Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Hello there! New user but went through 78 pages in a week, quite a reading!:-D
very useful info!
I am an "abnormal" 38yo male as I do sport every day (padel, walking and 2x times a week weights training) but I have a considerable amount of extra fat (1.73m x 113kg) to lose. Full obesity, due to huge cravings for food. Not junk food tho: I am obese because I eat big quantities of healthy food. Well, in fact I don't even feel they are big quantities: if I eat "normally", I get weight. If I starve myself, finally I lose weight(just to take it back as soon as I stop the diet).
It seems to be that my brain and body really don't work properly into signaling satiety.
For all these reasons, I have big hopes for the semaglutide which I bought from Deus Medical (only now I know that it would be way cheaper with QSC..)
I would love to live for a while without constantly thinking and craving food.

I lost my purpose to work out and then altogether stopped going to the gym, and then really let myself go after having a kid. Then covid hit and everything went downhill. my activity level dropped to nothing as I worked from home and played with my newborn but I still drank all the same beer and ate the same amount of food. You're actually not far off from where I started after lockdown lifted (1.8m, 123Kg). I'd offer two points of advice that were eye opening for me.

1. You're probably not eating food that's as healthy as you think you are. Spend $10 and buy a kitchen scale on Amazon, download LoseIt app and log EVERYTHING you eat. This will be eye opening.

2. Pay for RMR testing. I used PNOE at my TRT clinic. I figured my maintenance kcal was around 3000 and after I dropped 20lbs and plateaued hard for months, I learned my maintence was only about 2200, similar to a woman half my size. I long suspected my metabolism was fucked so having evidence of that helped me out. I soon significantly dropped calories and the weight loss resumed.

Best of luck, you can definitely do this if you really want it!
I lost my purpose to work out and then altogether stopped going to the gym, and then really let myself go after having a kid. Then covid hit and everything went downhill. my activity level dropped to nothing as I worked from home and played with my newborn but I still drank all the same beer and ate the same amount of food. You're actually not far off from where I started after lockdown lifted (1.8m, 123Kg). I'd offer two points of advice that were eye opening for me.

1. You're probably not eating food that's as healthy as you think you are. Spend $10 and buy a kitchen scale on Amazon, download LoseIt app and log EVERYTHING you eat. This will be eye opening.

2. Pay for RMR testing. I used PNOE at my TRT clinic. I figured my maintenance kcal was around 3000 and after I dropped 20lbs and plateaued hard for months, I learned my maintence was only about 2200, similar to a woman half my size. I long suspected my metabolism was fucked so having evidence of that helped me out. I soon significantly dropped calories and the weight loss resumed.

Best of luck, you can definitely do this if you really want it!
I something about that doesn't seem right.

I am 5'10(same height) at 214 lbs.

My bmr on the calculator is 2194. That's me not doing jack shit.

How many days do you workout/lift?
Hello there! New user but went through 78 pages in a week, quite a reading!:-D
very useful info!
I am an "abnormal" 38yo male as I do sport every day (padel, walking and 2x times a week weights training) but I have a considerable amount of extra fat (1.73m x 113kg) to lose. Full obesity, due to huge cravings for food. Not junk food tho: I am obese because I eat big quantities of healthy food. Well, in fact I don't even feel they are big quantities: if I eat "normally", I get weight. If I starve myself, finally I lose weight(just to take it back as soon as I stop the diet).
It seems to be that my brain and body really don't work properly into signaling satiety.
For all these reasons, I have big hopes for the semaglutide which I bought from Deus Medical (only now I know that it would be way cheaper with QSC..)
I would love to live for a while without constantly thinking and craving food.
The only problem with using this is unless you address the large amount of food you eat, you have a chance to regain after cessation of whatever glp you use. If you have been stable at your current weight and not gaining, you will have to adjust calories intake after weight loss but might be alright.

I definitely think it's worth a try. While I've had to increase my semaglutide dose fast, it does work.
I lost my purpose to work out and then altogether stopped going to the gym, and then really let myself go after having a kid. Then covid hit and everything went downhill. my activity level dropped to nothing as I worked from home and played with my newborn but I still drank all the same beer and ate the same amount of food. You're actually not far off from where I started after lockdown lifted (1.8m, 123Kg). I'd offer two points of advice that were eye opening for me.

1. You're probably not eating food that's as healthy as you think you are. Spend $10 and buy a kitchen scale on Amazon, download LoseIt app and log EVERYTHING you eat. This will be eye opening.

2. Pay for RMR testing. I used PNOE at my TRT clinic. I figured my maintenance kcal was around 3000 and after I dropped 20lbs and plateaued hard for months, I learned my maintence was only about 2200, similar to a woman half my size. I long suspected my metabolism was fucked so having evidence of that helped me out. I soon significantly dropped calories and the weight loss resumed.

Best of luck, you can definitely do this if you really want it!
Thank you very much for your reply <3
I will weight and log what I eat, nice app! . I don't eat always and only healthy food (for example too much cheese some days) but what I was trying to say is that it is not an obesity due to fries hot dogs and cookies, more of "a lot of bread, meat, cheese, vegetables". And so, the main problem seems to be the weight of the eaten foods, not the quality.
2. Never heard of those test, I'll see where I can do them! I suppose my metabolism is not that bad, when dieting on 1500kcal I am able to lose weight. The issue is that I feel "full" when eating 3000kcal probably so, besides the diets (did them several times, they all worked) my issue is that I cannot keep the new weight. I have the force of will to do 6 months of diet and lose weight, but I don't have the force of will to continue restricted eating for years and years. Don't even know if my body will ever accept a weight different from the actual :D

So, as another user mentioned, semaglutide will probably work but the issue will be keeping the new body shape. My line of reasoning is: until now I always spent all my concentration and will in doing the diet; when diet ended, I did not have any residual concentration to eat like "on diet but a little more" for months/years,to stabilize the weight.
Now with sema I hope to lose weight without any suffer or stress, so that I could put my focus on the "keep you current weight" food regime.
Hope it makes sense :D
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Thank you very much for your reply <3
I will weight and log what I eat, nice app! . I don't eat always and only healthy food (for example too much cheese some days) but what I was trying to say is that it is not an obesity due to fries hot dogs and cookies, more of "a lot of bread, meat, cheese, vegetables". And so, the main problem seems to be the weight of the eaten foods, not the quality.
2. Never heard of those test, I'll see where I can do them! I suppose my metabolism is not that bad, when dieting on 1500kcal I am able to lose weight. The issue is that I feel "full" when eating 3000kcal probably so, besides the diets (did them several times, they all worked) my issue is that I cannot keep the new weight. I have the force of will to do 6 months of diet and lose weight, but I don't have the force of will to continue restricted eating for years and years. Don't even know if my body will ever accept a weight different from the actual :D

So, as another user mentioned, semaglutide will probably work but the issue will be keeping the new body shape. My line of reasoning is: until now I always spent all my concentration and will in doing the diet; when diet ended, I did not have any residual concentration to eat like "on diet but a little more" for months/years,to stabilize the weight.
Now with sema I hope to lose weight without any suffer or stress, so that I could put my focus on the "keep you current weight" food regime.
Hope it makes sense :D

Semaglutide is something you can stay in permanently. That’s what it’s for for the people who actually medically need it. Once you achieve your goal weight you can just drop down to a maintenance dose to help you maintain that weight. @Cridi887 has posted a lot of great information in this thread if you take the time to go back through and read it and so have others as well. But I consider him probably the most knowledgeable resource on this forum about semaglutide and tirzepatide.
Semaglutide is something you can stay in permanently. That’s what it’s for for the people who actually medically need it. Once you achieve your goal weight you can just drop down to a maintenance dose to help you maintain that weight. @Cridi887 has posted a lot of great information in this thread if you take the time to go back through and read it and so have others as well. But I consider him probably the most knowledgeable resource on this forum about semaglutide and tirzepatide.
I read all the info, but it seems that after 3-4 months the appetite loss effect fade away. Some people are cycling it 3 months / 3 months, isn't a better option if I manage to not take back weight during the 3 months off?
yep, I need to check my force of will in those 3 months off...but first of all I need to get the drug, check that the negative effects are manageable, and check that the appetite suppressant effect is here :-D
those 10-15 days of waiting will be looooong :-/
yep, I need to check my force of will in those 3 months off...but first of all I need to get the drug, check that the negative effects are manageable, and check that the appetite suppressant effect is here :-D
those 10-15 days of waiting will be looooong :-/

Just fyi .25mg and .50mg didn’t do anything for me for appetite suppression like it does for some people. So I went from .5mg once a week to .5mg twice a week and it basically killed my appetite altogether. I literally have to make sure I eat so that I’m getting my calories and macros for the day and usually that’s a chore now even on a low deficit cut. I get no side effects from it at all except some mild constipation sometimes but I would definitely start slow and work up your dose to what works for you.
Been on tirz for about 4 months. Planning a blast soon. My first. Do most recommend dropping the glp while blasting maybe add it back on a cruise. There’s no way I’ll get enough calories staying on imo. Am I on the right track here
Been on tirz for about 4 months. Planning a blast soon. My first. Do most recommend dropping the glp while blasting maybe add it back on a cruise. There’s no way I’ll get enough calories staying on imo. Am I on the right track here
Keep GLP until start of 2nd week of blast imo lol. Control appetite as much as you can
Kinda interesting. Been on sema about 2 months now, up to 1mg per week. Just had A1C and a few other things Checked thru my employer.

A1c is the exact same as it was 4 months ago before I started semaglutide. My triglycerides did drop a lot with little change in my diet. I always thought semaglutide would lower a1c while on it.
Kinda interesting. Been on sema about 2 months now, up to 1mg per week. Just had A1C and a few other things Checked thru my employer.

A1c is the exact same as it was 4 months ago before I started semaglutide. My triglycerides did drop a lot with little change in my diet. I always thought semaglutide would lower a1c while on it.
I think it depends on how out of range your a1c is for it to improve it.

Your body would auto regulate glucose and make up for the increased insulin secretion
My question is, if it slows digestion does it prolong the insulin spike that comes with eating. My last meal is usually 7pm, when I take my HGH dose at 6am I’m still full from the night before surely the insulin spike has passed right?


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