheaper with QSC..)
I would love to live for a while without constantly thinking and craving food.